The white death

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[4 years timeskip]

There was a figure in a clearing in front of Orario the dungeon city it was a teen with snow white hair and red eyes wearing black pants and shirt with some combat boots. He had fingerless gloves with a sword on his back and all types of knives in his cloak. He was currently heading their for a job request and for armor and supplies. His name was bell cranel aka 'The white death' He was kind of on edge for this job because of the person who approached him to take this job.

flashback 2 days ago

"im finally done with this job" bell thought aloud he just finished killing some small time thugs for a couple thousand valis which wasn't bad but he needed more money. Bell thought ' ive been wanting to get some daggers so that i can fight without having to resort to oblivion and sometimes throwing knives aren't enough' As bell was in his though a cloaked figure appeared behind bell as bell quickly threw a knife behind him as the figure caught it.??? "you know its rude to throw knives at someone who just wants to talk". Bell narrowed his eyes a bit" what do you want" bell asked in a stoic tone. The cloaked figure said??? "i require your skills for a particular job". Bell was getting bored and said" who do you want dead and how mush will you pay me"? The cloaked figure than said" my name is fels i am a servant of lord oranous and we would like you to come to orario for a job with a payment of 10 million valis"? bell was a little shocked but didn't show it , the god that controlled orario was in need of his skills as an assassin. Bell agreed quickly due to the amount of money he would be receiving . He turned to see that fels was gone and left a note saying 'we will be in contact soon'. 'That person was really strange bell thought as he headed off to orario.

flashback end

Bell reached the gates of orario as he slipped past the guards and hopped over the large wall to see a very big city. Bell walked along the road seeing many different shops and stores as his stomach growled. He was really hungry due to all the traveling and ended up going into a bar called 'The benevolent mistress'  he walked inside to be greeted by  a waitress with silver hair and grayish eyes . "welcome" she said cheerfully as bell nodded to her and said "can i get a table"? she nodded and seated him down as he waited for his food. As he finished ordering his food a group of people walked in and everyone started paying attention to them. Bell did a side glance and saw that it was a finn, riveria, gareth ,Ais wallenstien ,bete loga, tiona and tione hirute the loki familia along with thier goddess . He learned all about the gods and thier familias awhile ago and given that they where very powerful and had alot of influence he wanted to stay away from them. If they knew who he was it would be a problem given the bounty on his head was pretty high as well he soon saw that the wolf man was getting drunk as his food arrived. He started eating his food with his cloak over his head.

Loki pov

Loki was enjoying herself her familia was doing well and some of her kiddos have leveled up like little Aizzy so she was going to get drunk but she noticed someone at the corner of the bar with a cloak on. She was feeling ominous waves from him that she hadn't felt in a while, she remembered she felt this way when that man Zeke was close to her with that ancient weapon that even the gods didn't tamper with. 'oblivion' she thought now that was scary sword but she never did manage to track it down or Zeke ever since he left but always wanted to know what happened to that sword ,but she could see the dark purple sheath from his back that shocked her. Her curiosity finally got the better of her as she went up to him and asked "Can i know your name kid"?

bell pov

I was about to be done eating when someone asked "can i know your name kid" I was a little shocked to see the goddess Loki in front of me with  and evil smile. Everyone at the bar was staring at them including loki s familia. Bell didnt want to be in famila affairs so he decided to play dumb. Bell responded by saying "its polite to gives ones own name before asking for someone else s" in a stoic tone. Loki than said "you dont know who i am"? Bell responded with a sigh saying "if i knew i wouldn't t be asking you now would I" loki blushed from embarrassment as her familia started laughing at her. The small golden haired prum than walked up and said" my name is finn I apologize for my goddess rudeness to you, may i know your name"? Bell retorted my name is "bell cranel, I'm sorry i don't know you I'm rather knew to orario here on business"? he replied with a soft expression. Finn than asked " could i know what type of business he asked with a smile. bell smiled in reply and said" nothing of consequence sir and if i may i really need to get going as he tossed some coins on the table and left. Bell was visibly uneasy as he came out of the bar their captain was a very strong based on his aura alone no wonder he s a level 6 he thought. He reached a tall building where a fat elf greeted him. "Hello sir my name is royman i am here on behalf of lord oranous". Bell merly nodded and followed him inside threw the guild. He reached a hallway where Royman said "he will be waiting for you at the end of the tunnel". Bell followed down the tunnel to a thrown room where he saw a old god sitting on the throne with his eyes piecing bell. Bell than bowed and said "its an honor to meet you lord oranous  but i would like to know what you want me to do"? Fels appeared behind him and said " can i ask why you claimed ignorance infront of loki and her familia". Bell sighed and said in a bored tone" i perfer people not find out i am here and i would not like to get involved in the loki familia". Fels said in an amused tone "you are quite smart young lad cunning even". ouranous than spoke" that is why i wish for your skills, I would like for you to stay in orario and join a familia" It took bell a moment to process what he said as he replied in an amused tone "why the hell should i join a familia in orario" ? Fels than spoke ever since the defat of the Zeus and hear familias to the black dragon orario has lost alot of strength being cut back by at least half if not more, having the white death on our side would prove beneficial for both of us". "though I may not love my line of work what would replace my income and what would i gain from this". Ouranous than said " Let me inform you about everything before you start asking questions" bell nodded reluctantly. " I know everything bell cranel your master Zeke was an informant for me for a while after he left thantos familia " Bell heart skipped a beat'how and why was master his informat' he thought nervously. ouranous than continued " I would like for you to create a name for yourself over the next couple of years i know your a child right now but you are cunning and deadly assassin". "After you have built a great reputation and have become a little stronger i will get you into a powerful familia and pay a bonus of 2 million valis along with being an adventurer you will gain experience and money". Bell thought for a few moments looking at the ceiling." why do you want this so badly that you would pay me this much for it"? Ouranous sighed and said" It is for a variety of reasons the main one being the survival of orario" bell stared at him for a explanation as fels said" There is a prophecy that the one who wield the cursed sword will be tasked with the path to save the world from destruction". bell gave a blank stare not believing in such a ridiculos prophecy but than thought' so because of this they want me in orario and it seems he wants me to get strong for some other reason, its not really a bad deal i would also gain alot from this deal' bell than said " i agree to the deal but i have two conditions. fels asked curiosly" what would those conditions be"? " I would like to have the guilds backing when i return and you will grant me favors when i please in exchange i will provide help to you aswell, i would also like to have a cloak for invisibility that fels has" ouranous thought for a minute than said "very well nut i would like to inform you you will be wanted and i cant do anything about it until you return and i pardon you" bell nodded in aceptance than said "i should get started on making people fear my name " bell said with a smirk  and left. 'This is going to be a long couple years' he thought

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