Breaking Dawn - Renesmee's POV

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Breaking Dawn - Renesmee's Point of View.

I have written stories before, but this is a first try at writing a fanfic... I'm trying to write Breaking Dawn from Renesmee's point of view... Any suggestions/ideas welcome. I really need constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, besides what I am writing. The plot, people, names, places, belong to Stephenie Meyer. 

Book 3: Renesmee


I was afraid. Very afraid. Momma carried me in her arms, squeezing me against her chest, to the field, where daddy and the others who I loved were waiting. 

I saw them coming, just like the others did. I wish this would be over soon and I would live happily with momma, daddy, my family and my Jake. 

Chapter 1 : New

*Gasp!* I needed to get out from here.I couldn’t breathe.I never wanted to but this time I had to hurt my mother. I felt like I was a monster; a monster who kills her own mother! It became difficult for me to suspire, so I had to hurt momma.

I heard some one say in and angry worried tone, “The placenta must have detached”. 

"Get him out!" I heard my momma scream at someone. "He can't breathe! Do it now!" She was in so much pain. 

"The morphine —" Daddy was about to say further when momma cut him mid sentence.

"No! Now —" Momma choked.

I couldn't stand it anymore — causing my momma so much pain... But I couldn't breathe and unwillingly, I stabbed my momma's stomach. 

Ugh! I am such a monster!

“Let the morphine spread” Daddy screamed in an upturned tone.

“There’s no time.” Someone screamed back. “He’s dying!”

I felt something pierce into momma’s skin.

“No, Rose.” Daddy roared at Aunt Rosalie.

I had no idea wht was happening and Why wouldn’t they just get me out and end my momma’s pain? I couldn’t stand hurting her anymore! And then, I heard a banging noise… as if someone were trying to break a stone. Then the banging stopped in no time. 

“Alice, get her out of here!” Daddy shouted, “Take her to Jasper and keep her there!

Jacob, I need you!” Daddy sounded terrified


I wanted to get out of here, it was causing so much trouble and it was hurting momma.

“CPR?” Daddy growled, at Jacob?

“Yes!” Jacob replied back.

“Get her breathing! I’ve got to get him out before ---” Daddy gasped.

I couldn’t stay in there anymore. It was suffocating me. It became difficult for me to curl up my legs again.i tried hard not too hurt momma but I did it again. Broke another part of my momma’s body. How did I hurt her this time?

“Her spine,” daddy choked in horror.

So, I broke momma’s spine now. Evil!

I could hear Jacob snarl at daddy “Get it out of her, She won’t feel anything now!”

I could hear momma’s heart beating unevenly… She was taking so much trouble for me, suffering for me…and I was hurting her in return!

*Black black black*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2011 ⏰

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