The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes THE SUSSEX VAMPIRE

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HOLMES had read carefully a note which the last post had brought him.Then, with the dry chuckle which was his nearest approach to a laugh, hetossed it over to me."For a mixture of the modern and the mediaeval, of the practical and ofthe wildly fanciful, I think this is surely the limit," said he. "What do youmake of it, Watson?"I read as follows:[1034] 46, OLD JEWRY,Nov. 19th.Re VampiresSIR:Our client, Mr. Robert Ferguson, of Ferguson and Muirhead, teabrokers, of Mincing Lane, has made some inquiry from us in acommunication of even date concerning vampires. As our firmspecializes entirely upon the assessment of machinery the matterhardly comes within our purview, and we have thereforerecommended Mr. Ferguson to call upon you and lay the matterbefore you. We have not forgotten your successful action in thecase of Matilda Briggs.We are, sir,Faithfully yours,MORRISON, MORRISON, AND DODD.per E. J. C."Matilda Briggs was not the name of a young woman, Watson," saidHolmes in a reminiscent voice. "It was a ship which is associated with thegiant rat of Sumatra, a story for which the world is not yet prepared. Butwhat do we know about vampires? Does it come within our purvieweither? Anything is better than stagnation, but really we seem to havebeen switched on to a Grimms' fairy tale. Make a long arm, Watson, andsee what V has to say."I leaned back and took down the great index volume to which hereferred. Holmes balanced it on his knee, and his eyes moved slowly andlovingly over the record of old cases, mixed with the accumulatedinformation of a lifetime."Voyage of the Gloria Scott," he read. "That was a bad business. I havesome recollection that you made a record of it, Watson, though I wasunable to congratulate you upon the result. Victor Lynch, the forger.Venomous lizard or gila. Remarkable case, that! Vittoria, the circus belle.Vanderbilt and the Yeggman. Vipers. Vigor, the Hammersmith wonder.Hullo! Hullo! Good old index. You can't beat it. Listen to this, Watson.Vampirism in Hungary. And again, Vampires in Transylvania." He turnedover the pages with eagerness, but after a short intent perusal he threwdown the great book with a snarl of disappointment."Rubbish, Watson, rubbish! What have we to do with walking corpseswho can only be held in their grave by stakes driven through their hearts?It's pure lunacy.""But surely," said I, "the vampire was not necessarily a dead man? Aliving person might have the habit. I have read, for example, of the oldsucking the blood of the young in order to retain their youth.""You are right, Watson. It mentions the legend in one of thesereferences. But are we to give serious attention to such things? Thisagency stands flat-footed upon the ground, and there it must remain. Theworld is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply. I fear that we cannottake Mr. Robert Ferguson very seriously. Possibly this note may be fromhim and may throw some light upon what is worrying him."He took up a second letter which had lain unnoticed upon the tablewhile he had been absorbed with the first. This he began to read with asmile of amusement upon his face which gradually faded away into anexpression of intense interest and concentration. When he had finished hesat for some little time lost in thought [1035] with the letter dangling fromhis fingers. Finally, with a start, he aroused himself from his reverie."Cheeseman's, Lamberley. Where is Lamberley, Watson?" "It is in Sussex, south of Horsham.""Not very far, eh? And Cheeseman's?""I know that country, Holmes. It is full of old houses which are namedafter the men who built them centuries ago. You get Odley's andHarvey's and Carriton's-the folk are forgotten but their names live intheir houses."Precisely," said Holmes coldly. It was one of the peculiarities of hisproud, self-contained nature that though he docketed any freshinformation very quietly and accurately in his brain, he seldom made anyacknowledgment to the giver. "I rather fancy we shall know a good dealmore about Cheeseman's, Lamberley, before we are through. The letteris, as I had hoped, from Robert Ferguson. By the way, he claimsacquaintance with you.""With me!""You had better read it."He handed the letter across. It was headed with the address quoted.DEAR MR. HOLMES [it said]:I have been recommended to you by my lawyers, but indeed thematter is so extraordinarily delicate that it is most difficult todiscuss. It concerns a friend for whom I am acting. This gentlemanmarried some five years ago a Peruvian lady, the daughter of aPeruvian merchant, whom he had met in connection with theimportation of nitrates. The lady was very beautiful, but the fact ofher foreign birth and of her alien religion always caused aseparation of interests and of feelings between husband and wife,so that after a time his love may have cooled towards her and hemay have come to regard their union as a mistake. He felt therewere sides of her character which he could never explore orunderstand. This was the more painful as she was as loving a wifeas a man could have-to all appearance absolutely devoted.Now for the point which I will make more plain when we meet.Indeed, this note is merely to give you a general idea of thesituation and to ascertain whether you would care to interestyourself in the matter. The lady began to show some curious traitsquite alien to her ordinarily sweet and gentle disposition. Thegentleman had been married twice and he had one son by the firstwife. This boy was now fifteen, a very charming and affectionateyouth, though unhappily injured through an accident in childhood.Twice the wife was caught in the act of assaulting this poor lad inthe most unprovoked way. Once she struck him with a stick andleft a great weal on his arm.This was a small matter, however, compared with her conduct toher own child, a dear boy just under one year of age. On oneoccasion about a month ago this child had been left by its nurse fora few minutes. A loud cry from the baby, as of pain, called thenurse back. As she ran into the room she saw her employer, thelady, leaning over the baby and apparently biting his neck. Therewas a small wound in the neck from which a stream of blood had escaped. The nurse was so horrified that she wished to call thehusband, but the lady implored her not to do so and actually gaveher five pounds [1036] as a price for her silence. No explanationwas ever given, and for the moment the matter was passed over.It left, however, a terrible impression upon the nurse's mind,and from that time she began to watch her mistress closely and tokeep a closer guard upon the baby, whom she tenderly loved. Itseemed to her that even as she watched the mother, so the motherwatched her, and that every time she was compelled to leave thebaby alone the mother was waiting to get at it. Day and night thenurse covered the child, and day and night the silent, watchfulmother seemed to be lying in wait as a wolf waits for a lamb. Itmust read most incredible to you, and yet I beg you to take itseriously, for a child's life and a man's sanity may depend upon it.At last there came one dreadful day when the facts could nolonger be concealed from the husband. The nurse's nerve hadgiven way; she could stand the strain no longer, and she made aclean breast of it all to the man. To him it seemed as wild a tale asit may now seem to you. He knew his wife to be a loving wife,and, save for the assaults upon her stepson, a loving mother. Why,then, should she wound her own dear little baby? He told the nursethat she was dreaming, that her suspicions were those of a lunatic,and that such libels upon her mistress were not to be tolerated.While they were talking a sudden cry of pain was heard. Nurse andmaster rushed together to the nursery. Imagine his feelings, Mr.Holmes, as he saw his wife rise from a kneeling position besidethe cot and saw blood upon the child's exposed neck and upon thesheet. With a cry of horror, he turned his wife's face to the lightand saw blood all round her lips. It was she-she beyond allquestion-who had drunk the poor baby's blood.So the matter stands. She is now confined to her room. Therehas been no explanation. The husband is half demented. Heknows, and I know, little of vampirism beyond the name. We hadthought it was some wild tale of foreign parts. And yet here in thevery heart of the English Sussex-well, all this can be discussedwith you in the morning. Will you see me? Will you use your greatpowers in aiding a distracted man? If so, kindly wire to Ferguson,Cheeseman's, Lamberley, and I will be at your rooms by teno'clock.Yours faithfully,ROBERT FERGUSON.P. S. I believe your friend Watson played Rugby for Blackheathwhen I was three-quarter for Richmond. It is the only personalintroduction which I can give."Of course I remembered him," said I as I laid down the letter. "BigBob Ferguson, the finest three-quarter Richmond ever had. He wasalways a good-natured chap. It's like him to be so concerned over a friend's case."Holmes looked at me thoughtfully and shook his head."I never get your limits, Watson," said he. "There are unexploredpossibilities about you. Take a wire down, like a good fellow. 'Willexamine your case with pleasure.' ""Your case!""We must not let him think that this agency is a home for the weakminded. Of course it is his case. Send him that wire and let the matter resttill morning."[1037] Promptly at ten o'clock next morning Ferguson strode into ourroom. I had remembered him as a long, slab-sided man with loose limbsand a fine turn of speed which had carried him round many an opposingback. There is surely nothing in life more painful than to meet the wreckof a fine athlete whom one has known in his prime. His great frame hadfallen in, his flaxen hair was scanty, and his shoulders were bowed. I fearthat I roused corresponding emotions in him."Hullo, Watson," said he, and his voice was still deep and hearty. "Youdon't look quite the man you did when I threw you over the ropes into thecrowd at the Old Deer Park. I expect I have changed a bit also. But it'sthis last day or two that has aged me. I see by your telegram, Mr. Holmes,that it is no use my pretending to be anyone's deputy.""It is simpler to deal direct," said Holmes."Of course it is. But you can imagine how difficult it is when you arespeaking of the one woman whom you are bound to protect and help.What can I do? How am I to go to the police with such a story? And yetthe kiddies have got to be protected. Is it madness, Mr. Holmes? Is itsomething in the blood? Have you any similar case in your experience?For God's sake, give me some advice, for I am at my wit's end.""Very naturally, Mr. Ferguson. Now sit here and pull yourself togetherand give me a few clear answers. I can assure you that I am very far frombeing at my wit's end, and that I am confident we shall find somesolution. First of all, tell me what steps you have taken. Is your wife stillnear the children?""We had a dreadful scene. She is a most loving woman, Mr. Holmes. Ifever a woman loved a man with all her heart and soul, she loves me. Shewas cut to the heart that I should have discovered this horrible, thisincredible, secret. She would not even speak. She gave no answer to myreproaches, save to gaze at me with a sort of wild, despairing look in hereyes. Then she rushed to her room and locked herself in. Since then shehas refused to see me. She has a maid who was with her before hermarriage, Dolores by name-a friend rather than a servant. She takes herfood to her.""Then the child is in no immediate danger?""Mrs. Mason, the nurse, has sworn that she will not leave it night orday. I can absolutely trust her. I am more uneasy about poor little Jack,for, as I told you in my note, he has twice been assaulted by her.""But never wounded?""No, she struck him savagely. It is the more terrible as he is a poor littleinoffensive cripple." Ferguson's gaunt features softened as he spoke ofhis boy. "You would think that the dear lad's condition would softenanyone's heart. A fall in childhood and a twisted spine, Mr. Holmes. Butthe dearest, most loving heart within."Holmes had picked up the letter of yesterday and was reading it over."What other inmates are there in your house, Mr. Ferguson?" "Two servants who have not been long with us. One stable-hand,Michael, who sleeps in the house. My wife, myself, my boy Jack, baby,Dolores, and Mrs. Mason. That is all.""I gather that you did not know your wife well at the time of yourmarriage?""I had only known her a few weeks.""How long had this maid Dolores been with her?""Some years."[1038] "Then your wife's character would really be better known byDolores than by you?""Yes, you may say so."Holmes made a note."I fancy," said he, "that I may be of more use at Lamberley than here. Itis eminently a case for personal investigation. If the lady remains in herroom, our presence could not annoy or inconvenience her. Of course, wewould stay at the inn."Ferguson gave a gesture of relief."It is what I hoped, Mr. Holmes. There is an excellent train at two fromVictoria if you could come.""Of course we could come. There is a lull at present. I can give you myundivided energies. Watson, of course, comes with us. But there are oneor two points upon which I wish to be very sure before I start. Thisunhappy lady, as I understand it, has appeared to assault both the children,her own baby and your little son?""That is so.""But the assaults take different forms, do they not? She has beaten yourson.""Once with a stick and once very savagely with her hands.""Did she give no explanation why she struck him?""None save that she hated him. Again and again she said so.""Well, that is not unknown among stepmothers. A posthumousjealousy, we will say. Is the lady jealous by nature?""Yes, she is very jealous-jealous with all the strength of her fierytropical love.""But the boy-he is fifteen, I understand, and probably very developedin mind, since his body has been circumscribed in action. Did he give youno explanation of these assaults?""No, he declared there was no reason.""Were they good friends at other times?""No, there was never any love between them.""Yet you say he is affectionate?""Never in the world could there be so devoted a son. My life is his life.He is absorbed in what I say or do."Once again Holmes made a note. For some time he sat lost in thought."No doubt you and the boy were great comrades before this secondmarriage. You were thrown very close together, were you not?""Very much so.""And the boy, having so affectionate a nature, was devoted, no doubt,to the memory of his mother?" "Most devoted.""He would certainly seem to be a most interesting lad. There is oneother point about these assaults. Were the strange attacks upon the babyand the assaults upon your son at the same period?""In the first case it was so. It was as if some frenzy had seized her, andshe had vented her rage upon both. In the second case it was only Jackwho suffered. Mrs. Mason had no complaint to make about the baby.""That certainly complicates matters.""I don't quite follow you, Mr. Holmes.""Possibly not. One forms provisional theories and waits for time orfuller [1039] knowledge to explode them. A bad habit, Mr. Ferguson, buthuman nature is weak. I fear that your old friend here has given anexaggerated view of my scientific methods. However, I will only say atthe present stage that your problem does not appear to me to be insoluble,and that you may expect to find us at Victoria at two o'clock."It was evening of a dull, foggy November day when, having left ourbags at the Chequers, Lamberley, we drove through the Sussex clay of along winding lane and finally reached the isolated and ancient farmhousein which Ferguson dwelt. It was a large, straggling building, very old inthe centre, very new at the wings with towering Tudor chimneys and alichen-spotted, high-pitched roof of Horsham slabs. The doorsteps wereworn into curves, and the ancient tiles which lined the porch were markedwith the rebus of a cheese and a man after the original builder. Within, theceilings were corrugated with heavy oaken beams, and the uneven floorssagged into sharp curves. An odour of age and decay pervaded the wholecrumbling building.There was one very large central room into which Ferguson led us.Here, in a huge old-fashioned fireplace with an iron screen behind it dated1670, there blazed and spluttered a splendid log fire.The room, as I gazed round, was a most singular mixture of dates andof places. The half-panelled walls may well have belonged to the originalyeoman farmer of the seventeenth century. They were ornamented,however, on the lower part by a line of well-chosen modern watercolours; while above, where yellow plaster took the place of oak, therewas hung a fine collection of South American utensils and weapons,which had been brought, no doubt, by the Peruvian lady upstairs. Holmesrose, with that quick curiosity which sprang from his eager mind, andexamined them with some care. He returned with his eyes full of thought."Hullo!" he cried. "Hullo!"A spaniel had lain in a basket in the corner. It came slowly forwardtowards its master, walking with difficulty. Its hind legs movedirregularly and its tail was on the ground. It licked Ferguson's hand."What is it, Mr. Holmes?""The dog. What's the matter with it?""That's what puzzled the vet. A sort of paralysis. Spinal meningitis, hethought. But it is passing. He'll be all right soon-won't you, Carlo?"A shiver of assent passed through the drooping tail. The dog'smournful eyes passed from one of us to the other. He knew that we werediscussing his case. "Did it come on suddenly?""In a single night.""How long ago?""It may have been four months ago.""Very remarkable. Very suggestive.""What do you see in it, Mr. Holmes?""A confirmation of what I had already thought.""For God's sake, what do you think, Mr. Holmes? It may be a mereintellectual puzzle to you, but it is life and death to me! My wife a wouldbe murderer-my child in constant danger! Don't play with me, Mr.Holmes. It is too terribly serious."The big Rugby three-quarter was trembling all over. Holmes put hishand soothingly upon his arm.[1040] "I fear that there is pain for you, Mr. Ferguson, whatever thesolution may be," said he. "I would spare you all I can. I cannot say morefor the instant, but before I leave this house I hope I may have somethingdefinite.""Please God you may! If you will excuse me, gentlemen, I will go up tomy wife's room and see if there has been any change."He was away some minutes, during which Holmes resumed hisexamination of the curiosities upon the wall. When our host returned itwas clear from his downcast face that he had made no progress. Hebrought with him a tall, slim, brown-faced girl."The tea is ready, Dolores," said Ferguson. "See that your mistress haseverything she can wish.""She verra ill," cried the girl, looking with indignant eyes at her master."She no ask for food. She verra ill. She need doctor. I frightened stayalone with her without doctor."Ferguson looked at me with a question in his eyes."I should be so glad if I could be of use.""Would your mistress see Dr. Watson?""I take him. I no ask leave. She needs doctor.""Then I'll come with you at once."I followed the girl, who was quivering with strong emotion, up thestaircase and down an ancient corridor. At the end was an iron-clampedand massive door. It struck me as I looked at it that if Ferguson tried toforce his way to his wife he would find it no easy matter. The girl drew akey from her pocket, and the heavy oaken planks creaked upon their oldhinges. I passed in and she swiftly followed, fastening the door behind her.On the bed a woman was lying who was clearly in a high fever. Shewas only half conscious, but as I entered she raised a pair of frightenedbut beautiful eyes and glared at me in apprehension. Seeing a stranger,she appeared to be relieved and sank back with a sigh upon the pillow. Istepped up to her with a few reassuring words, and she lay still while Itook her pulse and temperature. Both were high, and yet my impressionwas that the condition was rather that of mental and nervous excitementthan of any actual seizure."She lie like that one day, two day. I 'fraid she die," said the girl.The woman turned her flushed and handsome face towards me."Where is my husband?""He is below and would wish to see you.""I will not see him. I will not see him." Then she seemed to wander offinto delirium. "A fiend! A fiend! Oh, what shall I do with this devil?""Can I help you in any way?""No. No one can help. It is finished. All is destroyed. Do what I will,all is destroyed."The woman must have some strange delusion. I could not see honestBob Ferguson in the character of fiend or devil."Madame," I said, "your husband loves you dearly. He is deeplygrieved at this happening."Again she turned on me those glorious eyes."He loves me. Yes. But do I not love him? Do I not love him even tosacrifice myself rather than break his dear heart? That is how I love him.And yet he could think of me-he could speak of me so."[1041] "He is full of grief, but he cannot understand.""No, he cannot understand. But he should trust.""Will you not see him?" I suggested."No, no, I cannot forget those terrible words nor the look upon his face.I will not see him. Go now. You can do nothing for me. Tell him only onething. I want my child. I have a right to my child. That is the onlymessage I can send him." She turned her face to the wall and would sayno more.I returned to the room downstairs, where Ferguson and Holmes still sat by the fire. Ferguson listened moodily to my account of the interview."How can I send her the child?" he said. "How do I know what strangeimpulse might come upon her? How can I ever forget how she rose frombeside it with its blood upon her lips?" He shuddered at the recollection."The child is safe with Mrs. Mason, and there he must remain."A smart maid, the only modern thing which we had seen in the house,had brought in some tea. As she was serving it the door opened and ayouth entered the room. He was a remarkable lad, pale-faced and fairhaired, with excitable light blue eyes which blazed into a sudden flame ofemotion and joy as they rested upon his father. He rushed forward andthrew his arms round his neck with the abandon of a loving girl."Oh, daddy," he cried, "I did not know that you were due yet. I shouldhave been here to meet you. Oh, I am so glad to see you!"Ferguson gently disengaged himself from the embrace with some littleshow of embarrassment."Dear old chap," said he, patting the flaxen head with a very tenderhand. "I came early because my friends, Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson,have been persuaded to come down and spend an evening with us.""Is that Mr. Holmes, the detective?""Yes."The youth looked at us with a very penetrating and, as it seemed to me,unfriendly gaze."What about your other child, Mr. Ferguson?" asked Holmes. "Mightwe make the acquaintance of the baby?""Ask Mrs. Mason to bring baby down," said Ferguson. The boy wentoff with a curious, shambling gait which told my surgical eyes that he wassuffering from a weak spine. Presently he returned, and behind him camea tall, gaunt woman bearing in her arms a very beautiful child, dark-eyed,golden-haired, a wonderful mixture of the Saxon and the Latin. Fergusonwas evidently devoted to it, for he took it into his arms and fondled itmost tenderly."Fancy anyone having the heart to hurt him," he muttered as he glanceddown at the small, angry red pucker upon the cherub throat.It was at this moment that I chanced to glance at Holmes and saw amost singular intentness in his expression. His face was as set as if it hadbeen carved out of old ivory, and his eyes, which had glanced for amoment at father and child, were now fixed with eager curiosity uponsomething at the other side of the room. Following his gaze I could onlyguess that he was looking out through the window at the melancholy,dripping garden. It is true that a shutter had half closed outside andobstructed the view, but none the less it was certainly at the window thatHolmes was fixing his concentrated attention. Then he smiled, and hiseyes came back to the baby. On its chubby neck there was this smallpuckered mark. Without [1042] speaking, Holmes examined it with care.Finally he shook one of the dimpled fists which waved in front of him."Good-bye, little man. You have made a strange start in life. Nurse, Ishould wish to have a word with you in private."He took her aside and spoke earnestly for a few minutes. I only heardthe last words, which were: "Your anxiety will soon, I hope, be set atrest." The woman, who seemed to be a sour, silent kind of creature,withdrew with the child."What is Mrs. Mason like?" asked Holmes."Not very prepossessing externally, as you can see, but a heart of gold,and devoted to the child.""Do you like her, Jack?" Holmes turned suddenly upon the boy. Hisexpressive mobile face shadowed over, and he shook his head."Jacky has very strong likes and dislikes," said Ferguson, putting hisarm round the boy. "Luckily I am one of his likes." The boy cooed and nestled his head upon his father's breast. Fergusongently disengaged him."Run away, little Jacky," said he, and he watched his son with lovingeyes until he disappeared. "Now, Mr. Holmes," he continued when theboy was gone, "I really feel that I have brought you on a fool's errand, forwhat can you possibly do save give me your sympathy? It must be anexceedingly delicate and complex affair from your point of view.""It is certainly delicate," said my friend with an amused smile, "but Ihave not been struck up to now with its complexity. It has been a case forintellectual deduction, but when this original intellectual deduction isconfirmed point by point by quite a number of independent incidents,then the subjective becomes objective and we can say confidently that wehave reached our goal. I had, in fact, reached it before we left BakerStreet, and the rest has merely been observation and confirmation."Ferguson put his big hand to his furrowed forehead."For heaven's sake, Holmes," he said hoarsely; "if you can see the truthin this matter, do not keep me in suspense. How do I stand? What shall Ido? I care nothing as to how you have found your facts so long as youhave really got them.""Certainly I owe you an explanation, and you shall have it. But you willpermit me to handle the matter in my own way? Is the lady capable ofseeing us, Watson?""She is ill, but she is quite rational.""Very good. It is only in her presence that we can clear the matter up.Let us go up to her.""She will not see me," cried Ferguson."Oh, yes, she will," said Holmes. He scribbled a few lines upon a sheetof paper. "You at least have the entree, Watson. Will you have thegoodness to give the lady this note?"I ascended again and handed the note to Dolores, who cautiouslyopened the door. A minute later I heard a cry from within, a cry in whichjoy and surprise seemed to be blended. Dolores looked out."She will see them. She will leesten," said she.At my summons Ferguson and Holmes came up. As we entered theroom Ferguson took a step or two towards his wife, who had raisedherself in the bed, but she held out her hand to repulse him. He sank intoan armchair, while Holmes seated [1043] himself beside him, after bowingto the lady, who looked at him with wide-eyed amazement."I think we can dispense with Dolores," said Holmes. "Oh, very well,madame, if you would rather she stayed I can see no objection. Now, Mr.Ferguson, I am a busy man with many calls, and my methods have to beshort and direct. The swiftest surgery is the least painful. Let me first saywhat will ease your mind. Your wife is a very good, a very loving, and avery ill-used woman."Ferguson sat up with a cry of joy."Prove that, Mr. Holmes, and I am your debtor forever.""I will do so, but in doing so I must wound you deeply in anotherdirection.""I care nothing so long as you clear my wife. Everything on earth is insignificant compared to that.""Let me tell you, then, the train of reasoning which passed through mymind in Baker Street. The idea of a vampire was to me absurd. Suchthings do not happen in criminal practice in England. And yet yourobservation was precise. You had seen the lady rise from beside thechild's cot with the blood upon her lips.""I did.""Did it not occur to you that a bleeding wound may be sucked for someother purpose than to draw the blood from it? Was there not a queen inEnglish history who sucked such a wound to draw poison from it?""Poison!""A South American household. My instinct felt the presence of thoseweapons upon the wall before my eyes ever saw them. It might have beenother poison, but that was what occurred to me. When I saw that littleempty quiver beside the small bird-bow, it was just what I expected tosee. If the child were pricked with one of those arrows dipped in curare orsome other devilish drug, it would mean death if the venom were notsucked out."And the dog! If one were to use such a poison, would one not try itfirst in order to see that it had not lost its power? I did not foresee the dog,but at least I understand him and he fitted into my reconstruction."Now do you understand? Your wife feared such an attack. She saw itmade and saved the child's life, and yet she shrank from telling you allthe truth, for she knew how you loved the boy and feared lest it breakyour heart.""Jacky!""I watched him as you fondled the child just now. His face was clearlyreflected in the glass of the window where the shutter formed abackground. I saw such jealousy, such cruel hatred, as I have seldom seenin a human face.""My Jacky!""You have to face it, Mr. Ferguson. It is the more painful because it is adistorted love, a maniacal exaggerated love for you, and possibly for hisdead mother, which has prompted his action. His very soul is consumedwith hatred for this splendid child, whose health and beauty are a contrastto his own weakness.""Good God! It is incredible!""Have I spoken the truth, madame?"The lady was sobbing, with her face buried in the pillows. Now sheturned to her husband."How could I tell you, Bob? I felt the blow it would be to you. It wasbetter that I should wait and that it should come from some other lips thanmine. When this gentleman, who seems to have powers of magic, wrotethat he knew all, I was glad."[1044] "I think a year at sea would be my prescription for MasterJacky," said Holmes, rising from his chair. "Only one thing is stillclouded, madame. We can quite understand your attacks upon MasterJacky. There is a limit to a mother's patience. But how did you dare toleave the child these last two days?" "I had told Mrs. Mason. She knew.""Exactly. So I imagined."Ferguson was standing by the bed, choking, his hands outstretched andquivering."This, I fancy, is the time for our exit, Watson," said Holmes in awhisper. "If you will take one elbow of the too faithful Dolores, I willtake the other. There, now," he added as he closed the door behind him, "Ithink we may leave them to settle the rest among themselves."I have only one further note of this case. It is the letter which Holmeswrote in final answer to that with which the narrative begins. It ran thus:BAKER STREET,Nov. 21st.Re VampiresSIR:Referring to your letter of the 19th, I beg to state that I havelooked into the inquiry of your client, Mr. Robert Ferguson, ofFerguson and Muirhead, tea brokers, of Mincing Lane, and that thematter has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. With thanksfor your recommendation, I am, sir,Faithfully yours,SHERLOCK HOLMES.

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