Let's Get Coffee

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Warnings: Mention of loss, Spelling mistakes, you go to church?

Around 2500 words.


"Yay thank you" You yelled heading up the stairs to get changed...

Training went well, although you didn't really do much. Bobby who was still reluctant helped you to shoot inanimate objects and some basic hand to hand combat with no weapons, because in his words "you won't always have a weapon on you so that's the best place to start." You are pretty sure it's just because he is buying time before the brothers come into town so they can deal with the more athletic training. Not because Bobby wasn't good, he was but he was quite impatient and not the best Teacher.

Time Skip to the Next Saturday Night brought to you by Juliet.

The last week consisted of a few training lessons here and there, you were starting to get really good with a gun, and to Bobby's 'luck' he did some blade training and you actually weren't half bad. Right now, you were eating takeaway, 8 pm, on the sofa with Bobby watching some old tv show.

"So kid, Winchesters are coming round tomorrow. Want me to pick you up from church to save you walking so you can see the two idjits sooner, I know you miss them". He said emphasising miss in a teasing manner.

"Oh yeah, soo much" You replied rolling your eyes. "But no, I'm good, I'm actually going out after for some coffee".

"So, you and Lena finally meeting outside of church?"


"Wait so who are you meeting with then? A new boyfriend of yours? If so, I want to meet him first."

"What? No, I'm not completely sure, just a group of us meeting up after church."

"What do you mean you don't know. Who asked you? That old woman that lives next to the church because if so, I wouldn't go she will just talk everyone's ear off about her cats"

"No, the Priest actually just to share ideas about the bible after."

"Right well err have a good time?" He replied unsurely

"Thanks, Bobby I'm gonna head up now and sort everything out and go to bed"

"Don't use up all my water, I'll see you after your coffee, call me if you want a lift."

"will do, night"

"Night kid."

*Beep Beep* Your alarm read 8:30 Sunday. You go up and got showered and dressed. You opted for an outfit that made you look good but it was still simple and casual, whether you were trying a bit harder because you were seeing Crowley or because the boys were coming you wouldn't say. You grabbed an easy snack and decided to take the scenic route as you had 30 minutes to get there and you didn't want to wait around. You arrived exactly at 9:32 and waited a few minutes before walking in, no sign of Lena anywhere, strange. Your seats however remained empty, so you sat once again on the seconded row back. Just as you received a message.

Lena- Sorry my mums not feeling well so I've had to take my brother to football. Hope the service is good.

(Y/N)- No problem, have fun at football.

You replied before muting your phone and sliding it away just as Crowley came out.

"Good Morning.......................................Thank you all for coming. Bless you, all and I shall see you next week."

Looking up at the clock reading 10:30, everyone stood up and headed out the door, you however being unsure of where you were going for coffee waited at the end of the pew, letting others passed. You didn't really focus on the topic at hand but hoped you could blag your way through the teachings of rich man and Lazarus. As everyone left Crowley once again was behind you smiling.

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