Chapter 2

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The Days went by and Charlotte was finally in Seoul. She lives in a Shared Apartment with an other Girl from her University but it seems like the other Girl was not really fond about sharing an Apartment with her. When Charlotte arrived she quickly made it clear that she doesn't want anything to do with her and went in her room. Since then the two girls barley have spoken with each other which frustrated Charlotte because she thought she could be friends with her. After a few days in Seoul she decided to call Chan. He was surprised when he saw her calling him but picked it up the call right away. "What a surprise seeing you calling me.",he said and smiled. "Well I thought a phone call would be something new.",she said and giggles. "Its is. Whats up? Are you in Seoul?" "Yes. it's my 4th day today and it's a mess." "That sounds not very good." "My roommate seems to dislike me, My boyfriend is not talking to me and I am hungry." "Oh wow. Hmm do you wanna grab something to eat together? I have a day off so I have time." "Really? That would be amazing. Where do you wanna meet up and when?" "How about in 30 minutes. I send you the location." Her Phone vibrated and she got the location from Chan. "Got it. I will be there.",she said and starts putting on her Coat. "See you there." They hung up and she went on her way to the Location. She was pretty nervous and tries to calm down by listening to some Music. When she arrived at the Location she looks around to see if she could find chan but he wasn't in sight. Then suddenly two hands went in front of her eyes and she flinched a little. "Surprise.",Chan said and she turned around. "You scared me.",she said and laughs. He chuckles and hugs her. She hugs him back and smiles. "Lets go eat something.",he said and leads her into an small restaurant. They took a seat in the back and he took of his cap. "How was the flight?",he asked her and gave her the menu. "it was a long flight. I had 2 stops but it was okay. I am glad to be here and don't have to enter an Plane any time soon.",she said and smiled while looking into the Menu. "I can Imagine. You said your boyfriend is not talking with you. How comes?" "He is probably still mad that I went here. He is a bit selfish  you know. but he will probably text me in a few days again. It always been like that." He looks at her and got a bit concerned. "Don't worry.",she said when she saw his Facial expression. "For me it sounds a bit toxic.",he said. Before she could say something the waitress came and took their order. "Let's talk about something else.",he said and smiled. "Yes you are right. How is the comeback going?",she asked. "Exhausting but also fun. We are nearly finished with promoting so it will be a bit calmer. I really can't wait for that." "I mean back door seems like an exhausting song to perform." He nods and smiles. "But we are already preparing for a new Comeback." "Really? Already?" "Well the date is not set yet due to some other Schedules but it's gonna be good." "Wow now I am really excited." Their order came and they start to eat. "How long are you now actually gonna stay in Seoul?",he asked her while eating. "So right now its planned for 5 Months but I can extend the stay if want. Maybe I will do it when I like it here but I don't know yet.",she said and looks at him. He noticed sauce on her chin a which made him smile a little. "What?",she asked him. "You have sauce on your chin. Wait let me clean it.",he said while taking napkin to clean her chin. Her face turned bright red and she hides it in her hands. "Why does that always happen?",she asked embarrassed but still had to laugh. "Its nothing bad. I think it was cute.",he said and chuckles. "Of course something like this is cute.",she said in an sarcastic tone which made them both laugh. Chan was really enjoying her company which made him forget that she was actually having a Boyfriend. "You are really Pretty.",he said while looking at her. "What?",she asked him not sure if she heard him right. "I said you are really pretty. Like you are alway pretty but today even more." his words made her blush a little and she smiled slightly. "I haven't heard something like this in a long time.. Thank you.",she said and took his hand to squeeze it slightly. "You should hear that more often." "I don't know. Jason is not really a Person who gives out Compliments. He likes to receive them but not giving some." "The more I hear about him the more I dislike him. You really deserve better." She sights while looking at him. "But I love him so it's fine." He slightly shakes his head and continues eating. "Do you have a Girlfriend?" "No I don't. The Girl I like doesn't even know I like her like that." "Oh you should tell her! She would be so lucky to have you as her boyfriend." "It's not that easy. Especially because I am an idol." "That shouldn't be a reason to not let you date." "I know. I will tell her but not now. It will only ruin some things.." "You got this Chan." He smiled at her and they then finished their food. "I will quickly pay for the Food and then we could get some Bubble tea",he said and went to the waitress before she could say anything. "Now come.",he said and they left the Restaurant. "You didn't have to pay for me.",she said while they start walking. "But I wanted too. and I invited to get some lunch so I pay." "Thank you." He leads her to his Favourite Bubble tea store where he bought two drinks for them. She really enjoyed the time with him and really forgot the time. When she looked at her Phone to check the Time she got nervous. "Oh its already so late? I need to go back home to finish some work.",she said and looks at him. "You are right. Should I bring you home? Its already getting a bit dark." "Only if it doesn't bother you or hold you back from work." "Don't worry I have time." He walked her back home and gave her an hug when they arrived at her Apartment. "Let's meet again soon if you want.",Chan said. "Sure. I really enjoyed spending time with you. Text me when you are home so I know you arrived safely.",she said and then went into her Apartment. Chan looks after her before then walking to the dorm. It took him some time but he enjoyed the fresh air. When he arrived at the dorm Felix immediately came to him. "And? How was it?",he asked him while he Chan took of his shoes and Jacket. "It was good. She is smaller then I remembered which I was glad about." Felix had to chuckle over that comment and followed him into the Living room. "Are you gonna meet her again?" "Yes. I hope soon.. She told me a bit about her Boyfriend. God that guy don't deserve her. He doesn't seem to appreciate what a wonderful Girlfriend he has." "That Doesn't sound really great. But don't do something that you could regret later okay?" "Yeah don't worry Lix. I just want to show her her Worth." Felix nods. "Wanna play Mario kart?",Chan asked him while texting  Charlotte that he is home. "Sure. I will definitely beat you this time." "Yeah dream about it." They start the game and spent the rest of the Evening playing Mario Kart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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