Chapter 3

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*Brooke's POV*

Alex talked to our mom and she said we could stay. I got up and went into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and sighed. I ran my fingers through my long, thick, black hair. "this needs work" I thought.

I walked back into the front and decided since we wouldn't be moving for a couple hours I'd go and get my hair done. "I'm gonna go out ill be back in about maybe an hour or less."

"Wait, where ya going?" Alex asked walking over to me. "I was gonna go and redo my hair, it really needs to be done" I said laughing a little. "Can I come with you I wanna get mine done to" she asked. I nodded and we started our journey to a hair salon.

We found a place called K.C Hair Solan. We walked up to the front desk and was greeted by a girl with blonde hair with blue tips. "Hello, how can I help you ladies?" She asked smiling at us. We told her what we wanted and she took us to the chairs.

A lady named Juliet was doing my hair. "So what would like?" She asked. "Well I'd like to put some red in it" I said looking at her through the mirror. She nodded and went to get the red dye.

After they finished our hair we paid and started our way back to the bus. I kept getting the feeling someone was following us but I didn't say anything.

"Well, well, well, how's your cheek Brooke" I heard from behind us. Daniel. We ignored him and sped up. "don't try and run it'll do you no good" he said catching up to us and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Leave us alone Daniel" I said in a stern voice clenching my fist. "nah I'm good" he said and spun me around. "What do you want?" Alex asked turning around. I looked over at Alex as he took his hand off my shoulder.

She nodded and we took off running towards the bus. I could hear he was running after us so I tried to speed up. He grabbed both my shoulders and turned me around punching me in the face.

Alex kept running so she could get to the bus to get the guys. "don't ever run from me again!" He shouted in my face punching me again. I screamed as loud as I could but he just hit me again.

I felt a cold liquid on face so I guessed it was either tears or blood, maybe even both. "Hey let her go!" I heard then I felt Daniel let me go then cry out in pain. When I opened my eyes I saw Andy repeatedly punching Daniel.

Jinx and Ashley pulled Andy off of Daniel whilst CC carried me back to the bus and Alex called the cops. Andy walked on the bus and ran over to me "are you okay?! why would he do that?!" He asked looking so worried. "I'm fine I just wanna sleep."

Andy cleaned the tears and some blood off my face then carried me to his bunk and put me inside. "sleep well" he said before shutting the curtain and walking off. Before I new it, I was in a peaceful sleep.

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