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At Morning 🌞

In AR mansion:

All were doing their breakfast. Then riddhima spoke

Riddhima : dad yesterday ishani, siya and Aryan requested me to come to their mansion. Can I go with sejal.

Aayush : sure beta 😊

Sejal : so riddhima lets go.

They said bye and went to VR mansion
In VR mansion:

Ishani, siya has told to everyone that riddhima is coming today. They were talking in some random topics.

Then riddhima and sejal enter the mansion.

Riddhima : good morning ishani, siya and Aryan

Ishani, siya run towards them and hug riddhima and said good morning with beautiful smile 😃

Then she came inside where all were sitting. Riddhima took blessing of Dadi, uma, anu and Ajay. She also wish them good morning.
Then sejal introduce everyone to riddhima. Then Dadi ask them to sit.

Riddhima : nice to meet you all

Dadi : we are lucky to see you here beta.

Uma and anu : how are you beta

Riddhima : I'm fine aunty.

Siya: congratulations riddhima for selling 5000 designer clothes and grabbing third position.

Riddhima : thank you siya but how did you know?

Siya : ur biggest fan told us.

Ishani : u are teasing me siya from yesterday.

Dadi: stop it girls. Let me talk with riddhima

Riddhima : yes Dadi tell what u want to ask.

Dadi : are you single?
Riddhima was shocked. Not only riddhima everyone were shocked by Dadi's question.

Riddhima : yes Dadi I'm single but why u are asking this? (shy)

Dadi : like that

Then Ajay and Aryan take leave from there. They went but Aryan was very sad as well as Angry on his father. He want to sit and see his lady love but his father took him.

Then they chatted for about 3 Hrs. Dadi was very happy and she thought

Dadi ( thinking) :  I'm feeling that riddhima is right choice for vansh.

Then riddhima and sejal took Blessing of elders and left from there in evening.

In AR mansion:

Aayush : how was ur meeting with singhania Riddhu

Riddhima : it was good dad. Then I went with sejal to meet some of our old friends. Now I'm very tired. OK bye dad. Tell mom that I hv done my dinner, don't wait for me . Good night

Aayush : OK u go and sleep.

He Kiss her forehead. Good night princess.

Next day,

It is day of haldi and mehendi
In morning they had haldi cermony. All relatives apply haldi to Rahul and shewta. They enjoy a lot. Ishani, siya, riddhima also started bonding with each other.

They click a lot of pictures. Aryan was very happy to see his lady love and he never leaved any chance to flirt with her with his cheesy but cringy lines but riddhima always felt uncomfortable with his behavior so she started to stay away from him as long as possible .

In evening it was mehendi ceremony all were dressed up according to the theme in green and blue outfits (peacock colors) for ceremony. All clicked pictures. Mehendi artists came and had started applying mehendi in shewta Hand. All girls also started applying mehendi in their hands.

When riddhima's turn came, mehendi artist was applying mehendi she had ask her that if she want to write anybody's name in her hand. She was talking with sejal when sejal took vansh name. She also took vansh name to know what sejal wanted to speak . And mehendi artist thought that she wants vansh name in her hand so she wrote his name. This was all seen by Dadi. She was very happy.

She was thinking
Dadi ( thinking ):i was only thinking that she might be good partner for vansh but now I'm confirmed that she is perfect for vansh. She will love him like no one else. Even God wants them to be together . Rab ne bana di jodi.

Dadi was very happy
Like that they enjoyed the haldi and mehendi ceremony a lot enjoying meals ,dancing, posing, chatting and celebrating.

Hey all,
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I will be posting next chapter when goals will be completed
GOALS: 50+ Votes, 30+ comments ...

Thank you for reading..
Signing off, Anna ⚡

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