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Dakotah and I are watching movies and talking about random stuff. Just stuff like what we want to be when we're older and stuff like that. she wants to be a singer and a YouTuber, while I want to be a YouTuber like freakin kian Lawley, idk why they just seem really fun.
"Hey you wanna play truth or dare?" I ask Dakotah.
"Yeah sure" she replies.
"Alright, truth or dare?" I ask
"Mmm imma have to go with truth" she says while giggling. She knows I come up with the weirdest dares haha. once I made her go to the next door neighbours house and ask if She could borrow a banana. They were pretty weirded out but gave her her banana.
"Alright umm let me think... what do you think of matthew?" I say while wiggling my eyebrows.
"Um, idk, he's hot, like really really hot, but he stares ate all the time, and whenever he compliments me he just has a blank look on his face. it's kinda weird..." she says, cameron does that sort of stuff too, like he just has no expression on his face when he talks, and he doesn't really do anything other than stare at me, well, other that when he shoved my into the school janitors closet and tried to make out with me.
"Yeah cameron does that too, but, today he......" is all I say, I want to see her reaction when I tell her that he kissed me.
"He what?" She said getting worried.
"He kissed me" I said with an innocent smile.
Her reaction was priceless. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"OMG!!!!!!!! Did you like it? How long did he kiss you for?? Was it on the lips?? Oh of course it was duh. omg was it really??" She asked VERY quickly
"Haha calm down! Idk if I liked It or not, it was really unexpected and I barely know the guy!" I say while giggling.
"Yah but the guy is hot asf" she said wile nudging me.


We had a couple of laughs and seeing as it was only 6:00 and it wasn't too late at night, we decided to jump in the pool. As we are swimming and splashing eachother, having a great time, I started thinking. I was thinking about our friendship, nothing bad, I was thinking 'this is my best friend, my sister, I never want to leave this amazing person who has helped me through so so much, she has been there for me through everything, my saddest moments and even my best ones, jade maree caniff is my one and only best friend and nothing will change that' I was pulled out of my thoughts but jade throwing a pool toy at me.
"EARTH TO DAKOTAH" she yells
"What?" I say while laughing.
"Are you ok? You kinda zoned out just then" she says concerned.
"Ya I'm fine, but can I ask you something?" I ask jade.
"Yeh anything" she says with a worried look on her face.
"Will we always be best friends?" I ask. her eyes widened at the question. Then she pulled me into a hug.
"We will always be bestfriends dakotah, we aren't blood related but were sisters by heart" she says still hugging me.
"Good" I say.
"Ok enough of this clichè stuff, let's have a race!" She says breaking the hug.
"Aight, but give me a head start" I say laughing.
"3. 2. 1. Go!" She screams, she gives me a 2 second head start and we tied, she's really fit, that's why I wanted the head start haha. We fight over who won, but agree on a tie in the end. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door. we look at eachother weirdly, because no one is supposed to be home at this time, mum and dad are at work and don't get back till 1:00 in the morning.
We get out of the pool and go to the door. Once we open the door, we see matt and cameron. What are they doing here?
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.
No response, matt is just standing there, staring at me. I look over at cameron and he is basically eye raping jade. It doesn't seem to phase her that much.
"Do you wanna come in?" Jade finally asks.
"Uh ya sure" matthew says, still staring at me.
They come in and we all sit down on the couch. I wonder what they want.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" I ask.
"Yeah sure, I'll help you go get the movie" matthew says to me. He follows me up the stairs and to the movie cabinet. I turn around to ask him something.
"What movi--" Im cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. His lips feel amazing. They're warm and plump. omg. I pull away and just stare at him. He begins to look worried, then I smile and he smiles back, he's so cute, I know that we agreed on staying away from these guys, but I can't seem to do it.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Definitely" I say with a bright smile.


Cameron and I are just sitting on the couch, he looks nervous for some reason. I wonder what's wrong with him.
"Are you ok?" I ask him
"Jade, I'm sorry about what happened today, and I know that we've just met but for some reason, I have strong feelings for you and I can't stay away from you." he says while looking sad.
"its ok cameron, I kinda have feelings for you too, and to be honest, I don't know why I said that you could've done better, that kiss was amazing" I say while looking down and blushing.
I saw his head shoot up as I said that I had feelings for him, I look up at him and smile, then he leans and kisses me. It was better than the last one, this time I actually kiss back, it was amazing, our lips move in sync, he's a really good kisser. We finally pull apart.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously.
"Yes Cameron" I say smiling and giggling.


Hey guys!! Sorry this is such a short chapter, but I'll be writing more next time!! Ok bye!! Love ya xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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Stalked by cameron dallas and Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now