1. The Windy City

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I couldn't believe that I was actually here.  My eyes glanced out the hotel window to the busy streets below.  I had never been to Chicago until yesterday morning when my parents and I got off the plane.  There hadn't been time to see much though as we were ushered into a waiting car and driven to the hospital for the day.  That evening had consisted of room service and early to bed, but when the morning came I hadn't slept a wink.  All I could think of was who was my match going to be.  Some guy I'd never met would walk into a hospital conference room later this afternoon.  If he wasn't absolutely gross and awful then I'd sign a paper which will result in him walking into my life forever, or at least the next 18 years. 

"It's all for a good cause" I said to myself wringing my hands.

"Are you alright Y/n?" my mother asked breaking through my inner dialogue.

I turned away from the window and saw her sitting nervously on the hotel bed.  There was worry in her eyes, and I knew what she would be saying next.

"You know you don't have to do this if you aren't comfortable.  There are other people in the trial, and besides you are the youngest.  Maybe you should wait another year or two!  Even then, nobody would blame you for quitting altogether." she started to continue, but I'd heard all of this before.

"I know what I'm doing." I said calmly taking a breath.  "There are only three other pairs in the program, and the doctors need all the data they can get.  This could change the entire way we look at cancer and I refuse to be the one who quit because it wasn't convenient."

"But do you really want to be a mother before your 21st birthday?  There must be other ways to do this!" she sighed into her hands.

"I hadn't planned for this, but the government is paying me well and we'll be taken care of.  I always wanted to be a mom just not so soon.  All I can do is my best to embrace this experience.  This will help people like Uncle Joey.  We almost lost him, and I don't want anyone else to have to go through something like that.  So it's settled and I want you to simply support me now."

"Alright, I'm sorry honey.  I'm the one who encouraged you to do this, but I didn't realize it would be this scary!  You are very brave Y/n!" she got up and hugged me tight.

"Let's go, it's time for you to meet your baby daddy!" she laughed getting her purse.

My dad had gone to get our rental car,  and was waiting when we went down to the lobby.  We hopped in and started towards the hospital. 

"Okay, if he is a jerk just say "no way!" and slam the door in his face!" my dad nodded like the chance I'd need to do that was high.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind!" I smiled with a laugh.

It's only a five minute drive so we were there in what felt like seconds.

"We will be back to pick you up whenever you text that you are done!" my mom assured.  "And remember you don't have to do anything!  What's most important is that you feel safe, and don't forget how much we love you!" she waved as I started to get out of the car.

"Hey!" my dad yelled as I turned towards the hospital entrance.  "If he is nice, but ugly don't be sad!  You are cute enough to get at least an above average kid no matter what!" he gave me a huge thumbs up.

"I can't believe you just said that!" my mom yelled as they pulled away.

Once they had left the parking lot I let out a sigh of relief.  This was enough to handle without them no offense.

I walked in to the front desk and quietly stated my name.  The nurse looked it up and realized that I was here for the trial.  Someone came at once to escort me to a private conference room.  I had been there yesterday when I came in for a checkup and initial consultation.  I had also met my doctor Jill Malcolm.  She is a genetics specialist, and was so excited that I was interested in helping.  I felt better knowing she would be there to help.  The door opened suddenly, and she walked in with lots of papers in her hands.

"Hi Miss Y/n!" she smiled.  "I'm so glad we didn't scare you away yesterday!" she said taking a seat.

"I'm kind of invested at this point!" I folded my hands on my lap.

"Great!  That's exactly what I hoping." she laid a few pages in front of me.  "So today is a big day!"'she began.  "You are going to be meeting your match, and seeing if you still feel good about participating.  If you get past the meeting and things are still going well we will move on to custody and living arrangement papers.  Who will the child live with, and how often will the other parent see the child.  Very similar to how you might handle custody after a divorce." she pointed to a few different pages as I listened intently.

"You will both have to agree before we move forward with a procedure.  The mother having sole custody with or without visitation is what we have done so far, but you can talk it out later.  Now that's out of the way, are you ready to meet your match?" she asked with a bit of excitement.

"I guess so." I answered hesitantly starting to sweat.

"I don't think you need to be nervous!" she smiled leaning in.  "I have talked with him several times and he seems super sweet and charming.  Also, did I mention he's kind of dreamy in the looks department!"  she half whispered.  "Ahh it makes me wish I could have been a part of the program if you know what I mean!" she laughed loudly.

I wasn't really sure what to make of that, but it sounded good.  I think.

"Alright here is his profile.  It's his name, age, height, and stuff like that.  I will go and see if his appointment is over and then we should be back in about twenty minutes!"  She sat the blue folder in front of me and turned to leave.

The door had clicked shut, and I stared at it slowly for a second and then practically jumped on top of it.  I ripped it open and began to scan.

"Okay, a little older, tall, Romanian?" I questioned out loud.  "What about his name?" I flipped through again.  Then I realized I had missed it at the top.

"Sebastian Stan....?" I instantly felt faint.  "No, no, no, this can't be real!" I blew the hair out of my face aggressively reading it again.  Then, I stood up not sure what to think, and started wringing my hands wildly.  My feet then began quickly pacing around the table as I fanned myself with the mysterious blue folder.

"I can't be having Bucky Barnes baby!" I shouted suddenly.

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