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Your P.O.V.

I was having the greatest dream of my whole sleeping life when suddenly I felt two hands shaking my body. I groaned as I opened one eye to see April beside my bed. "What?" I groggily ask as I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my hands.

"We're going to meet my friends, get up." She answers. I looked up at the wall clock and grumpy confusion washed over me.

"At eight pm? Are you sure you get enough sleep?"

April facepalms as she sighs. "Justᅳ Come on." She hoists me up on my feet using my wrist. I took my wrist device in case I get bored and put it on my left arm. I was about to go change out of my pajamas when April caught my wrist again.

She drags me to the. . . rooftop?

We reach the rooftop as April lets go of my wrist and puts her hands on her hips, looking at who knows where. "Um, April, what are we doing here on the rooftop? I thought we are meeting your friends?"

"We are, they'll be here soon." April sighs as I groan. Why are we meeting her friends on a freaking rooftop anyway? I actually thought we'd meet at a park or something.

I started going through my wrist device and started typing out my future ideas for future projects. I heard a few thuds in front of me and April talking to someone but I was too busy going through my wrist device to care at the moment.

"y/n, Y/N!" I jerked from my place when I heard April yell my name.

I looked up and saw April looking at me with a look of disbelief. "Yeah sorry, what was that?"

April sighed, "It's okay, as I was saying, please don't freak out, these are my friends." She stepped out of my sight and I immediately saw her 'friends'.

'They're. . . turtles?' I thought.

They were four and I can immediately identify they are different species. A snapping turtle, a box turtle, a red-eared slider, and a. . . I don't know. And why does he have a purple shell? 

I kept a straight face as April introduced them, "This is Raph, Mikey, Leo, and Donnie." The four had some weapons with them and different colored bandannas for a mask.

They had different expressions on their faces, Raph had a nervous smile as a pointy tooth was seen, Mikey had a happy smile as he waved, Leo had a sly smirk, I already know this guy's a troublemaker and pretty much a laid-back person, or turtle. And Donnie. . . well, he looked like he fell in love with the air or something.

But I gotta be honest, this Donnie guy looks interesting for some reason.

Donnie's P.O.V.

I and my brothers landed on our dear best friend's apartment building's rooftop. "Hey, guys!" She greeted us with her usual cheery voice.

"Hey, April! Where's you're cousin?" Leo greeted for all of us as he asked where April's cousin she apparently talked about an hour ago in our nightly group video call. I didn't know until Michael told me after the video call since I didn't pay attention.

"Here." She moved out of the way. April gestured at a female. 

A. . . very beautiful human female. 

My jaw dropped. She looked very elegant even if she just wore a pair of pajamas on. She was typing on a wrist device, like mine. Her H/C locks shined under the dimly lit night sky as she concentrated on the metal device.

April kept calling out to her, but she seemed to be too concentrated to notice. On the third try, she finally jerked out of her trance and looked at April. The third time is the charm apparently.

She looked up at April, her E/C eyes sparkled in confusion. "Yeah sorry, what was that?" She asks. Her voice is as elegant as she looks.

April stepped out of her sight, I can see that she was surprised to see us, but showed no disgust. She looked at every one of us when her sight stops on me.

Okay Donatello, act natural. You can not fall in love with someone you do not know. I regained my composure as I put on my usual blank face.

"Hello. . . I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you all. . . I guess." Y/N introduces herself. "You all have. . . unique features. I am very sorry if that is offending." She adds as she puts a hand on her hip.

"It's okay, we get that a lot," Raph assures her. She nods her head. 

April gestured us to sit down as we all comply, we sat on the wall thingy of the roof as Y/N sits between Mikey and April, Raph sat on the ground, Leo decided to just stand there while leaning on his sword, I just sat beside Mikey. Pretending to not care about anything, when in all honesty I wanted to sit beside her, however, I wish to not give a sign about that.

"Sooo. . . What's your age?" Leo asks, kind of starting a conversation.

"Sixteen, the same age as my cousin here." Y/N answers as she sat cross-legged.

"Do you like art? Ooh ooh, and Pizza?" Mikey bombarded her with his questions.

"Mikey, don't make her uncomfortable," Raph lightly scolds. Mikey slouched, muttering a 'sorry'.

Y/N chuckled, that was the nicest sound I ever heard today, "It's okay, Raph. No need to apologize, Mikey." She assures, "And to answer your question. . ." She puts a hand on her chin. "I like arts, I used to paint when I was eleven. And of course, I love pizza. Though I am not in favor of Hawaiian." She answers. Wait. . . she doesn't like Hawaiian? Like me?!

Okay Don, calm down. Don't get giddy.

"Wow. You're like Donnie. He doesn't like Hawaiian too." Leo comments. Do you have to say that Leo?

She looks at me, her eyes locking with mine before I look down on my wrist device. "Wait really? Finally, someone understands me." She says.

"Yeah. . . Hawaiian is just, bleh." I cooly say.

"I know right?" She agrees.

"I still don't get why you both don't like Hawaiian. It tastes good!" April exclaims.

Later on, the conversation continues. 

Mikey and April were busy fighting over something I can not classify, Leo and Raph trying to stop them, while me and Y/N were just watching.

I looked over to her, she was watching them with bored eyes, yet she still looks beautiful even though she had half-lidded eyes open. And I think she sensed me looking at her because she looked back at me.

I grew nervous, but I kept my composure. "Hey." I greeted her.

"Hey." She greeted back. She scooted closer until we're just a few inches away, probably so she could continue our conversation. 

I am totally not expecting her to come closer because she likes meᅳ Donnie. Stop.

"Donnie right?" I nod. "I'm guessing that's just a nickname." I look at her.

"How'd you know?" I raise a brow.

She just shrugs. "I have looked at the most common and unique names a bunch of times, I haven't seen a 'Donnie' in the algorithm." Wow.

"Well, you are right then. My full name is Donatello. Raph is Raphael, Leo is Leonardo, and Mikey is Michaelangelo." I said.

"You guys are named from the Renaissance?" She asks, I nod. "Hmm. . . that's interesting."

"I saw your wrist device earlier, do you by any chance perhaps like science?" I ask her hopefully.

She looks at me, "Of course. I got interested in science when I was eight. I started building my own gadgets." 

"Okay, it was nice to meet you, Y/N. But we need to head back, it's way past midnight." Raph bids goodbye as me and Y/N stood up. Y/N nods at the goodbye. She sure is a quiet person.

"Bye guys!" April bids for both of them as me and my brothers disappeared into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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