Chapter 1: Sun Emblem

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It is the 7th of January. A student was walking towards the vending machine. His silver semi long hair was tied as a low ponytail and was blown from the wind, his gold eyes is calm as the night moon.
He is Tsukasa Ryu a first year student of Ibuki High School buying his drink from the vending machine. At that time he is thinking what should he drink today. "I know" thought Ryu, he took out his wallet and took 135 yen from his wallet. The drink cost him 120 yen. He press the button that the drink was on. After that, he reached for his drink from the vending machine's drop center. Open his drink, then drank it. "Ahhh that was refreshing" Ryuusei said satisfied after drinking it. While sipping it he glance at someone walking towards the vending machine.
It was Yoruma Shioru her black and faded red hair is tied as a ponytail and her cool red eyes was focused on her book.
When Shioru walk towards the vending Ryu eyes begin to get bigger when he saw Shioru. Shioru then close her book and put it on top of the vending. She took out her wallet and take the money from her wallet. She took 100 yen to buy the drink. "What is she gonna buy?" thought Ryu wondering. Then Shioru realised that she doesn't have enough yen to buy the drink. She was sad that she can't buy it. "Isn't enough huh?"said Ryuusei. Shioru raised her head up after hearing that voice and turn to Ryu where he was standing behind Shioru. They locked eyes just for a minute. Then Shioru started to break the silence. "Do you have any yen right now?"Shioru asked to Ryuusei. Ryuusei was looking at Shioru clueless. "What?"asked Ryu.
"Oh, money! Yea I have some"
"Thank you" thanked Shioru while Ryu taking out his wallet.
"How much was it?"asked Ryu
"20 yen left"
"Alright" said Ryu
Ryu inserted 20 yen into the vending. After inserting the money he asked Shioru "What do want to drink?". Shioru stood beside Ryu and press the button that serves the drink. The drink came out from the vending machine's drop centre. Shioru bend to take the drink. Shioru then open her drink and drank it. Ryu was still standing beside her, while watching her drinking. Shioru then noticed Ryu watching her "What?"asked Shioru.
"I see." said Shioru
Shioru then noticed something "Umm thank you...." said Shioru while trying to figure out Ryu's name.
"Of course" sighed Ryu.
"Ryu" he said.
"Tsukasa Ryu, that's my name" said Ryu smiling while putting his hand on his chest. "Ah- then once again thank you Tsukasa-kun" thanked Shioru.
"It's fine" replied Ryu. Shioru then looked at her watched and was in shocked that it's time to get back to class. "Shit, I should really get going now. See you at class" said Shioru while walking back to class while waving at Ryu. "See you.." replied Ryu while watching Shioru going returning to class.
Ryu then noticed something that there's a book above the vending machine. Ryu then remembered something "She forgot her book" thought Ryu while taking the book. Then, some sun shape metal came out of the book. "Ping" sounded the metal sun. When, Ryu then heard the sound as he is going to pick it up. After that he held high the metal sun wondering what is it for. He put it back to inside the book. And continued going back to class.
He arrive at class after a few minutes walking. Ryu was looking for Shioru to return her book. He found Shioru who was siting at her table, while talking to her friends. Ryu then started walking towards Shioru. Then suddenly, Ryu felt a sudden warmth touching his shoulder. He turn his head to look behind and saw a man with long light blue hair covering his face and yellow eyes shining between his hair. "AGGGHHH" screamed Ryu while holding the tip of the table to prevent falling. "Relax Tsukasa-san" said the man who scared Ryu while fixing his hair "Do really think I am that scary?". It was Fujimori Daisuke, Ryu's homeroom teacher "Hurry up and get back to your seat." said Fujimori. Ryu gathered all of his breath and stand up to walk towards his seat. Ryu then sat on his seat "I'll return when school ends." thought Ryu. Then, class lesson has already begun.
It was already the afternoon when school ended. There's many students walking to the front school gate to go home. Ryu was standing beside the school gate. He was turning left and right looking for Shioru to return her book. He found her, she was going across the road. Ryu was happy that he found Shioru she's thinking where the she last put her book. He was ready to walk across the road. However, heard he the sound of an car's engine when he is about to cross the road. The car appear at the road and was moving the driver was tired. Ryu realize that Shioru was at the middle of the road. Ryu was sacred. His feet moved without thinking. The was 5 meters to Shioru and was heading towards her fast.
"YORUMA-SAN" screamed Ryu while running towards to save Shioru. Shioru turned to look at who was calling her. Then the sight of the car caught her eyes. Her eyes was full with fear. "Damn it! I can't make it." thought Ryu. The metal sun suddenly shine bright red inside the book through Ryu's bag and gave him strength. He was fast enough to catch her from hitting towards the car. The car past behind both of them. Ryu and Shioru was on the ground when Ryu save Shioru. Ryu open his eyes and looked at Shioru. He suddenly noticed that he was on top of her. "Uughh" groan Shioru, she then open her eyes and saw Ryu on top of her. She was shocked and start panicking. "Oh, sorry" said Ryu while getting off Shioru "There was a car that gonna hit you". Ryu brush off the dirty from his clothes. Shioru was still on the ground. Ryu lend Shioru a hand helping her to stand up. Shioru took Ryu's hand and Ryu help Shioru stand up. While both of them stood up Shioru noticed that Ryu bag was glowing. "What's inside your back Tsukasa-kun?" asked Shioru while pointing at it "It's glowing". "I don't know" replied Ryu because he haven't noticed that his bag was glowing. He the turn his bag to his side, open it and checked inside the bag what was glowing. After Ryu saw the problem it was the the metal sun it was still glowing bright red. "Oh, it was this." said Ryu while taking the metal sun from the book. Shioru was surprised that he has that. The metal sun suddenly stopped glowing. "It stopped glowing" muttered Shioru. "Ah!" Ryu put his hand inside his bag and grab the book "Here's your book though. You forgot it at the vending machine and this must be yours too" said Ryu while handing over the book and the metal sun. "Thank you" thanked Shioru while taking the book from Ryu's hand. Ryu smile back at Shirou. "Ah wait...Tsukasa-san" called Shioru. Ryu heard Shioru called him. "Yea" answered Ryu
"By any chance, do you know what this is?" asked Shirou to Ryu

"No, I just thought that it would be really precious to you" replied Ryu with heartwarming answer. "I see" said Shioru relived that he doesn't know what it can do, "It best if you don't know what this is and what does it contained." "Eh, I thought it was just an elblem" asked Ryu because he is still curious about the sun elblem. "It's not just an family elblem." replied Shioru with a stern look. "Hmmm, but I still don't get it why is it so precious?" asked Ryu because he wanted to know more about the elblem. Shioru sighed after hearing what Ryu said. Shioru then, closed her book, put it in her bag and open the back of the elblem. Suddenly ring came out of it. "A ring?" asked Ryu pointing the ring that Shioru is putting it in her ring finger. "Yup, a family ring." said Shioru after putting it on.
"Please walk home with me." said Shioru
"Wait like now?"
"Yeah" said Shioru. While Ryu is still clueless wondering why did she asked him to walk her home. Therefore, Ryu sighed heavily and decided to go with her.

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