Chapter 9

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While the others were busy with the Daimatou Enbu, the team rescuing Lucy is busy running and thinking of a plan to enter the castle without suspicion.

"How can we enter the castle without being noticed?" Wendy asks as Happy suddenly snicker, making the other exceed look at him weirdly. "I have an idea." He said making Charle and Lily look at the former with doubt.

"It's probably something stupid." "Yeah."

"No way, it's a perfect disguise!" Happy said as they all look at the team with weird costumes especially Erin as she looks like a grim reaper. "Happy, I'll skin you alive." Erin said while holding a sickle props as Happy cry while flying to Natsu.

Mira chuckled before speaking her thoughts. "It's okay, I thought about it." Erin looked at her grateful as Natsu cheered her for the plan.

Wendy looks back where the others are wishing them good luck before they start to run again heading to the castle.


"Are you sure leaving a clone is fine?" Makarov asks as he gives a side glance to the clone of Erin as the latter gazes down at the arena. Erin shrugs before answering the 6th master. "It's not like I wanted to but I deem it needed. Who knows what will happen."

'Once someone stupid open the eclipse gate. Shouldn't that be destroyed? That damn king...' Erin continued in her thoughts as she looked over the Sabertooth, whom the leader was probably Minerva with a smug look. Even the others except for the twin dragons who look calm and collected.

"I need to go. There are things I need to ensure and observe." Erin said as she walked away without waiting for the response of Makarov who looked at her way with worry and concern.

Makarov knows that Erin still hides many things and will not tell anything even though she trusts everyone in the guild. She doesn't want to burden and worry everyone but she doesn't. She's making the opposite effect.

'You're making us worry more, Erin. What's really happening to you?' He thought as he sighs before focusing on the event.

The cheers we heard as Erin made her way out of the tournament, "The DAIMATOU ENBU starts now!!!!" This made Erin sigh.

"The whole battlefield will be the whole town of Crocus. The members of each guild are already scattered. The fight will start once you encounter another member of a guild. If your enemy loses consciousness or is unable to fight, your guild automatically gets a point.

Additionally, each guild will decide a leader. The other guilds don't know who the leader is. If you defeat the leader, your guild will get five points. The max point you can get is 45, anyone has a chance to win."

The Fairy Tail participants all looked determined and serious as they waited for the rules to finish. "Listen, we have to win. To save Lucy." Erza said as her eyes blaze with determination and seriousness.

"If Natsu and the others managed to get Lucy back..." "That would be the best." Gajeel finished off what Juvia said as they all nodded at that.

"But we have another reason to win." Gray said as he also burned with fierce determination to win. "To make up for our guild that lost for seven years." Laxus continued as he slightly smirked with a hint of smug but there was a hidden seriousness in his eyes.

As the crowds continue to cheer without minding their throats, the Daimatou Enbu officially starts. "We'll win!" "Yeah!"

"The mages are now in the move. As we expected, most teams separate into pairs or group into threes. Meanwhile, Sabertooth has skilled fighters so they totally separate from each other."

As the emcee continued to speculate what the mages will do and how they will win, they heard a gasp from a group of audience and a shout from the Fairy Tail guild. It answers their curiosity when they see the participants of Fairy Tail just standing still.

"What's happening?!!" Chapati asks exaggeratingly as he stands up from his seat. "All the members of Fairy Tail are standing still with their eyes closed!!"

Fairy Tail members at the balcony are all shouting for their guildmates to move with their 6th Master, Makarov, the loudest. Meanwhile, Mavis is very calm as she watches the other guilds taking down each other.

With Fairy Tail standing still, the other guilds slowly take down the other members of the guilds. They slowly built up their points with Quatro Cerberus being ousted with all of their members wiped out as Sting took down their leader, Bacchus with a single strike.

Even amidst all those ruckus, Fairy Tail are still standing still making their guildmates become more anxious and sweat in nervousness. "What are you doing?! We must save Lucy!"

"That's why we must keep calm." Mavis suddenly silenced them as Makarov looked at the first master in shock and confusion. Everyone looks at Mavis with questions dancing in their eyes. "In these four days I recorded the enemy's battle skills, magic, mental and action patterns.

I memorized them all. And based on that I simulated countless fights. I predicted the enemy's victories and movements. This is all my foretelling."

They all look at Mavis like she has grown a second head as they try to comprehend what she's trying to convey. "I already told them the strategy." Just as she said this, one by one, the members of Fairy Tail opened their eyes with stern and determined expression.

"To lead our comrades to victory, that is my fight." Mavis also mirrored their determined and serious expression as she stood up. "Launch Operation: Fairy Stars!"



Erin looks at them deadpanned as she follows behind the group nonchalantly using invisibility. She offers to use it on them but Mirajane declines stating that if something occurs, they should be in their top form which she wholeheartedly agreed.

She doesn't like being held captive and such, still chose to be invisible for the sake of surprises. As they walk through the halls of the prison, Erin sees various people before they reach the end of the cell where Lucy and Yukino were held up.

They saw Lucy sleeping while Yukino was sitting on the floor. Natsu called Lucy, waking her up as she looked at the group with gratitude for rescuing them. "Here, we bought you a change of clothes." Mirajane said as she handed them the clothes.

As they changed, the team didn't notice the slow opening of the floor. Erin notices it too late as they fall right into the trap. She manages to help herself and the others to softly land on the ground as they survey their surroundings.

"Welcome to the Palace of Hades. Thank you for falling directly into my trap. You may rot here as punishment."

The fairy tail members saw the princess of Fiore, Hisui E. Fiore, and behind her were the palace guards. Erin narrows her eyes at the projection before it is cut off after her short announcement.

Erin gritted her teeth as she briefly sensed that dark aura surrounding the princess before dissolving. She got the gist of the magic but she needs confirmation and that clone of hers will bring it to her.

She looks over at her guild mates talking on how to escape the hell hole then closes her eyes and sighs. She needs to keep calm and think on how to get into where the Eclipse Gate or the world will be doomed.


a/n: Heya! So, I finally got to update again after one year... two years? Blame the thing called Lazy, but I updated. Finally! Even if I have exams next week. So, to those who still wait for this crap, thank you and to those who didn't, can't blame you, really. I really want to finish this since the ideas are still in my head, I'm just too lazy to write it up. So, I promise to finish this even if the update takes years. See yah.

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