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Jeongguk woke up when the alarm hit 5. "fuck yes it is snowing" he said rolling on his bed, messing up his bedsheets. "GGUKIE" his parents screamed scaring the shit out of the poor bunny, making him fall on the floor "DAD, MOM" He screamed, glaring at the two "hehe sorry baby" his mom told and both of them cleared their throats and sang together 

"Happy Birthday Bunny 
You belong in a zoo- " 

"DAD" the bunny growled cutely 

"this is not the lyrics?" his dad asked, looking at his wife who sang the real birthday song, feeling betrayed

"Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Bunny 
May you have many more 
Happy Birthday Bunny 
Mommy loves you heart raised to infinity-" 

"heart raised to infinity?" "yea that thingy" she drew  ♡^∞ on the air and Mr. Jeon rubbed the imaginary thing off, and started fighting making Jeongguk giggle and his childish parents. 

"yo dudes" he called 

"i'm dude?" they both told in synch pointing at themselves "i-nvm go out" "are you kicking us out of ur room?" Mr. Jeon cried dramatically "I had you inside me for 10 months, i raised you till-" "bitch wdym, i had him inside me not the other way round" Mrs. Jeon cut him off "i need to change" Jeongguk screamed making his parents smile sheepishly at him 

"sorry baby, come fast we made you favorite breakfast" Mrs. Jeon said pecking her son's cheeks. 

Jeongguk took out a card paper writing on it in neat cursive. 

Day 33 

Hey Taebear 
I really am happy today 
That potato also went back heh
I am shocked by the fact that you are single 
Like how in the hell haven't someone proposed to you?
Anygays if someone proposed to u 
I will kill them 
Ur all mine 
Since today is like my favorite day 
I will show you me 
I'm not as handsome as you tae 
Not as rich as you either
But i can't stop my heart which beats for you..
~soon-to-be urs?♡

Jeongguk tied up the letter neatly and quickly took a shower

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Jeongguk tied up the letter neatly and quickly took a shower. He wore an oversized fluffy sweater and shorts. It was so freaking cold but he couldn't care less. The letter was placed in the pocket of his shorts and he walked down to where his parents were setting the table. 

"where is hyunie?" He asked and both his parents sighed and looked at him with a sad face.

Hyuna hates Jeongguk whereas Jeongguk loved Hyuna so much. She was his little sister he couldn't hate her no matter what she did. Hyuna hated Jeongguk because of how their parents loved him more, how popular he was, how he was so fucking talented in everything, how the teachers and principal praised him, how people compare her with her brother. Jeongguk is the school president, something Hyung always wanted to become. She says Jeongguk made her life miserable. But Jeongguk couldn't stop loving her after all she is his little one right? 

"don't bother about her, you know how she is" Mr.Jeon said and Jeongguk nodded sadly. 

"My love" he yelled running to the banana milk kept on the table. "calm down ggukie" his mother laughed, seeing how her son was emptying the whole glass down his throat "favorite breaky" he mumbled taking enormous bites of the hotdogs kept on the table. Mr.Jeon switched on the tv and played the new channel 

"Due to heavy snowing universities have closed for the day. Bangtan University, Yg..." 

"yes" Jeongguk screamed throwing his hands in the air. His parents laughed and handed him a box "u have been asking this for so long ggukie" they said and Jeongguk widened his eyes "pls dont play with me ill cri" he said and literally fucking screamed when he unboxed the box which revealed a key. Not just any key, a key of Harley Davidson Cosmic Starship. "I LOVE YOU" he yelled throwing himself onto his parents while they laughed. 

Today is literally the best. Snowing, Favorite breakfast, No university and his dream bike. Not to add the fact that it is his birthday. He just needs to drop the letter to his Taetae and go to yoongs. But happy things don't last long isn't it?

Jeongguk washed his plate and took the letter out. But before he could go-

The door opened revealing Taehyung with Hyuna lathing herself onto him with a small on her face that screamed fake. "this is my boyfriend" as soon as these words left her mouth Jeongguk felt his heart stop. His eyes begged him to stop holding the tears and his throat was burning with the desire to scream. He stared at them, mouth agape, hand crumbling the packaged letter and smiled at them "oh- tht's great" he whispered on the verge of breaking down and walked back to his room.  

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