Chapter 1

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Norton's Pov

I was not a fan of the idea of a relationship all throughout my life. That was, until I came to the manor. When I came to the manor and met him it was as if my whole world as I knew it came crashing down. He was just.. Different. He didn't seem to like me all that much, so it came as a surprise to me that I was attracted to him. I had never actually been attracted to a man before, or anyone for that matter. Maybe it was just that fact that he was out of my reach and was clearly not interested in me that I was almost immediately attracted to him.

Throughout our time at the manor, we spent plenty of time with each other. He clearly did not enjoy it, but me on the other hand? Well, I slowly fell in love with him, much to my surprise. His whole demeanor was very attractive to me. Maybe it was because we were similar in some aspects, or maybe it was because he was hard to obtain. I wasn't sure why I loved him so, but I did, there was no denying it. Many of the others in the manor had mentioned it to me and how obvious it was. Some of the people were so oblivious and in their own worlds that they wouldn't be able to notice for the life of them. As far as I knew, though, Naib had no idea I loved him.

To be honest, I had no idea if Naib even liked men to begin with. That could be pretty important, especially if he was homophobic. If I were to ever tell him how I feel, or he were to find out some way and he was homophobic. That could end up pretty bad. What if he did like men? Then what? Would I even tell him? Probably not. I'm almost certain he absolutely hates my guts.

One other person stuck out in the crowd though. Mike. He had a tendency of following me around like a lost puppy, I had been told by others in the manor that he talks about me a lot too. Whenever we get a match together, he always protects me even though I can protect and help myself. Honestly? It's annoying. Very annoying. I don't like him all that much, but it was nice that he thinks of me I suppose. It is so very obvious that he likes me though. As much as I would like to return those feelings, I can't. He's just someone in a sea of people to me.

Naib's Pov

I hate everyone here. Well, almost everyone. I don't hate Eli. He was alright I suppose. The person I hate here the most? Norton. We always get into pointless arguments and he's just annoying in general. I've never really liked him, but when have I ever really liked anyone to start. Eli was the exception. He was different from most people in the manor. He was kind. Of course everyone in the manor acted nice and all, but he was genuinely kind and caring. Maybe I was a little in love with him, but I would never admit that. Especially because he's my friend and he has a boyfriend. I would never want to put him in a position as awkward as that. It wasn't like me to care so much about someone else's feelings.

Ever since coming to the manor, despite having to play this twisted game almost every day, life was alright. Of course, having to deal with all these annoying people constantly was pretty hard to deal with, but when I'm with Eli it makes it worth it. Of course I know he loves his boyfriend a lot, more than anything actually, he would be totally heart broken if anything were to happen to Aesop. He is so madly in love with that man it's actually quite sickening. I wish that someday I may fall that hard for someone. Maybe I already did..

When the manor announced we would be getting new rooms, everyone hooped and hollered in excitement. That was, until we were told there wasn't enough room for all of us to have our own rooms, so we would be having roommates. The reason we would be getting our own rooms was because the manor was so old and in need of renovations. Plus, having so many complaints that the rooms were in need of repair did not help. I groaned, but I had hope that I could possibly get someone I kind of like as a roommate.

When I went up to the front board and read where my room was, I read the name beside mine. Oh that dreaded name...

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