Part One: Intro

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 Hello fellow readers. My name is Thorn. No it is not my real name, but that's what I prefer you to call me. I never really got into writing stories, so I will not be good at writing this. I apologize in advance. May the force be with you.
    Do not be surprised if i do not actually go through with this story. I do not have a lot of time on my hands. BUT if you do stick around, you light be able to have a peek in my world. If there are minor problems with my writing, such as me stupidly lower-casing I or the beginning of a sentence, or forgetting the apostrophe in words, then do not be bothered by this. im only in high school :3
    That is this 'world' I speak of? Well, let me explain....
MY world is full of surprises, magic, therianthropy, dragons, bobcats, drawing, fear, depression, loneliness, craziness, fun, adventure, high school, dreams, broken dreams, and much much more that i can only describe in paragraphs. I, Thorn, will tell you my story, but only if you are willing to listen.
    My story is much more complex than just mere words like what was just described in the above run on sentence. There will be many of those. this story of mine is not a made up story, but a story of my mind. What happens inside of it. No my story is not realistic, but it is true. it is what i have deemed it to be.
    Not many people have ever heard my story, and yet here you are, reading about some stranger babbling on about how she is going to write a story about herself, how great. how interesting. how.... not no creative. you're now probably thinking 'oh but it is creative. everyone is creative. why the hell would i be reading this if it isnt creative?' Or maybe you are actually thinking 'damn well this is so fucking boring i might as well be on my way, browsing though the folds and crevices of the mindless interweb that just so happened to have consumed our lives in the 21st century.'
    Good job to you if you are still reading my little intro. i will keep that as a little note to myself. now, when you are finished reading this please post a 7 in my comments. 7 is my favorite number. If you do not, then what can i do? nothing. I just want to know how many of you happened to stumble upon this little intro of mine and even decided to read this far. Thank you.
    As to my story, i will begin soon. first i'd like to know who will read this shit... I will keep you updated. for now, goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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