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Killer held out his phone and tapped the screen so that it came to life. After Nightmare decided that it wasn't a demonic device. He walked closer, hesitantly. Killer exploded into laughter. Nightmare shouted something that translated into.


Killer fell back in even more laughter as nooty noots scrambled away in fear. 

Language found, Ancient Etruscan, Avequ undefined!

Nightmare fell back 

"Piud **** killer prc thau hic!"


"It, pfftt, is supposed to help us talk nighty"

it, pfftt, thau supposed eri undefined na la serm nighty

ininc thau creepy

it is creepy

"Your so silly nighty~"

"your undefined undefined nighty~"

Nightmare blushed a teal explosion 

Mi'm undefined!"

I'm Not!

"Yes, you are~"

vthi, thi cau~

"your **** hot" said killer apparently forgetting about the translator 

thini **** undefined

They dreamed of trust and love.


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