11: Another Beginning.

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11 : Another Beginning.


Not so long ago, the proud Holy Empire was destroyed by the rebellion lead by the 18th King of Avicus Kingdom, King Luther. He was the great grandfather of the current Emperor, the 21st ruler of the Avicus Kingdom and the 2nd Emperor of the Avarician Empire, Lumiere Creen Avaricia. After the rebellion, King Luther ordered the reformation of his land, rebuilding and reconstructing everything from the laws to the buildings. Most Kingdom that the Holy Empire subjugated turned their loyalty towards King Luther. Soon, the small Kingdom of Avicus gained more territory enough to become a new empire.

Before the Great King Luther died, he declared that Avicus Kingdom was no more and proclaimed a new name for the Empire: Avarician Empire. The Avarician Empire separated itself from the Church and to any Religion. Although religious people and priests are still rampant in the Empire, they still kept them in check, making sure that they won't be able to take over the Empire once again.

Emperor Lumiere himself did not like nor dislike the presence of the Churches, so he allowed it to be reconstructed. The Pope and the Head of all the Churches even made a deal with the emperor that they won't act rashly on their own. And that deal was called, The Sacred Treaty. If one of them fails to fulfill their side of the bargain, they will die a quick death.

The Emperor and the Pope acted like close allies in public, but behind closed doors, both are ready to bare their fangs at one another. The Church were only waiting for the right time to move, and maybe, for a great person to help them. And their hope emerged when the emperor married the Third Princess of Chaéuse Kingdom, Princess Leana Chaéuse, one of the allied countries of the Empire.

The Chaéuse Kingdom were faithful believers of the Holy Empire, but because of its destruction, they have decided to stick their heads down and act humble and scared in order to save their Kingdom. When the Great King Luther died, they started devising plans to revive the Holy Empire.

The Chaéuse Kingdom formed an alliance with the Church and offered marriage to the emperor. And the start of their conspiracy began three years after the third princess married into the Imperial Family and became Empress, the mother of the people.


It's been three weeks since their marriage. And Eris was restless within those three weeks. She stayed awake at night and slept during the day. They were now living in the East where the Auberon Duchy was located. Lurice was also confused about his wife's behavior, but he took it as her adjusting to the eastern climate, which was really different from the capital. Not until Eris approached him and requested something from him.

The east was a little colder than the rest of the parts of the empire, but it was the warmest during spring. Their main source of business was the jewel and mana stone mines located near the forest beside the Auberon Estate.

The servants were also wary about their new Duchess. They haven't seen her or heard her speak since they arrived. She was holed up in their room that she didn't even have time to meet the duke's children. Even her personal maid Alois was not allowed to barge in and out of her room. Only when the three weeks mark from the burned letter did Eris came out of her room.

She had already prepared herself for this. The three weeks felt an anxious pain for her, suffocating even, that she clearly needed time to be alone. Eris went to her husband's office, followed by the Head Butler of the estate, Mangroove.

"But Your Grace, the Duke is in the middle of a meeting today. You cannot-"

"I am his wife. I am allowed to listen and participate to the meeting today, am I not? Unless the rights of the nobleman's wife had changed since the founding of this empire." She stared at her with coldness occupying her pink orbs.

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