Lost and Found

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Just a second ago you were walking around in the art museum with your big boob girlfriend. You did not want to go to the museum because it would be boring as heck but she said if you did she would licky bum bum so you agreed. She had nice big lips which were nice for a lil sucky dick fun but you were not so fond of her womanly features and often found yourself jacking off to pictures of well developed naked men. Your favorite sub genre on pornhub was batmanxrobin foreplay.
But somehow while you were trying to run away from your lady you fell into this big fish picture on the floor. And plop! Here you are in this creepy looking place. There was art all around so you knew you were in a museum but not the same one as you were in before because this one was darker and felt weird like a German horror drama.
You decided "I will stand up" but as you did a rose fell from somewhere on your body and as you looked you saw it was green like the shade of your girlfriends nail polish called "murky Monday." I bet this rose is important you thought so you stuck it behind your ear like the cutie you are.
You began to explore the creepo museum by just walking down the halls and looking at the weird art. They were of weird smiles and crap what is this place you thought. You opened a door to your left and went inside but all that was there was a few mannequin heads and a mirror. "Ooh time to primp myself" you said out loud flam-boy-antley. U looked at yourself in the mirror and admired the very tight fitting scoop neck shirt and skin tite lether pantse you were wearing. Your hair looked so on point too mmmm gurl I am lookin good and the flower was a nice cute touch. You checked our your butt in the mirror and mm it was firm good thing you kept up your Hollywood fitness menbership. "Well if I'm stuck here at least I have a fine ass that's what my mom always said" you said out loud .
Out of the brink of dawn u heard a loud noise. It was a moaning of a man and it was so loud that your butt juggled with it's power. You ran out the room and down the hall and a mannequin that looked like a power ranger chased you and you were so scared ahhh but you made it with the power of a good ol fashion fart to blow them away and then finally when you turned down another hall you found the source of the moan/screams.
It was a man
A fine man
The very best like no one ever was
To catch them is your real quest
And to train the man boy was that your cause.
He layed on the ground spread eagle with his torn jacket off him next to him and his green shirt with hoals in it and his hair was purple with sexy octopus resembling pieces on top. Scrumdiddlyumptious you found a fine piece of man meat today. But you were sad as you realized he was not moaning in pleezur but in pain yes there was a doll on top of him biting his face in meen myrtle nips so what you did next was so brave even Zeus would be proud.
You kicked that lil sun o a gun yup right in the juggles you kicked the doll and it flew off the man, flipped you off, and ran away in the anger of 1000 Huns (FYI go check out my Hun fic you'll like it too plz)
The man boy was still laying on the ground in a troubled fashion that was also strangely seductive. You walked over to him and crouched down like a cute lil hoppy bull frog and patted his head like you always did to your St. Bernard named Justice Lovingpaws. The man looked up and fluttered his eyes open and looked at you with his eggplant colored eyes like the star galaxy space jams of 2 thousand stars child lover beauties. Ur heart beat wow you never felt this what is this feeling so sudden and new you thought "I always thought boobies were my jam but now I see maybe that was a false accusation."
The man barely could talk but he grumbled "the rose...put it in liquid plz" so when you looked you saw he had a rose also next to him, it was blue. Multiple liquids raced through your mind and you thought of whippin out your dick and spreading a little pee pee on the rose but instead you put the stem in your mouth and swirled your tungq around the end like you did to the nips of your genie from Aladdin poster in your room ever morning (also check out my Aladdin fic you won't regret it). He came back to life!!!!!11!1 the man sprung right up to his feet like tigger on a good Sunday and brushed particles off his attire (woah I used big words a+).
"Who is it that is my savior? Oh it's you." He looked at you and you felt your cheeks turn fleshy and warm he was a qt wow cute boy alert you thought.
"My name is Garry" he said and at the sound of that hot name plus how his pants squeezed his thighs and bits nicely you felt a strange sensation in your lower region as your pants became tighter and your little snake pushed for freedom. And by snake I don't mean a scaly one.
"I'm hard" you said oops you did not mean to say that! But the words came out and Garry covered his mouth in shock "oh my " he said but you could twll he looked down to see it what you said was true. "Here is ur rose" u said in such a blush state and handed it to him while looking at the dirty ground u were nervous as heck no women or furry convention ever made you feel like this piece of man meat did. "Shitfuq" u thought to urself as u looks down and saw ur e-rexin just becoming more rock like and u knew Garry saw it too because he was blushing but dang his blushing didn't help the matter it just made you even more excited.
"I'm lost in this place. I don't know how I got here. MayB we should stick together and try to find away out" Garry sed. "Yeah I fell in a fish and now I'm here. This place is cweepy let's be super sleuths together and get outta here" u sed back to Garry oppa. He bobbled his head in agreement and together u started walking down the hall. All around you were weird a$$ pictures like of faces and weird ladies and crap wtf was this crack show. Garry and you went on many adventures together like you were chased by the power rangers you farted on earlier and the red lady paintings and some mannequin heads and another frekin doll but y'all made it because you were a team. You started to feel close to Garry you were surviving together You were making it when times were tough you were sticking together like a pile of creme de la creme it was Something real...was this tru luv??!!?$!?!
Y'all had just made it though a maze and then you started to feel a lil chilly. U were shivering like a chihuahua on Cinco de mayo on the rivers of Canada's frosty waters. Your e-recshun from earlier had gone down abut but now your dang ballz were starting to shrivel up like an apple face. Garry saw u tinkling ur bones so he took off his designer probably Gucci or luy vuutawn jacket and put it on u wih the cutest smile in all of Malaysia. Even though ur balls were hiding ur peen rose to the heavens at the smell of his lovely rose perfume on his jacket.
You couldn't take it no more you had to set your snake free so u went "uhh excuse me for a sec gar I need to go adjust my hair placement" and then u ran off to the nearest room and ripped down ur pants as soon as you got in and then began to furiously stroke ur cockadoodledoo. You were lighting McQueen speed. You had practiced your speedy duty in the bathrooms of carrows before but now you were faster than ever because you thought of Garry and his octopus hair and lovely thin figure. You thought you were near your bursting point but then suddenly...
The door creaked open O.O
To be continued

Also shoutout to my hoe KawaiiDinosaur who also posts really hot fics and did a rlly gud ib fic that makes me jiggle. Luv ya <3

Inspired by Art: an Ib fanfic  GarryxReader (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now