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"Hayashi-sama! Hayashi-sama!" Yoshiki groaned as he held his hand to his pounding head

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"Hayashi-sama! Hayashi-sama!" Yoshiki groaned as he held his hand to his pounding head. He knew he would regret partying so hard with the guys for Hide's birthday. And now his assistant was sounding like a screeching banshee.

"In here Mato-san. And lower your voice, for the love of God!" He called out, wincing at the sound of his own voice. Shit it was too early for this, he just wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep it all off.

"I'm sorry Hayashi-sama. But your manager received a pretty important letter for you. He and his team have had it a few months though. Something about, needing to try and investigate its legitimacy." Mato said, stepping into the room and speaking lower.

"A few months? They held a letter of mine for a few months? Well why are you frantic. Surely it's not that important if they kept it this long? Just set it down wherever and I'll look at it later. I'm also going back to bed, so won't need you today. So, feel free to take the rest of the day off if you want." Yoshiki replied as he stood and began walking towards his bedroom. Then narrowed his eyes, when his assistant stepped in front of him and blocked his way, holding out the letter.

"Hayashi-sama! With all due respect, you really need to look at it now. I'm serious Sir, you have to see it now." His assistant refused to look away from him and he could see the seriousness in the other man's eyes. Usually this man didn't make waves. And rarely did he question or defy him. So for him to do so now, meant that it probably warranted his immediate attention.

With a sigh, Yoshiki took the letter from Mato's hands and the first thing he noticed about it was it's scent. A scent that almost floored him. Although it was faint and faded now, he still knew it like his cologne. It belonged to her. It was still ingrained in his memory, even after all these months. His Irish faerie. But what was Naimh doing writing him? They had agreed to part ways after their night of fun and foolery and what a night it had been. He still felt a swell of pride, knowing that he had been her first. Not something he had ever strove for when it came to women, but it definitely held a special place in his heart and memory. But only because it had been hers that he had claimed. He swept his long hair back from his eyes, and pulled the letter from it's envelope and began to read over it. She had written it in Japanese thank God. His English wasn't the best, so it was a blessing that she had also spoken his language.

"My dearest Yoshiki,

I'm sorry to tell you like this but I don't know how else to reach you. I know we agreed to part ways after our night together but it seems fate had other plans. Shortly after I arrived home again, I started to get sick and when I went to the doctor they explained that it was because I was pregnant.

I have been back and forth on whether I should tell you or leave you in the dark, but I knew I couldn't betray you like that and that you deserved to know and choose for yourself what you wanted to do. As of the writing of this letter, I am five and a half months pregnant and I have enclosed copies of the ultrasound scans for you.

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