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⏰ 1 week later

Me and Terrance haven't been talking for about a week. At this point this nigga pissing me more than my teachers like??? I'm really confused right now about if I still wanna wanna be wit him or not. He be on sum bullshit and I deserve better but since I really like him, I literally cringe when I think about breaking with him. He hasn't hit me up and it's making me think that he don't give a fuck about me but like if you don't then why you still with me...

Niggas weird and ain't shit...

If he don't text me in 2 days I'm breaking up with him and Ian stepping back form that. I'm definitely not texting him cuz he in the wrong fasho.

Twinem  👯‍♀️ callin.....📱

"HIIII BAEEE" Crys said blowing me a kiss on FaceTime

"HEYYYY BOOO" I said blowing her a kiss back

"Get yo ass ready, we goin to the mall todayyy" she said dragging her words

"Bitch now you telling me?" I said laughing with an attitude

"Yessss, now go get ready I'm comin in 40 mins" she said

"Girl how am I going to get ready in 40 mins. All imma get ready is shower and hair-" I said fake crying

"Well you gotta speed uppp" she said smiling

"But I can'tttt" I said whining

"I'll tell you what, I'll give you 10 more minutes ok?!" She said smiling

"Girl-" I said

"Whatever imma just hurry up ig" I said rolling my eyes

"That's the spirit, byeee you're already running out of time twin" she said

"Bye" I said with a sad face

After she hung up my ass ran to the bathroom and took a shower. I did my hygiene and picked out my clothes. Then I did a simple makeup look and laid the fuck out my wig.

Calling crystal......📲

"Heyyy, you called at the right time cuz I was literally ready to break in your house and drag you out the house" she said laughing

"Cryssss, that ain't funny" I said with a baby face

"It is funnyyyy" she said laughing even harder

"Now comeee, I'm tryna take sum picture before we go" she said

"Fine, I'm coming" I said still tryna be mad

After 50 takes each for both of us, we decided to get our asses in and take pictures inside instead cuz it wasn't givingggg.



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