He's Our Friend

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"Why did you call him Beth?" Leo asked while taking down a wall. Right now we are fixing up diner/restaurant that we bought for Blair.
"We could use his help. He's a very good detective and like you said the source is half human which means that he's in the database somewhere and we can use Darryl's help for it it." I say while ordering supplies.
"And besides he's our friend. He will help." I added
"She's right Leo. We could use his help but we need more than just him. Will the Cullens help?" Bailey asked
I really don't want them to help and I am saying that because I don't want Edward to get hurt and his family.
"I don't know" I lied. I knew they would help but my sisters can't know that.
"And I won't ask them." I added
"Fine, than I will ask them myself." Blair said and took off outside, heading towards her car.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW" I thought to myself. I got up and ran after her
She stopped and turned to face me
"Why? Beth we need help and I'm sorry that you can't go ask your boyfriend for it." She says
"I'm scared that he will get hurt and I don't want him to get hurt because I'm in love with him. I don't think I can live with myself if he ever got hurt knowing it's because of me. What if he ends up the same way Andy did and I know that is a horrible think to say but I can't stop thinking like that." I say
"I understand Beth. Believe me I do but we need help and we need their help and we also need more than just them so maybe we can also get other people before we ask the Cullens. How does that sound?" She said while smiling at me.
"That sounds perfect to me. Thank you."
She responses that welcome with a hug

I ran up to when into his arms when I saw him
"Slow down Beth. I missed you as well. It's not the same without you guys back home but thanks to you guys I know what to look out for. You know the whole monsters." Darryl said
He pulls back from our hug and goes up to hug my sisters as well and long with Leo.
"All right so Beth told me everything and if you find out any new information than that will help find him better, but right now I want to hear all about this Edward guy." He says while smiling at me and I can't help but laugh at the thought of telling him about Edward. How am I going to tell him that I am in love with a vampire. He might freak out and go all dad on me.
Only fate will be able to tell.

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