the unexpected happened

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??? P.O.V.
Stella was approching Rain in shy. Maybe Rain thinking that was stella fall in loved
Then Stella run away blushing but Rain din't know that. Stella go into her house.

Stella: maybe I will kiss him when he was lying on me

Until someone knock at the door. Stella answered and it was Rain

Stella: oh Rain. What brings you here?
Rain: I have something to talk about

Then stella and Rain sit in the couch

Stella: what is it?
Rain: patrick tell me that you grown closer to me. But why?
Stella: um....beacause IREALLYLOVEYOUBYE (teleported somewhere)

Stella teleported at glaecieford village. Stella is blushing hard because now Rain know that she has crush on him. It stella alone in the glacieford village until the Red legion kidnapped her into their base. Rain saw what happened to stella. Beacuse Rain was walking towards glacieford village. Rain didn't chase the Red legion because he will get himself killed also failed to save stella

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