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"Thanks for letting me stay with you guys, aunt Carol." I thank her. I place the last box on top of another inside the guest room of aunt Carol and my cousin, April's apartment, which from now on would be my bedroom.

"No worries, kid. April, help your cousin unpack, I'll cook dinner." Aunt Carol instructs as she leaves the room. Me and April looked at each other before smirking mischievously. This is gonna be fun.

I moved in with them because both my parents died in a car accident six years ago when both me and April were 10. Well, not really. After the accident, I moved in with my grandma, my dad's mother, which I firstly flew from Japan, and stayed with her in New York. Yes, I'm Japanese. Then two weeks ago, she died from cancer sadly, so aunt Carol took me in to live with her and April. Uncle, my dad's brother and April's father had gone on a business trip for like two years or so. Depends.

April helped me unpack my stuff and placed them where I most feel like placing them. "Girl, you sure have a lot of techno-stuff. You're like my friend." April complains as she places down a box which I guessed was probably containing my tech. She groans as she looks back at my other tech-containing boxes.

"Imaginary friend?" I tease.

She glares at me to which I roll my eyes and chuckle. "You seriously need to have faith in me on having friends." She says as she opens the box and starts taking out the contents.

"Yeah, sure thing. And by the way, be careful with those." I point at the tech she was putting out with a scowl on my face.

"Of course jeez, no need to be scary." She promises as she 'carefully' places them on the desk. Although, I'm sure it did not go as she planned as the metal piece of technology slipped out of her hands but thankfully she caught it just in time.

"You were saying?" I raise a brow at her.

"From now on." She raises her right hand to emphasize her promise as I roll my eyes again.

A few moments later we finished unpacking and as if on cue, aunt Carol called us for dinner.

We went to the kitchen and sat down at the dining table where food was already served. The three of us started eating. As we were eating, a click from a camera was heard. Me and April looked up to see aunt Carol already holding a photo and a camera.

"You girls look and act so much alike!" The irony. "It's almost as if you weren't step-cousins!" She adds.

Welp yeah, me and April aren't cousins by blood. My dad isn't actually my biological father but my mother is. My mother said that my biological father was Japanese too so I'm a full-blooded Japanese. Mom never really wanted to tell me who my father was but did give me one picture of him just so I won't be sad. She said that my father didn't want us and kicked us out or something and my step-dad took us in which resulted in them falling in love and me having the last name "O'Neil". My step-dad loved me as if I was his real daughter and I loved him as a real father.

But related by blood or not, me and April still treat each other as real cousins, maybe even sisters. So all is good.

Aunt Carol then started picking up the dishes and started washing them. I bid the two a good night before going back to my room and get some good night's sleep. All the unpacking tired me out so much.

So, good night.


April's P.O.V.

After Y/N closed her door, I went to my own bedroom. I sat down on my bed as I scrolled through my social media accounts. Suddenly, my phone received a video chat from Mikey.

I pressed the green button and was immediately greeted by a loud "HEY APRIL!" from the orang-clad box turtle himself.

I chuckle and looked at the screen. It looks like Mikey's phone was on a table because I can see a brown platform below the screen. And I can see all the guys. "Hey, guys. Waddup?"

"Nothing~. We wanted to ask if we could hang out in your apartment and maybe play some games in your guest room, Apes." Leo says. I wanted to say "yes" but then I remembered that my beloved cousin was in the guest room. Probably sleeping.

"Sorry guys not todayᅳ" Before I could finish, they groaned. I rolled my eyes.

"Aww. Why?" Leo complained.

"My cousin moved in with us. She's using the guest room." I explained to them with little hand gestures.

"Oh oh! Can we meet her?" Mikey asked hopefully. He sure does love meeting new people.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We don't know April's cousin." Raph says. Well, that is true. They don't know Y/N. But a part of me wanted for them to meet. I have a feeling she and certain purple-clad softshell will get along just fine.

"C'mon Raph, I'm sure it'll be fine. Right Don?" Leo encourages as everyone looked at Donnie, who was very busy on his wrist device thingy. He spends too much time with his tech these days.

"Huh what? Oh, whatever Leo says. Probably right." Donnie states, not looking back at us. Raph face palmed as Leo and Mikey cheered.

Raph sighed, "Whatever. It's still April's decision."

Everyone then looked back at me as I thought for a bit. Y/N does need more social interacting, even though with non-humans. She needs to socialize more. If it means meeting mutants. I just hope she won't freak out. "Okay fine." Again, Leo and Mikey cheered as Raph shrugged. While Donnie stated a half-hearted "yay".

"Later at eight, meet us on the rooftop. I'm just gonna let her rest for a bit." I said as I looked at the clock and saw it was still seven. They nod and we bid our goodbyes and I hung up.

Let's just hope this goes well.

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