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I knock on Clays door, waiting for him to answer. After a couple of seconds, he could hear the doorknob slightly move a bit, then the door suddenly opening. He was greeted with Clay on the other side of the door. George smiled "Hi Clay". "Hey, come in" he says with a warm smile.

Clay leads George to his room where he sees all of Clays worksheets scattered around his bed. Clay sits down and motions George to sit with him. George kindly accepts and starts to read through his homework. "Oh, this is easy" he says. Clay rolls his eyes but continues to listen to George explaining the work. Clay got a bit bored of George explaining so his mind wandered off to something else, George's eyes. They were a beautiful shade of chocolate brown. At first, George didn't know what was happening and continued to explain until he caught a glimpse of Clay staring into his eyes. George immediately turned a bright shade of pink but slowly realized that Clay was probably not paying any attention whatsoever. "Um.. Clay? You good?". Clay quickly snaps out of his admiration "Huh, o-oh, yeah i'm listening, but you see, I don't really understand this" he says whilst pointing to a certain question, trying to seem like nothing happened.

George started to explain the question while Clay tried answering it by himself. After a while, Clay had finally finished his worksheets. George still hadn't checked them so he handed the papers to him. While George was checking the papers, Clay went back to staring, this time taking in every small feature that George had to offer. 'God, he's so perfect' he thought to himself. Before getting caught by George again, he started to look around his room, trying not to look suspicious of anything. 'What am I saying, i'm straight... but he's so pretty' he thought.

Once George has checked Clays papers, he tells him that he did well and only got question 2 and 6 wrong. Clay was a surprised at himself and smiled. "Thank you for helping me George" He said, smiling. "You're welcome Clay, text me anytime you need help, but don't think that I will stop making fun of youu" George says, giggling a bit. Clay playfully rolled his eyes, they then started to make small talk. They talked about school, minecraft, and other things such as family and more.

While George was talking to Clay, George couldn't notice but to stare right into Clays eyes when he wasn't looking. The beautiful emerald green eyes was definitely something you couldn't miss when you looked at him. Even though they've been friends for the longest time, George has always been mesmerized by Clays eyes. George had got lost in his thoughts, still staring into Clays eyes, well until he got snapped back into reality by Clay staring back into his eyes. At this point, they were both silent, George was a slight shade of red while Clay had a grin on his face.

Clay then moved a bit forward, now, faces inches apart. George still didn't move, he instead continued to stare. Clay took note of this then started trailing his eyes to George's lips, slowly connecting both their lips into a soft and light kiss. George was taken by a surprise for a second then leaned in. They kissed for around 3 seconds before George let go and started to stutter out words. "C-c-Clay- wh-what" he said. He was in shock so instead of trying to put together his words, he got up from the bed and left, walking down the hallway making it down to the front entrance and getting into his car.

He sat there for a while thinking about what had just happened. 'did I really just kiss him?' 'I still don't know what to do, I thought I was straight' 'maybe I should try to avoid him for a while, or until I figure out my sexuality' his mind wandered until he pulled up to his driveway. He walked through the door, this parents no where to be seen. He walked to his sisters room, Celia. George usually told her everything, and she usually helped him figure things out, so he decided to go tell her. He knocked onto the door, waiting for her to open the door or to tell him to come in. He waited for a while, until she opened her door. George smiled at her, Celia smiling back. "Hey... Um well I need to talk to you about something" "Oh? What is it?" "Well... Clay kissed me." Celia's expression soon turned into a shocked face, her eyes wide open the soon turning into a sly smirk.

790 words

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