Part 24***

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You noticed Bucky giving you those predatory bedroom eyes. You've seen them before and you're seeing it now. Every time you took a sip of your wine or took a bite of your food, his eyes were on you. Halfway through dinner, you decided to feed into it.

You would "accidently" let some wine dribble down your chin, neck, and chest. You'd slowly pull your utensils from your mouth after each bite. But, you think, was the final nail, was your feet running up and down his legs. When you caught sight of the clenching of his jaw, you knew you got him.

"You're playing a dangerous game, sweetheart," Bucky says lowly as he leans onto the table. His words are so low and husky, one may think he's growling.

You shoot him an innocent grin and take another sip of wine, "I don't know what you're talking about, James." that got a deep moan from him. He loved when you called him James when things got hot and heavy.

Your cleaned plates were picked up from your waiter and when asked if you'd be having dessert, Bucky immediately said, "No. I think we'll have dessert somewhere else, thank you." his striking blue eyes set on you as you smirk at him.

Once the bill was paid, Bucky dragged you to the car. Speeding to his apartment as fast as he could. Still feigning innocence, you set a hand high on his thigh, squeezing it, you asked, "What's wrong, Bucky? In a hurry for something?"

You see him smirk and he glances your way. Five words that shivered up your spine and had you wet and ready, "You're gonna get it, doll."

His car was parked and you scurried into the elevator. Once the doors closed shut, his hands and lips were on you. He pulled you in for a desperate, fervent kiss, mumbling out, "So much for going slow."

You chuckled, "You've proved to me that I'm your priority. That you love and care for me. I'm ready, Bucky."

Bucky steps back allowing some air between you two, but hands still on your waist, "You sure? Because, we really don't have to do this. I can wait."

You shook your head, tugging onto the lapels of his jacket, "I didn't have you for a year. I don't wanna wait anymore."

You lean in for a kiss, but Bucky pulls back, "Y/N, are you absolutely sure?"

You nod, "One hundred percent."

With a ding, you were on Bucky's floor and he led you to his apartment door. He pulled out his keys and you leaned against the wall as he opened the door. It swung open with ease and he held out a hand to you, "You comin'?"

You smirk as you push off the wall, "Not yet I'm not." you rush into his place, Bucky chasing after you after he slams the door shut with his foot.

You both rush to his bedroom and immediately start tearing each other's clothes off. Quick, passionate kisses in between each garment as hey went flying.

"Damn, I missed you," Bucky mumbles against your lips before pushing you back onto his bed and sliding down your panties. He tossed them over his shoulder which made you giggle. Bucky's heart soared. He really did miss this and you and being unbelievably intimate and happy with you.

After pushing Bucky's slacks and underwear down, your legs hooked around him pulling him closer to you. His fully erect cock barely grazing your aching core.

You sit up and press kisses to Bucky's bare torso. His arms stay limp at his sides as he closes his eyes, relishing in the touch of your lips against his skin. Every kiss leaves a burning fire in its wake. He wants you now, but he controls himself. He wants to get re-acquainted to your touch. How you feel against him, with him, around him. It feels like it's been years since he's been without you this way. Again, he scolds himself for ruining the best thing that's ever happened to him.

"Hey," you mumble. He feels your hand touch his cheek and he opens his eyes, "What's wrong?" your face is laced with worry.

Bucky shakes his head, taking hold of your hand, "Nothing. Just a moment of insecurity. It's fine." He bends down to kiss you, but you move back.

"Are you sure?"

He nods, "Yeah, doll," he presses a soft kiss to your lips. He lowers you slowly onto the bed. Your legs hook around him tighter and he lets out a gasp as his tip grazes your slit. He apologizes, "Sorry, it's just-"

"I know. Same." he softly smiles down at you, happy to know that you both haven't engaged in any sexual activities during your separation. He leans down and presses kisses to your jaw and neck. You immediately turn into a puddle for him.

Your hands roam his back and shoulders, occasionally nails grazing against his skin when he nibbles and bites at you. You're already wet and wanting for him. You can't wait any longer.

"Bucky, please," you whisper out a desperate whine.

His head hovers above yours. His blue eyes staring into your e/c ones, "I got you, baby doll." He takes his cock and slides it along your slit, collecting your juices. Once he believes he's thoroughly lubricated, he gently pushes inside you. You both let out a moan and gasp, forgetting how heavenly each other feels.

Bucky's thrusts are slow, but hard. You can feel the desperation coming off him. He wants this. He wants you. His hands roam your body leaving no inch of skin untouched. His lips wander from your own to your jaw, neck, chest. He's mapping out every inch of you. Remembering the path of love he set upon your skin a year ago.

He makes his way back up again, his face nuzzled into your neck. With each thrust, he mumbles, "I love you. I'm sorry. I love you so much."

"More, James, please," you beg, wanting to feel him more, be close with him more.

His thrusts are harder now. They shake you and the bed. The familiar thumping against the wall spurs you on more. You bring a hand to Bucky's hair, grasping onto his brown locks and tugging.

"Fuck, baby," he groans, loving that painful, pleasurable feeling. He bites down onto your skin causing wantonly cries to emit from your mouth.

"Bucky," you repeat his name over and over again, a mere whisper falling from your lips.

He gets up, resting on his knees, but his pace doesn't relent, "I'm here, baby. I'm here." his thumb begins to circle around your clit, adding more pleasure into the mix. Your hands go to the sheets, you grip them tight, anchoring yourself to them.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful, baby doll. Always so goddamn beautiful and perfect." With his thrusts and stimulation to your clit, it becomes all too much.

"Bucky, gonna cum," you groan out. You're so at loss for words, drowning in the pleasure.

"Go ahead, Y/N, I'm right behind ya. Lemme feel you cum on my cock. Just like before. Lemme feel it, baby."

You let out a cry, your chest lifting off the bed as an intense wave of pleasure courses through you, "Fuck, baby!"

Bucky continues to fuck you through your orgasm, his face contorting in pleasure as your walls squeeze him, "Shit, doll! Fuck! Gonna cum!" with rapid, desperate thrusts, his body stills as he spills his seed into you. A disgruntled groan leaves him and he collapses on top of you, panting.

You kiss his neck and shoulder, your hands softly stroking his back and shoulders.

"I love you, Y/N," he mumbles out breathlessly.

"I know and I love you too, Bucky."

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