Chapter One

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Chapter One

These corridors had always creeped Violet out. No matter how many times she had walked them. There was always something about the walls that just made her want to bolt. Violet swollawed as she followed the male nurse down the hall of metal doors. The small windows on the doors not leaving much to VIolets imagination. She always told herself that she would never walk these corridors every again,but she just knew that she always had to. One thing for sure was that the ugly walls of Eichen House always made her never want to come back there. She was always finding herself there no matter what she told herself.

She put her hands in the back of her boyfriend jeans. She walked into the visiting area as the nurse got out her way. Making her way to the seat she sat in every saturday. If Violet didnt sit in the same spot every weekend then Violet knew that she would have a fit. Which would cause her to be removed and Violet didn't want that. Violet actually needed to talk to her today. Something was very wrong with Violet. Something about her felt different not to mention she found a deadbody the other night. Violet was beginning to become freaked out.

"Hey mom." Violet smiled up at her mother whose brown hair was wild and she sat down. She was wearing that same old grey t-shirt with the grey sweatpants to match. Violet felt safe now that her mother was here. Like the voices in the Eichen house walls wasn't going to drive her crazy. Her mom looked up at her. Her grey eyes looking dialated maybe it was because of the drugs that'd keep her sane.

Her mother gave her closed mouth smile. Violet handed her mother a piece of paper and a pencil. Her mother wiasted no time putting the pencil to the paper. Violet smiled in adoration at her mother who had been here in Eichen house all of Violets life basically. Violet dug in her purse and pulled out a brush and some hair spray. She began to brush her mothers hair softly. Not wanting to upset the grey eyed woman of course. The softer she brushed the lighter her mother mood would stay.

It was silent at their table as VIolet brushed her brothers brown straight her and her mother wrote out random numbers. Once Violet was done she sat down on the chair oppoiste of her mother where she had been before. Her mother dropped the pencil on top of the paper and pushed both towards her daughter. The grey eyed woman smiled proudly at her daughter showing her white teeh this time.

"Hey bug." Her mother said to her grabbing her hand.

"Hey mom." Violet smiled back being sure to not upset her mother.

"Youre first day of school is in two days." Her mother smiled and started rubbing circles into her daughters hands.

"I know Im not really looking forward to it though." Violet sighs thinking about everything that could go wrong at Beacon Hills High.

"Well you should be you can only go through Highschool once." Her mother said to her.

"Yeah I know." Violet sighs because she wished that her mother could be normal. That she wouldnt have to come all the way here to have one of these conversations with her. To her daughter her mother seemed normal, but she was no pyschiatrist.

"How are you?" Her mom asked removing her hands from her daughters and folding them back in her lap.

"Im not good lately I've been hearing things when I walk the halls of Eichen house and I found a dead body earler in the week." Violet whispers becuase she doesnt want any of the roaming nurses to hear her. "I was in bed and then I just woke up and walked all the way into the woods. I filpped over this body and the neck was slit and blood was pouring out of it. I let out this wailing scream." Violet continues but the scream thing was normal because anyone would scream if they saw a dead body. What freaked VIolet out was how she just found the body.

Her mother eyes filled with tears Violet had upset her. She didnt know how she'd even upset her. Violet reached her hand out to try and touch her mother ,but her mother let out a wailing scream. Just like the one Violet had let out a few days ago. VIolet literally had to cover her ears as she looked at her mother with wide brown eyes. Two nurses rushed over and stuck her mother with a needle to calm her down . A few second later it was just silent. Violet just watched as her mother was taken away. Violet stuff the paper her mother had wrote on her bag with the pencil.

Violet looked around the room and she saw a girl about her age. She looked dazed out and her brown afro type hair was just sitting on top of her head. She had pale skin and she was really skinny. The girl looked at her with her dark brown eyes. A nurse walked over to the young girl.

"Meredith its time for your medicine." The nurse said and Violet couldnt get out of that damned place any faster. When Violet got into her blue toyato chevy and she didnt feel safe until she was home. Violet lived alone in the huge house. She was the only child and her dad had left her a while ago. Thats what actually drove her mother to insanity. She threw her bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen to get some food. Violet didnt have any fiends. She had one friend who basically ditched her for Erica Hayes and Boyd. Isaac Lahey.

Isaac and Violet were best-friends. He had a fucked up life style just like she did. Isaac was probably more fucked up than hers though. His dad literally would beat the living crap out of the boy whenever and he made Isaac work in the graveyard. See.. His dad was extremely fucked. Violet's dad was normal. He was a rolling stone and ran off ever chance he got. At first he sent Violet and her mom postcards. She had got some from Mexico, Montana, Texas, Colorado, Tennese , Kentucky, and then they just stop coming. Every year was some place new. Then the first year after they stopped coming her mother just started to get crazier and crazier. Then the next thing she knew her mother was sent to go to Eichen House and her aunt Viola had to come and live with her. She loved her aunt but her aunt worked hard. She traveled alot for work so she was barely there with her.


Violet had fallen asleep on the couch watching reruns of The Originals on Netflix. Violet was a Netflix-aholic. Netflix was literally Violets bestfriend at times. She didn't really care about it anymore. Violet eyes flew open and she jumped up from the couch. She ran towards her door. She was literally running through the woods without any shoes on. She couldnt stop. For some reason it was like something took over her body. All she knew was that she needed to find something.

This was the exact same feeling she had the other night. When she went to find the dead body. She didnt exactly know what she was doing. It was just like her feet guided her under the moonlight. She ran up to a house. It was white and medium size. She ran inside the house and to her surprise there was no alarm. Well nothing really happened in Beacon Hills ever , so why would there be an alarm. She let her feet guide her throught the strange house.

She opened the door of the basement. As she creeped down the stairs she noticed it was a wine cellur. She walked further into the wine cellur touching the bottles. She heard a dripping sound. As she walked further down the columns. She stopped once she was in a middle column.

"Turn around." The voice was a whisper. It was female like and taunting. It repeated it's insturctions over and over. As Violet turned around. Thats when she saw it. It was a blonde hair girl. Her heels were in the beginning of the aisle and she was on the wall her throat slit like the other boy she had found. Then Violets wailing scream came that could be heard through-out the whole town.

After Violet scream was over the shrieff was there. Violet didnt know how they got her but she didnt care. All she wanted was to go home and go into bed. Well to take another shower of course. Shierff walked up to her and wrapped his jacket around her shiver body.

"Violet are you okay?" He asked her raising an eyebrow and she looked down at her barefeet that was now coated in mud.

"I just want to go home." Violet sighs ending the conversation before it even started. The shireff nodded and walked her over to his car that had shrieff on both sides of it in gold. She sat in the pasenger seat and the only noise to be heard throught the car ride was her giving him directions to her home.

Disclaimer i do not own teen wolf. I do not own the plot line. I only own Violet Kelly and her parts in the plot line. :)

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