When Nature Catches Up

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As he was cooking, Yoshiki almost sliced his hand open when he heard a shrill shriek from Stormy's en suite bathroom

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As he was cooking, Yoshiki almost sliced his hand open when he heard a shrill shriek from Stormy's en suite bathroom. Panicking, he dropped the knife, getting a weird sense of deja vu as he did so and ran to her room. He knocked on her bathroom door frantically and called out to her.

"Little dove?" He called and when he got no response he started to worry more. She was thirteen now, he absolutely could not go into her bathroom like a bull in a china shop.

"Stormy!?" He heard a sob and then a squeaked 'Otou. Help.'

Oh to hell with it, he was going in, he didn't care now.

"Stormy last chance to tell me what's going on while I'm still out here. Otherwise I'm coming in." There was just silence and more sobbing, so he sucked in a breath and opened the door.

He found Stormy huddled in the corner of the shower stall, a wet towel covering her from view. He breathed a sigh of relief, he really hadn't wanted to see his teenager naked but he had been prepared to, if she was hurt or something.

He looked around and placed his hand over his mouth, there were small streaks of blood on the floor and the toilet and some was pooling in the shower stall mixing with the water that was going down the drain.

"Stormy? Honey?" He spoke softly making his way further into the bathroom, being sure to miss the blood on the floor as he was bare-footed.

She looked up at him and just burst out sobbing again. Yoshiki for his part was thoroughly panicked now but keeping calm, he crouched beside the shower stall and reached his hand out and took a hold of her free one, that wasn't holding the soaking towel against her.

"Sweetie. I need you to try and calm down and tell me what happened here. Did you try to shave your legs or something and cut yourself badly?" She shook her head no, as she tried to control her sobs enough to speak.

Yoshiki looked back down at the shower stall floor and noticed that the blood looked to be coming from her legs but there was no cut. Confused for a second, it then finally hit him. And when it did, he simultaneously wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Cry because holy shit! She was growing up and he was not emotionally or mentally prepared for this to happen yet. And laugh because he was so relieved that it almost made him hysterical.

"Stormy, it's ok sweetie. I think I know what's going on here. Is the blood coming from..." He stopped here. Oh man this felt so wrong that it made his skin crawl. Like he was seriously invading his daughter's privacy, even though he needed to know and it was technically about her health. He had never wished to have a son, he'd always been perfectly happy with his little girl, but at this point he really wished she was a boy.

"Honey are you bleeding from between your legs?" He asked, finally sucking it up and just asking her straight. Keeping his eyes solidly on her face. She nodded quickly.

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