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Hello everyone

Lets start

After 15 days

In this 15 days, Fainat and sidneet came more close to eachother! They use to be together as couples and always teased eachother. Both couples know that they love eachother but no one dared to confess it. On weekends they went to mall and beach one time. They loved being together.

Currently in sid's room

Sid: How will i?

He asked while biting his nails in nervousness

Jannat who is munching on her chips said

Jann: Its simple by your mouth

She said and continued eating her chups which are actually of sid

Sid started roaming in his own room from door to balcony while biting his nails out of nervousness and tension

Sid: Bawli but how?

Jann finally completed her chips and looked at sid and sighed

She went near him kept her hand on his shoulder

Jann: Bawle why are you so bawle?

At which sid smiled and jann laughed

Jann: Now tell me one thing, dont you love her? If yes then propose her pagal and i will help you in that preparation! And another thing stop walking in tension! Bawle kahi ka

She said this and lightly hit his head

Sid smiled at her and said

Sid: Ok and thank you for taking away my tension bawli!

He said and hugged her, jann hugged him back and then they break the hug

Sid: So how when and where?

Jann: First lets sit!

She said and sat on his bed and sid sat on the bean bag in front of jann!

Jan: You will propose her on beach as she loves beaches!

Sid: yeah she loves beaches! She told when we went on beach so great idea!

Jan: Yes and then we will do some decorations their and then we will buy one ring for her!

Sid: great idea! We will do this

He said in excitement! And then suddenly his face expressions turned into teasing look

Sid: Bawli you also propose faisu!

Jann saw him and blushed

Sid laughed at her and said

Sid: Bawli you are looking like chimpanzee whose cheeks are swallon!

At this jann beat him with pillow

Sid: ok ok so will you?

Jann thought for a while and said

Jann: yes i will! And you know what bawle we both will propose our love together!

She said this and hugged him by jumping on him

Sid hugged her back and said

Sid: Great idea bawli! Two Bestfriends proposing their love on one day! Wow!

Jann stood up and said

Jann: ok so lets go! We will propose them at today only in night as beach looks so beautiful!

Sid: great idea! So lets go!

With this they both went to do decorations and buying one ring for their respective ones! They told their family that they are going to meet their friends!

Both first went on some private beach to book it and told them to decorate it as they guide! They told them everything and went to buy one ring! They both helped eachother in buying the rings. After this both again came on beach and saw that decorations are done perfectly!

Sid: Its beautiful!

Jann: yes bawle! Ok so lets go home and get ready and then we will tell them to come hear!

Sid: ok so lets go!

With this both went towards their home in one car only and directly went in their houses after reaching to get ready!

Sid went to jannat's house telling abhi that he is going in his one friend's small birthday party with jannat and his two other friends! He went in jannat's room greeting uncle and aunty! Jann was ready and sid too so both left saying the same reason to jannat's mom and dad!

They both sat in the car and first called avneet!

Sid: Avneet get ready fast as we are going on a beach party which is threw by my dada!

Avneet: Ohhkkkk! I will be ready and you message me the address, i will reach!

Sid: alright! I am doing!

With this sid cut the call and send avneet one message!

And now jann called faisu

Jann: Faisu will you like to come for beach party which is threw by sid's brother means abhi bhai?

Faisu: ofcourse! You send me address and i will be their!

Jann: ok so i am doing!

With this jann cut the call and send faisu the address!

Sidjan saw eachother and hi-fied, then left for the place!

Words count:- 777

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Vote and comment if you get time!

We will meet soon, bye!

My Sugar to Tea? -My Bestfriend [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now