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Chaeyoung glares at the open notebook, her scribbled over notes staring back at her almost as accusingly as the blank page beside it.

Despite Jungkook's doubtful tone, she had tried to write. She had followed all his tips and tricks for getting her writing juices flowing, but she couldn't get more than a few meager verses in before realizing it was all garbage and scribbling over it, only to do the same thing again and again.

After a few hours of broken chords and annoyed grunts, Chaeyoung had thrown her guitar on the patio table she had spent her entire afternoon and opened her laptop. Her fingers had grazed over the keyboard as she considered punching in "how to get over songwriter's block", but she opened Tumblr instead.

There's little that mindlessly scrolling down neon colored pictures and cat gifs won't numb out of her.

She closes her notebook and slumps over the table, one hand holding her chin up as she clicked play on a singing dog video - that damn dog could hold a vibrato better than she could even dream about.

"Productive day?" Chaeyoung looks up to find Lisa trudging towards her, hands clasped on her back, a smirk adorning her face.

Her answer is a distraught grunt that makes Lisa chuckle.

In the ten days Chaeyoung had been in this forgotten by civilization hotel - she counts her days like prisoners do, barely falling short of writing tally marks on her wall -, Lisa had been the only breath of life she could find.

It's not to say she hadn't made friends with nearly everyone in the staff. Jisoo had a brilliant mind and Chaeyoung fiercely braved her dread of horses to spend some time in her company. Joy had indulged her when she asked if she could cook something for her, only to be shunned out of her kitchen after nearly setting fire to a burger. Even Jennie had grown on her, her murderous eyes softening once Chaeyoung caught her humming one of her songs.

But Lisa makes something in her come alive.

"I can't fucking write," Chaeyoung says, the expletive falling from her before she can rein herself in, "I came here to get a new album out, but I can't write."

"It's hard to find inspiration in nature when you hate it," Lisa muses and sits on the chair beside her, peeking at her screen, "Or when you're watching animal videos."

It's more teasing than reproaching, Chaeyoung can tell that much. "Like you've never wasted your day on Tumblr," Chaeyoung rolls her eyes, scrolling down a few more posts.

"Tumblr?" Lisa blinks, staring blankly at Chaeyoung.

Her eyebrows shoot to her hairline, "You- you don't-" She can't quite find the words to make sense of Lisa's confusion, "I mean, I know you live in the middle of nowhere, but come on. You have internet here."

"I don't have any social media accounts, Chaeyoung," Lisa says with a hint of amusement, leaning in to scan the screen, "I use the internet for practical reasons only."

Chaeyoung stops herself short of repeating her words in a mocking voice, in true five year old fashion, and scrolls past a batch of black and white pictures.

She knows Lisa doesn't do social media. For one, the hermit didn't know who Chaeyoung was - not that she considers herself a Beyoncé in the world of fame, but her little romantic scandal had been everywhere. Even the hotel's Facebook isn't run by its owner. Chaeyoung had seen Jennie answering messages and posting an off-season program on their page when she dropped by the library to get the third book in the series Lisa had recommended to her.

A picture catches her attention and Chaeyoung adds it to her side blog. The royal blue and hot pink tones will fit right into the theme she has going on on roses_are_rosie. Her main one - roseofficial - is reserved for announcements and fan questions only, and she's currently very much forbidden to post anything on any social media with her name on it.

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