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A/N- hey guys sorry i haven't updated, its been a while all long while but im rewriting the book (cheers and applause) yes thank you, thank you. hopefully it will be better than before so yeah enjoy luvs <3



i hear a name calling out to me but it sounds faded, i open my eyes but it's hard to see, to much sunlight. i sit up and look around squinting my eyes "where i am" it looks like a desert of some sorts.

"rue!" i hear my name being yelled out again and quickly stand up "hello!" i yell looking around "RUE HELP ME!" i start running towards the screaming, but the closer i get the more it starts to feel like its fading away "WHERE ARE YOU" i yell out. i spin around in a circle looking for anyone, anything around me it's nothing but desert for miles on end. "hello can someone please help" i whisper out barely loud enough for myself to hear a small tear escaping my eye.

i sit down on the sand and close my eyes trying to remember how i got here. why am i here? the last thing i remember was saying goodnight to my mom and grams and then going to bed how am i here, i hear a rumbling and open my eyes. there's smoke in the distance i squint trying to get a better look and i see that it's a truck but not just one multiple, i jump up and start walking towards the vehicles the closer they get i realize that there military vehicles, i raise my arms and start screaming "hey over here" "please help" "over here" they eventually stop infront of me and one of the truck doors open. a woman in all white steps out i soon come to see that she is wearing a doctor's outfit.

The woman in white walked up to me and smiled at me, "hi I'm Dr. Reyes" i looked over and most of the soldiers with her had their guns help tightly in there hands. "rue we have been looking everywhere for you, you shouldn't be out here come on let's go" i looked back over to dr. reyes and then to the surrounding area, back to her "where are you taking me" i asked her "back home where you belong" home? back to mom and grams "why am i here, where is my mom" after a few seconds of silence i looked at her and raised my eyebrows. "why don't you come with me and i can tell you everything" i looked at her skeptically, i didn't trust her but i didnt want to be stuck out here.

i walked towards dr. reyes and as i did the soldiers all pointed there guns up at me, i stopped walking but dr. Reyes told me that it was okay and walked me towards the  truck that she climbed out of, once i got in the truck dr. reyes got in after me. we started off and dr. reyes started explaining everything to me, that was until i felt a pinch in my side i looked down and saw a needle i then looked up at her but before i could say anything i fell unconscious.

Hey guys sorry this isn't that long of a chapter, this is only a little filler chapter so that you guys can get a sneak peak on what the rewrite will be like hopefully you enjoy and feedback would be really appreciated- Kenny


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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