She's Gone

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"Thank god! Solid ground! She's literally trying to kill us!" I roll my eyes at Louis who's sprawled on the cement like the freak that he is.

"Would you get the hell up? People are starting to stare. I wasn't even going that fast." He looks at me like I'm the insane one.

"Not going that fast?! You were going 20 over the speed limit! You went past a cop and waved!! Plus, you almost hit a bunny!" I gave a what's the problem look and his jaw dropped.

"The speed limit was 5 miles per hour! I'm not going that slow on an empty road and the cop is my mom's best friend. He doesn't have the guts to pull me over. My mom basically owns this town since everyone knows her." The boys stood Louis up and laughed while they pushed him toward the beach.

I smiled when Niall tripped Harry and Louis threw a fit. I locked my car. It's actually pretty pointless since the top is it's a little bit safer anyway. I walked down to where the boys sat on the sand, taking off their shirts.

Oh. My. Lanta. Whyaretheysocuteitsafreakingcrime. I shook the thought out of head and sat down. I pulled off my shirt and shorts and sat down to put sunscreen on my shoulders. I looked over at the boys who were just watching me.

"The fuck are you guys looking at?" Niall just laughed, but the others looked away. I went back to putting sunscreen on until I realized my back was going to be as red as a lobster.

"Uh *awkward cough* can someone help me put on some sunscreen?" I looked at the sand and held the blush from creeping up my cheeks. I glanced back up and Harry had a smirk on his face. My face fell and I started shaking my head.

"Ew no way pervert. You can stay the hell away from me." The guys laugh while Harry frowns. Liam shakes his head. "I'll do it." I nod and scoot closer to him and turn my back to him so he can smooth some of the cold cream onto my sun warmed back.

I resist the urge to wince when the cold starts to cover the warmth on my back. I get used to it after a second. He lifts the string that goes across my mid back. I don't want a tan line if the string moves at all so I just sit there, but he get kinda close to my butt at one point so I gasp and turn around.

Curls and a big ass smirk are sitting behind me. I smack Harry, not too hard but hard enough that he gets the message. He laughs but puts his hands up in surrender. He stands up and offers a hand out to me but I just send him an icy glare and pull out my towel.

I lay it down on the sand, put my headphones on, and lay there in the sun. As Ed Sheeran's I See Fire comes on a pair of wet hands grab my sides. I gasp and my eyes snap open just as I'm being lifted from my warm spot on my towel by two gorgeous tan and toned arms. Soon after my hands are holding my face from smacking a hard back that is, once again, so freaking gorgeous! I can't even explain how hard it is to keep my hands from running over the taught cords that move as whoever it is that is carrying me runs toward the ocean...oh shit! No!

I bang my fists against his back and scream at him to put me down. I try to grab onto one of the boys as we race past them but they just dodge to the side. I glare at them and then all at once there's a rush of air pushing my hair over my shoulder and into my face, a glimpse of a smiling Niall, and then cold water burying me.

My screams are literally drowned out and I thrash beneath the surface. The memory flashes behind my closed eyes. I open my eyes as my back hits the sand and I hold them open even though it burns. I see the calm blue around me and the churning waves above me. I stay there for a second before I'm aware of the fire of my lungs screaming.

I'm not out of oxygen yet, but they aren't used to using all of the oxygen left. Somehow the burning is comforting. Telling me that I'm alive even though she isn't and that I'm still living with the fact that she's gone. She probably died just like this. With this feeling  coursing through her. My best friend left me, just like this, and in this moment, I'm with her again.

Her dark brown hair, dark eyes, and pale skin contrasting my light brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. She was completely different from me except in feelings. We liked the same music, the same art, lots of things, but the main difference was that she couldn't take the dull ache from the pressure of perfection that society forces on us while I could.

The salty tears from my eyes mixed with the salty sea water. I pushed off of the bottom and stood in the waist high water. I trudged out, glad that the salt water on my face hid the tears. The guys were laughing and I gave them a fake smile and kept walking.

The warm sunlight evaporated the water leaving my skin dry and sticky from the salt. I stayed sitting on my towel for a moment and then someone came and sat next to me. "Are you okay? It was just a joke, we didn't mean to hurt you or make you mad." Niall's Irish accent made me smile a little bit.

"I'm fine with a prank. It was funny." I turned to him and smiled, but he looked concerned.

"Why were you under there so long? How were you under there so long?" My gaze turns to the sand and then to the ocean.

"I used to swim competitively and I know exactly how long I can stay down there without a breath." He nods and looks sideways at me.

"Come on then, let's go swimming!" I smile a little, but the memory comes back into focus and I shake my head. She'd want me to have fun with her all time favorite group of boys. So I hop up.

"Race ya!" I laugh and start running to the ocean. I hear footsteps behind me and I look over my shoulder to a grinning Niall. I face forward again and tip my head back, laughing.

Niall is soon right next to me. He picks me up sideways, and swings me around so he's carrying me on his back. I wrap my arms over his shoulders and laugh as he pretends to drop me. Once he's knee high in the water he jumps and we both fly forward into the water. I come up to surface.

He doesn't come up behind me and I freak out. "Niall? Niall! Niall??!!" Two arms slip around behind me and lift me up just to launch me further into the depths of the deep.

I come back up and gasp, breathing heavily to supply my lungs with enough air to put out the fire. I laugh and punch Niall's arm. Soon all of the other guys come join us and we all stand together holding hands and diving beneath waves.

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