Chapter two: team making

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"There will be four new contestants joining us today" Tablet announced. She walked over next to pyramid. Pyramid glowed again then four new objects appeared. They all just stood there and blinked. "Uh hi..?" One of the newbies said. "Hi!" Sand castle greeted the object. "I'm Maple leaf" Maple leaf said "and I'm Portal!" Portal said. "Im Toy Boat and this is Milk carton" Toy boat introduced himself and his friend.

Lemonade and Sand castle introduced the four newbies to the others. Lemonade glanced at Coffee who wast just sitting down under the sun.

Lemonade stopped and said she will catch to them later. Then hurried to sit next to Coffee. "What's wrong?" She asked. He didn't reply. "You can tell me.." she put her hand on his shoulder but still, he didn't say anything.
"I don't wanna be bothered" he said. Lemonades gaze saddened. "okay.." she sighed then sat up.

Coffee watched her go with a sigh. He kinda felt bad that he was mean to her. Actually...he REALLY felt bad. But she was already gone before he could say sorry. He turned back around with a sigh.

Bow tie set up his camera. "There we go" he said as he backed up away from the camera. "Ahem! First of all, lemme introduce myself". He took in a deep breath before saying "helloimBowtiemyfavoritecoloredisredandmyleastfavoritecolorisorangbecausewhynotimcurrentlycompetinginashowwhereicanwinthreewishesiwasalittleskepticalatfirstbutthenifoundoutitstherealdealalsoihavetumblrcalledofficalbowtiefollowifyouwantbutillstartpostingsoonK bye!"

Alarm clock watched Bow tie record. "Hey Bow tie" Alarm clock greeted him. "Oh hey Alarm clock" he said putting away his phone. "Have you met the new contestants?" She asked him. "Not yet...but that Portal guy seem pretty powerful, I wonder what happens if you got sucked into him" Bow tie answered grabbing his tripod then setting it down.

"Alright everyone, We're gonna make some teams!" Pyramid announced  "four teams of six" Tablet nodded.

"Hooray!" Sand castle cheered. "Lemonade we should definitely team up" Lemonade agreed. Bow tie and Alarm clock walked over back to the others. Bow tie who wasn't looking where he was going bumped into Money bag and popsicle. Money bag turned around with a glare. "Watch where your going freak!" Bow tie backed up. "Sorry!" he apologized quickly then heading off.

"Hey Alarm clock!" Lemonade called to her. Alarm clock turned around. "You should join our team! Along with Bow tie" Lemonade guided them both to where Sand castle was. "This is gonna be great!" Bow tie said pulling out his phone then typing something on it.

Coffee stayed away from the others as always. Lemonade approached him once again. "Hey Coffee I know you don't wanna be bothered right now but...uhm would you like to join my team..?" She asked.

There was a quick silence. "I guess that's a no.." she sighed. "Fine" he said before she could leave.

Yarny let Puzzly sit on her head. "Thanks Yarny.." Puzzly said nervously. "No problem We should find Diary and start a team!". "I agree!" Puzzly said with a smile.

Ticket and portal were heading towards Medal and Juice box to start a team. "Alright let's start a team!" Medal agreed. "We need two more people to join us". "Can we join?" Asked Lock and Radio. "Sure! Now where a complete team". Juice box cheered.

Sand castle rolled Bowling ball towards the others. Now they were a complete team since Lemonade got Coffee to join and Sand castle got Bowling ball to join.

Gemstone and Candy sat on Log and rolled down a hill. "Woohooo!" Cheered Candy.
They made it to the end of the hill. Log sat up dizzy. "Ack.." he groaned. "That was fun!" Gemstone spun around. "We should start a team" Candy said. "I guess I'll join" log said still recovering from dizziness.

Tablet stood by Pyramid with a blank expression. "Who all have made a team?" Pyramid asked. But Tablet  didn't respond. "Tablet?" Pyramid called her name once more. "Oh! S-sorry sir". "Who all have made a team?" Pyramid asked again. "I've calculated that only two complete teams have been made" Tablet said showing her screen. "Who are all in these teams?" Pyramid asked.

Tablet showed a loading screen before showing two lists with names on them. "Lemonade, Bow tie, Sand castle, Bowling ball, Coffee and Alarm clock in one team. And Lock, Medal, Juice box, Ticket, Portal, and Radio in the other" Tablet showed a different list with the names of people who aren't in a complete team. "And the ones who are not in a complete team are Log, Puzzly, Yarny, Candy, Lantern, Gemstone, Toy boat, Milk carton, Diary, Money bag, Popsicle and Maple leaf".

"Alright whoever's not in a complete team will be teleported to a random one". Pyramid announced to everyone. Log, Candy, Money bag, Gemstone, Popsicle and Lantern are in one team, while Yarny, Puzzly, Diary, Maple leaf, Toy boat and Milk carton are in the other.

"Now, you have 10 minutes to come up with team names" Pyramid said as Tablet showed a 10 minute timer.

"How about the best team and the strongest ever!" Money bag suggested. "There's many things wrong with that name" Log said. Pyramid walked over to the team. "What's your team name" "Rainbow unicorns!" Candy and Gemstone said at the same time.

"What should our team name be? We only got 8 minutes we have to think of one fast!" Puzzly worried. "What about... L.A.C?" Milk carton suggested. "What does that mean?" Toy boat asked. "Looking awesomely cool!" Milk carton replied. "That's a great team name!" Diary cheered.

Coffee sighed, "we need  a team name". "I have no suggestions" Alarm clock said. "How about Team Vibe since we're such a vibe?". The others agreed and went with that team name.

"Quick! We need name suggestions!" Ticket panicked. "Ticket calm down".
Pyramid teleported to the team. "What's your team name?" "One second left!" Ticket panicked. "What a great name!"

"Alright with all of the teams named we can move onto the first challenge!"

One second
Team Vibe
Rainbow Unicorns

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