Handsome Jack

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"Hey, Jack?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"What are we? Like, romantically?"

"That's up to you, pumpkin."

"You keep flirting with me. How dare you."

He slightly chuckles and so do you. Both of you had the habit of flirting with each other and a lot of people seemed to think the two of you were dating. It was sort of amusing to watch people get confused. Of course, there's one secret between you and him.

You're a siren.

"Well, I flirt with you because I like you. I just wasn't sure how to tell you, per say."

"Well, you just told me. I'm happy to say I like you back. So, Mr. Handsome, what are we gonna do today?"

He blushes, and it's very noticeable. He had been hunting a vault, sadly some chick had busted into Helios before he could find an escape pod. At this point the two of you were sitting at his ex's bar.

"We could go vault hunting. Or, we could get drunk."

"It's 2 pm."

"No better time than the present."

"Don't use my words against me, Jack. Besides, we're on Elpis, where the hell are we gonna find a vault?"

"Wilhelm found one; he was with Timothy and Athena."

"We could go loot the vault they found, y'know, if you wanna."

"Hell yeah I do! Let's go pumpkin. In the words of the wise, "no better time than the present!"

"Maybe we can channel an 'inner power' and use a special 'radar' to help us find this vault. We'd have to have a key to open it."

"I know where to find a key, we just have to find the vault the key plugs into."

"Then let's get to it!"


After a while of searching, eventually Jack had found his vault key. His daughter, Angel, had helped you find it thanks to her siren abilities. (I know that isn't how it works, just, roll with it!)

"So, darling, we go to Pandora and open this vault, then we make out in said vault, then we come home and spread the loot?"

"You do remember that I can't touch Eridium, right? I'm allergic."

"Yeah; I'll handle the Eridium. I gotcha sweet cheeks."

You started to get flustered at his nicknames that he had started to give you. He didn't really seem to care. You didn't either, but who's gonna tell him that?

The two of you head to Pandora and happily stroll up to the vault! Kidding, you had to kill like a whole army to get anywhere near it. After that, it was mostly smooth sailing aside from the guardian. You're siren abilities just so happened to help you tame guardians.

After taming the guardian you and Jack headed inside. As you had expected, it was covered in Eridium and you had to watch your step regarding anything around your bare arms.

"Hey, Jack, check out those statues!"

He glances over to a few of the statues, one of them seemed to resemble you. (Insert description of u here!)

"It looks just like you. It's beautiful/handsome."

"Awww. Thank you Jack. Not nearly as handsome as you though. Nothing tops THE Handsome Jack."

And thus, he started to call himself Handsome Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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