Chapter 1

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„Long Time no see.",Bang chan said when he got the Phone for The Online Fansign and saw his long Time fan he also would consider as his friend. „Well hello there Christopher.",Charlotte said and laughs. „How have you been? You look great." „Oh stop it. It's been a weird time but I am excited because I finally will be able to fly to Korea next week." „Really?Where are you staying?" „In Seoul. I will stay there for a few months for my Study." „We could meet if you want." Her Face changed into an Surprised expression. „Nice Joke." ,she said and laughs. „No i am serious. I will write you. Let's meet when you are in Seoul.",he said and smiled. „You are crazy but okay." She smiled and looks into the Camera. „Our time is sadly over again but now I have your Kakao ID and I will write you later.",he said and smiled. „Bye See you soon.",she said and waved at him. He waved back and the Phone got given to Minho. She talked with the rest of the members and then after the fancall she starts packing her stuff for Korea. Meanwhile chan couldn't wait to finish the fancall so he could text her. It was no secret around the Members that he actually had an Big crush on her and always gets excited when he saw her at Fansigns or Concerts. He knows her for a long time now but never actually tried to make a move on her because he wasn't sure if she likes him more then just as an Artist. Also the long distance between them was a bit difficult even tho she is from New Zealand and there was not a big time zone difference but he wasn't sure if she would like something like that. After the Fancall he went into his studio and added Charlotte on KakaoTalk to write her. -Hey it's Chris. See i wrote you- he messages her. -Hey Chris. Already finish with the Fancall?- -Yes and back in the Studio.- -As always. I already finished packing my stuff for the time in Korea.I am really nervous to be honest.- -Why nervous?- -It's my first time traveling completely alone. So it will be an adventure.- -Don't worry I will help you if you need help- She smiles at the Phone and really appreciated Chans words. -Thank you Chris. I will go to sleep now.-,she wrote him back and then puts the Phone away to go to sleep. Chan on the other Hand stayed in his Studio until late night trying to create new songs. When he entered the dorm he noticed Music playing in the living room and went to check which Member was still awake. He wasn't surprised when he saw Felix sitting on the ground Playing Fortnite. "Shouldn't you be in bed?",Chan asked him and sat down next to him. "Couldn't fall asleep. Changbin hyung is snoring to loud again.",Felix said while being focused on the game. Chan chuckles and watched him play. "So you asked her out while being in a fancall?",Felix then asked him after finishing the round. "I didn't asked her out.",Chan said and looks at him. "But you asked her to meet you right?" "Well yes.. I hope it won't end in an Disaster." "Why should it end in an Disaster? You guys know each other for so long." "But we only met through fan signs and Hi touches. Never in a Private era." "But you like her. Like a lot." Chan looks at Felix and nods a little. "Channie is in love.",Felix said and laughs. "Don't speak nonsense. Now go to sleep okay?",Chan said and went up with Felix. The two boys went into their rooms to go to sleep. In the next morning Chan made sure everyone woke up in time for their Upcoming schedules and made breakfast for them. When everyone was finished eating they drove to their first schedule, recording their M Countdownstage for their recent Comeback Back door. While Chan was getting his Make up done he wrote Charlotte. -Good Morning! Did you sleep well?- Not even seconds went by when he received an Message from her. -Morning! A bit short but good. How about you?- -Same goes for me. I think I only had like 5 hours of sleep.- -You are crazy. I hope you have an day off.- He laughs a little and answered her. -I wish but we do have a harsh schedule today. Starting with recording an Comeback stage.- -And you still decided to only have 5 hours of sleep?- -Thats what I always do.- His Stylist looked over his Shoulder to see who he was messaging but due to her lack of English skills she wasn't able to really find out who it was. Chan noticed the glance of the Stylist and locked his Phone immediately. "Oh I wasn't looking.",she quickly said and continues doing his Styling. "Sure.",he said and looks into the Mirror. After everyone got styled they prepared themselves for the Stage and Chan made sure everyone was drinking enough before the Performance. Meanwhile Chan was doing his Stage Charlotte had and Date with her Boyfriend Jason. She still hadn't told him she was going to Korea for a few months and she came to the Conclusions it would be better to tell him now. "Jason I need to tell you something.",she said while they where walking through the Park. "Tell me.",Jason said and laid his arm around her shoulder. "I am flying to Korea next week for a few months for my Studies." "Wait what?" "Yeah remember when I told you I could study aboard? I know got the perfect opportunity for it." "You are sure it hasn't anything to do with your KPOP Boys. Especially your weird Friend Chan?" "What is now wrong with you? I told you its for my studies and what has that to do with Chan? Yes we are kind off friends but I don't go to Korea because of him." "Well you did it before." She looks at him in disbelief and went a few steps away from him. "Since when did you became so jealous ?",she asked him and crossed her arms. "I am not jealous. I just don't like the fact that you are leaving the Country for a Months.",Jason said and looks at her. "Well thats not my Problem. I already booked everything and will fly on Monday." "Monday? Thats in four days! You are leaving in four day?" "I took the quickest option. You know how unhappy I am here. Okay I know its very spontaneous and I should have told you earlier but its an amazing opportunity for me." "I can't believe you." "Why? Because I wanna do something good for my future? I am sorry but I thought you would understand me because you are always putting your career before me. I should go home now." She turned around and quickly went to the Busstation to take the bus home. At home she went up in her Room and looked at her Phone. She was thinking about writing Chris but she decided to Study instead. He was probably Busy anyways so she didn't want to bother her him. her Mom came upstairs to check on her because she had noticed that she seemed upset. "Hey honey, is everything alright?",she asked Charlotte and came into the room. "Yeah everything is fine.. well I don't know. I had a little fight with Jason.",Charlotte said and looks to her mom who was taking a seat on her bed. "Again? What was the reason now?" "He is mad that I am flying to Korea on Monday and I don't understand him. Why is he mad at me? He always leaves the country for his Stupid Tennis games and I have to understand that but when I want to leave the country for doing something for my future its suddenly a Problem." "You know my Opinion on him. He is an selfish Guy." "I know mom but I love him. It's just frustrating how he acts." "I know honey but you should not let him stop you." "I wont let him stop me mom. I am just sad that he is not supporting me. He is acting like I am moving there completely." "Don't be sad. I am proud of you honey and your dad too. Now I will now start cooking. I will call you when I am finished." Her mom left her room and she continues studying. After some time her Phone vibrates and she got a Message. -I hope you had a Nice day. Chris.- She smiled when she saw his message and answered him. -Could have been better but at least my mom is making dinner. How was your day?- -Pretty exhausting but Felix is making brownies so there is a light. Did something happened?- -I had a little fight with my boyfriend but nothing serious. He is just mad about me going to Korea. Such an idiot.- Chans heart dropped when he read the word boyfriend and lets out a sight. Of course she would have an Boyfriend. -I didn't know you have an Boyfriend.-he wrote back and walks into the kitchen. -I didn't told you? Yes he is my boyfriend for 1 Year now.- -I hope he is treating you right or else I have to talk with him.- She laughed a little when she saw Chans message but then had to think. Is Jason treating her right? She quickly shakes these thoughts away and answered chan. -Yes of course. He is just an Idiot sometimes but aren't we all Idiots?- -You are right. We are all idiots at some point.- -I can't wait to meet you again.- -Me too. I will show you my favourite Bakery.- -Now I am even more excite. I have to eat now. Let's write later.- -okay. I hope It taste good.- She puts the Phone away and went downstairs to eat with her mom. Texting with Chan made her feel better again and she got even more excited to fly to Korea while Chan was feeling down thinking he lost his chance with her. 

//My first ever chapter I published on Wattpad! I hope you like it!//

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