MHA truth or dare

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Mina: sooo what do you guys wanna do now since bakubae and Todoroki are asleep?!

ochaco: im not really sure?

Tsu: neither am i

Denki: dunno...

Shinso: we could aleep like the others

denki: shinso....

Mina: it isnt late shin so just wait for a little while longer!

Shinso: whatever

Tsu: mina got anything

Mina: hmm....maybe we could...make out with the person nearest to you!

Denki: i dont nearest to shinso.....

Ochaco: and im nearest to Tsu....Mina..?

Mina: nope no going back now! go on!

Tsu: but your not near anyone?

Mina: esacally!

shinsi: lets just get this over with...

*shinso grabs denki's shirt and pulls him aggressively into a kiss*

*denki is supprised but kisses back almost instantly*

mina: Yasss! Finally?!

*in denki's head*

-wow shinso just pulled me by my shirt! That was hot🥵,  i- okay well im not backing away because hes a good kisser! Why'd Mina invite just is lot tho? Since she does have a crush on momo i think? Ohhh i get it now she didnt want to get shipped and dared with momo!?
Wow thats a bit rude! If i new that i wouldnt of invited shinso....acually i probally would of invited him anyways-

*no longer in denkis head*

~btw denki and shinso are still kissing~

Tsu: Uraraka...can we just do it quick?

Ochaco: umm...i mean..sure i wouldnt mind if its quick

Tsu: neither!

*ochaco leans into Tsu and lightly kisses her both closing their eyes and enjoying every second of it. Despite the fact that mina is fangirling over them*

Mina: OMG YES!!! FINALLY! EEK! Wow...shinso and denki are really getting into it...should i be concernd? Nah its all good...i think...

*2 minutes later they all stop kissing!*

~also shinso and denki was making out for like 3 minutes before that so...yeah~

shinso: there....

Denki: ....

Tsu: ....

Ochaco: ....

Mina: you guys shy now?!

*mina starts to laugh*

denki: s-stop laughing!

ochaco: mina cmon...stop laughing!?!

shinso: mina shut the hell up

mina: okay Okay ill stop laughing! But you all are flusters so dont blame me! especially denki!

denki: s-shush!

Mina: sorry!

Tsu: so what do you wanna do now?

Shinso: sleep

ochaco: nah thats boring....

Denki: im a little tired but i can last a little longer

mina: okay, so we can stay up for another 30 minutes is that okay?

Shinso: whatever, i dont care

Denki: sure

ochaco: dosent bother me!

Tsu: i dont mind

Mina: okay good!

Debki: how about we play...20 questions?

Mina: yes! That sounds fun!

Tsu: count me in

ochaco: sure!

Shinso: yeah okay...

denki: ill start! Soo...mina who is your crush?

Mina: i- umm....

Tsu: yeah, who is your crush?

Mina: umm..fine its Momo

ochaco: Momo!? Omg i so ship you to!

denki: i already new but same!

Ochaco: how'd you know?

Denki: thats my secret!

Ochaco: lame!

shinso: i gotta say tho i do ship mina and momo...

Denki: Really?!

Shinso: yes denki, Can you hear?

Denki: yeah but im just supprised!

Shinso: oh shut up...

*they all take turns to ask eachover questions and end up staying awake another hour. when mina realises she tells the overs and they go to sleep. Shinso and denki sleeping together, mina snuck into momo's dorm, also kirishima and midoria have been sleeping the whole time. And Uraraka + Tsu carried them into a bed so they could sleep. also Uraraka and Tsu slept together*

The End...

....For now....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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