Guts ~ Chapter 56

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Nora POV (every POV is Nora unless otherwise stated)

I was so angry, so surprised, so emotionally charged. I just wanted something to hit. That something was Jordan. I wasted so much of my life because of him.

And one wonders, how does someone get trust issues? Now you have your answer.

I walked into my room and slammed the door shut. I ran to the toilet and immediately began throwing up. The thought of him repulsed me thoroughly.

I let my walls down around him, I let myself get close. I should have seen it coming, but I did not.

I sat back against the shower door and breathed.

"Nora, you okay?" I heard Leo ask, knocking on my door.

"Yes," I groaned. I stood up and flushed the toilet.

I turned on the shower and got in. I let the warm water cascade down all my tense muscles. It had to have been more than an hour before I got out of the shower.

I was trying to prolong my time of seeing the thing. I got out of the shower and saw clothes sitting on the sink. I had not even heard anyone come in.

There were ripped skinny jeans a loose fitting black shirt. Actually not a bad outfit.

I brushed my teeth and hair then French braided my hair while it was still damp. Later, I could take it out and it would look wavy.

I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room. I was just about to walk out before someone cleared their throat.

"Shiz!" I shrieked, holding my heart.

I turned around, figuring it was Leo. I was taken aback by who it actually was.

"What are you doing here, Christopher!?" I whisper-yelled at him.

What in the world could he be doing in my room? He could have been there to apologize, but I knew my luck was never that good.

"Jordan came early and he wanted me to come see you," he said.

I was surprised. I did not think Leo would have allowed that. I walked over to hug him, but stopped halfway. I saw my window was wide open.

My eyes darted to my window then back to him. I took a few steps back.

"I really have to go..." I said.

I turned around and tried to advance quickly to my door.

"Nora wait! Just give me a hug and I'll be out of here. I promise," Chris begged.

He seemed to have be innocent and truthful. I felt like I could believe him. After all, what is the worst thing that could come out of a hug?

I sighed and walked over to him. He embraced me tightly.

"Nora, I'm sorry," he said into my shoulder.

"Don't apologize for Jordan. He-"

"I'm not," he interrupted me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What else had he done?

"Owe," I hissed.

I pushed Chris away and put a hand up to the back of my neck. He was holding a syringe in one of his hands. My eyes widened.

"Wha- what is that," I stuttered out.

I took a few steps back, still holding one hand up to my neck. Chris was look at me like I was prey and he was the predator.

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