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Honey P.O.V

After I was done changing into my outfit . I went to get Nena right also I thought it would be cute to somewhat match each other. As I walked to her door I could hear music Blasting though the door so I decided to push my ear against it to hear " No Love" by August alsina feating Nicki Minaj I know this little girl don't got my phone in there .

" NENA " I said swing her room door open

" Yes " she hiding something behind her back

" Give it to me now " I said walking up to her and reaching for her back

" Give you what " she said run to the other side of the room

" My phone " I said run to her and taking it back

" Ohhh you could have just said that " she said smiling innocently

" Oooooo I swear I'm going to knock the pi.."

" The what " my mom said walking into Nena room in her roll and slippers

" The mess out of her" I said smiling really hard to look innocent

" Mmmmhmm whatever Honey ... you go ahead in finish whatever you was doing .. I'm going to dress Nena today " she said going to her closet

" But sissy already got my stuff out for me mommy see " she said holding up her outfit I picked for her

" What I could have stayed in bed girl " my mom said walking pass to go to the kitchen

" My bad mama I will know next time to stay in bed so you can have a reason to get up " I said laughing at her and walk behind her to the kitchen alone with Nena

" Noooo you can dress your sister" she said making her some coffee

" Lazy ahh " I said taking a sip of her coffee.

" My ass ain't lazy " she said moving my head away from coffee . See my mom is only 36 so she still acts like a kid from time to time . Add for the people who want to know when she had Nena and me , she was 20 when she had me and 31 when she had Nena ; yes by the same man too.

" Ok whatever you say mommy " I said laughing

" Mommy what .. what happen to mama" she said looking my way

" Nothing mama .. there it goes "
I said helping Nena sit in the island

" L.O.L that a knee slaper" my mom said slap knee

" Just stop .. oh mama this girl I met this morning named Shardae
Want to know if Nena and me want a ride to the meet&greet with her and her lil sister Maya " I said smiling

"Mmmmhmm I don't know I've met their parents yet " my mom said going upstairs

"Please you know I got Nena and me " I said following her up the stairs

" Ok ok I guess you can go with them but call me when yall arrived " she said going into her room

" AHHHH thanks mama " U said going to get Nena " come girl lets go"

When we were done saying goodbye to mama . We walked down the street to get to Shardae's house which stool about 5 minutes , she was five house down from us which was good for me a least . When we got there her mom was walking out the from door with her purse.

" Mmm Hi " I said waving at her while holding Nena hand really tight

" Hey sweetie you must be Honey and this most be Nena right " she said putting her purse in the car and walking towards us to hug us

" Yes ma'am" I said smiling

" Awe good well I'm Miss. Timothy but you can call me mama T " she said backing away from hugging us " well the should be ready y'all want to grab something to drink before we go " she ask well turning on the car

" No ma'am " I said shaking my head

" I do mama T " Nena said getting out of my grip to go get a water

" Okay baby it's in the fridge " she said point in side the house

" Kk" Nena said running into the house

" Nena be caref...." But by time I said it she was gone . I swear she going to be a track star one day .

" It's okay Honey she good " Miss Timothy said smiling

" Okay " I said smiling back

" So tell me about yourself Honey " She said leaning against her car a little

" Well I'm 16 years old .... " I started to say while wait on Shardae ,Maya , and Nena . After I was done telling her about me she told me a few thing about her , her daughters and how Atlanta is plus what's the good and the bad parts of it. When we finish talking the girl had come out of the house finally .

" Y'all ready ladies" Miss. T asked looking at all of us getting to the car. The car was filled with yeses and yes ma'am " okay here we go " she said pulling out of the driveway in to the street . I texted my mama saying we was leaving

Text Convo

ᗰᗩᗰᗩ : okay baby y'all have fun

ᗰE : yes ma'am bye

ᗰᗩᗰᗩ : ok bye

Text Convo Ended

For the rest of the ride we song August Alsina all the way there .

I'm really starting to like this place .

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