Chapter 5

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- So... I think you can already go out - Doctor said crisply, as usual, writing something in her notebook. Then she looked at Poppy and pointed at her head - You can also take it off.

Poppy looked up, trying to see the white hospital cap. She had been kinda afraid of taking it off and see how long was her hair then. She held the edge of the cap by two fingers and started lifting it really carefully, closing her eyes tightly. When she finally took it off, she looked up, but she couldn't see anything. She heard Doctor chuckled.

- Don't worry, It looks okay - She said, taking her hand into an overall pocket. - I bring you a mirror. - She added, handing her the thing.

- Oh, thank you! - Poppy said, taking the little mirror. She looked at her reflection. Her hair was surprisingly not that short as she thought It'd be. It was a hand long. She touched it gently and then she sank her fingers in it. There was much softer than before and even a bit darker. She could easily force it to be as long as it had been but it would be tiring in the long run. She started dressing it, brushing it with her fingers. She smiled happily at the mirror when she made successfully two wide strands falling on her forehead, which she really liked.

- I even prefer you this way - Doctor said blankly. Poppy smiled at her.

- Thanks! - She handed her back her mirror. Then she noticed that the Doctor looked a little sad. - Hey, you still can visit me in my pot - Poppy suggested. - Or catch me in the Village. I usually just run around, it's easy to find me.

The doctor twisted her face, sighing.

- I have to work - She mumbled sadly. - And you'll be very busy...

- You know what? - Poppy beamed. - I will be visiting you!

The doctor looked at her hopefully.

- Really? - She asked shyly.

- Yea, I'll bring you more jellybeans - Poppy smiled widely and saw as Doctor looked at a few empty jellybeans' packs on the little table.

- You know, it's weird to say... - Doctor looked at her awkwardly. -...But I guess... I will miss you here, Queen Poppy.

- Aww... - Poppy put her hand on her heart, grinning. She lifted her arms. - C'mere!

The doctor awkwardly let Poppy hug her. She hugged her back, hoping that no one could see this.

- And also, you can call me Poppy - Pink troll pushed her away, showing her white tooth.

- Oh well... - Doctor shrugged shyly one arm, tilting her head on aside. - My name is Moonbloom.

- It's really nice name! - Queen beamed at her ones again. - Why you don't use it?

- I.. Dunno... - Moonbloom said, rubbing her elbow. - Just... Patients don't ask me for my name so everyone calls me just "The doctor" and I get used to it... - She hesitated a bit and then added: - And I also think my name is a bit too long and too earnest.

- Earnest? - Poppy chuckled. - I don't think so. I find your name pretty lovely.

Moonbloom sighed heavily.

- You're just too kind sometimes - She said.

- But it is nothing but the truth! - Pink troll grinned and then turned to the little night table to take her stuff. She knew her hair was too short to take those things into them, so she had to hold them in the box. Maybe she should think about a bag? She wondered if Satin and Chenille would have made one for her. It would be also a good opportunity to see her friends - the twins were the only ones from the Snack Pack who hadn't visited her in the hospital at all. The modelists must have been really busy.

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