Chapter 2: Avoidance

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(Saiki POV)-
"Since when did Nendou and Kaidou have the Right to walk into my house without permission on a Monday morning? I've already sensed Kaidou's thoughts a few minutes away and I tried to get out the door as quick as I could, but before I could even open the door my mom made me sit down and eat breakfast. After I finished and began to walk out the door, Two Familiar Imbecile's Burst through the door. "Heya Pal! We came to walk you to school~!" Nendou loudly announced and sniffed the air afterwards. "Oooo Smells like Bacon!" Kaidou, of course payed no attention to Nendou. "Saiki, we must head to school quick, I sense the dark Reunion from around here!". Yare yare, when will I ever be able to have a peaceful morning?

~time skip~

"What do you two say we get some ramen after school? I heard a new Restaurant has opened near the sweet shop and selling some scrumptious ramen!"  No thanks, I mean I wouldn't mind going to the sweet Myself. I sighed and tried to walk away from these two idiots. Of course nothing has changed at all from the last time you've seen me on screen, the regular same old schedule, same old school and same old problems I have to deal with. We reached the school a few minutes after and tried blending in with the Crowd to lose both Nendou and Kaidou. "Waaaaa I wanted to stay home" "I'm so tired, I was watching anime all night"  "I think I gained weight, my skirt is so tight around my waist" all these thoughts annoyed me, but that's what I deal with on a daily basis.

And then of course, the whole crowd stood silent for a good few seconds and began to loud. "OFFU, TERUHASHI!!!!" All the Male students began to Swoon over the Beauty that began to approach the school. "Hello everyone~!" She happily chirped and waved "sweetly". "Yes, look all you want! I know I'm pretty~" she thought to herself. So much for the character development, some people never change. "Saiki?..SAIIIKIII!" She yelled out for me and I began to hear footsteps approaching me. Damn it, Teruhashi was about to approach me in front of a crowd, if I were to be alone I'd happily avoid her, but avoiding her in front of admirers is like a death wish for me, I held my breathe and hoped a miracle were to happen. It's the first day of school today since spring break has ended and I'm already dealing with so much Pain in under an hour. I was starting to think if the world secretly hated me and tried to punish me for being born a psychic, but at the same time can you blame me? I still don't want these powers but I can't seem to get rid of them. Aside from my thoughts sadly, Teruhashi The annoying And Selfish Beauty queen approached me and smiled widely. Why does this always have to happen to me?

"It's been quite a while! How have you been?" She asked happily, as she was talking to me a swarm of guys behind her began to look at me bitterly, some of them whispering about plotting my death. trust me, I don't want any of this attention, I'd rather go out with Nendou and Kaidou to the sweet shop...Actually no That's a lie, I don't wanna deal with any of these idiots. But it seems like the world finally did me a favor as Imu Rifuta Pounced on Teruhashi from behind. "TERUHASHIIIIIIIII~!!!!!" She screamed happily. "Oh I missed you so much! It's been so long since I've seen youuuuu~!!" She whined happily. Ok this is annoying me, I'm gonna need to find a way out of this mess. But of course I can't just walk away, Teruhashi would notice and will most likely start a Public Meltdown or try to follow me and annoy the hell out of me until class starts, the worst part is that she has taken a seat next to me for the semester which makes things even worse, God really hates me doesn't he?

"Ayo Saiki, long time no see hasn't it?" I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I immediately knew who it was, I turned around to see the Girl who has touched my shoulder: Aiura. "Couldn't you go mess with Kaidou and the others?" I spoke with her telepathically. Aiura made a face almost immediately. Oh right, Aiura doesn't really get along with the others as well. Aside from Chiharu and Kaidou all that's left is me. "Well since you're here, can you at least do me a favor and Get Teruhashi away from me?" Aiura pouted and crossed her arms. "And what do I get in return hmmm?" She whispered slyly and poked my nose. "...One, don't ever do that again, two, If you get her away from me we can go get some cake or something after school"

"OOOOO LIKE A DATE???" She yelled loudly in excitement. Everyone turned their heads and looked straight at us. I felt Teruhashi glaring At Aiura. "D-...DID HE JUST ASK HER OUT ON A DATE..?" Teruhashi shrieked in her mind. Imu was also glaring at us both. "...I mean- yeah of course Saiki..I can help you plan a date for your parents anniversary...!" Aiura stuttered as she noticed how many people have been staring at us. Good grief, it hasn't even been two hours yet. But the only good thing that came out of this situation was the bell ringing, everyone rushed into their class leaving me Bumping into several students. "Hey watch it!" Said a male student. Oh I'm so sorry-!" Said a female student. "Ow-! Did you just step on my new shoes?! I just got them yesterday!" Some student wailed at another. First day back at school and there's already a swarm of annoying constant thoughts I deal with.

I head over to my classroom, alone surprisingly. Hey that's weird, how am I suddenly walking alone after dealing with several Knuckleheads back there? It's almost as if the world is planning something big against me, but I can't exactly prove that at all, the hall wasn't so packed as it usually was, only a few students walked to their classrooms calmly as some others began to chat about their break. The sudden change didn't sit right with me, but why? As I was a few steps before my classroom I heard a couple of familiar voices. "Haha watch our pal be so surprised once he sees us in his classroom!". I know that voice anywhere... Nendou

"Be quiet you idiot! If you don't shut up I'll definitely send over the dark Reunion to punish you for spoiling the surprise!" Kaidou

"I'm so hungryyyy, when is Saiki cominggggg?" Mera

"I made Saiki a Delicious ice cream cake!... although I accidentally ate half of it and it's melting...!" Chiharu

"I'm sure Saiki will be so surprised to see me here! Although I sit right by him he'll sure be so happy once I give him a hug!..yes I'm gonna give him a hug! He'll most definitely say Oh to me!" And worst of all Teruhashi

I don't have time to deal with any of this today, I quickly walked by the classroom faster than the wind could go and stopped by the boys bathroom and waited to hear more footsteps go to the classroom. What did I ever do to deserve this?

(AND DONE!!! I finished the second chapter of this fabrication, I hope you enjoyed this chapter although it's been a while since I've updated it my apologies!!. I'm not so used to drawing actúal stories instead of constant Smut/NSFW aha- I'll be updating this a lot more so stay tuned Darlings <333)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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