GUYS! I am such a suckish person holy frickballs I haven't updated in FOREVER and I feel like shit I AM SO SORRY disgrace on me.. LIFE IS INSANE so here' a little info about why I am such a suckish writer lately-
1. One of my best friends asked me out several times and (long story short) I rejected him every time cuz he dated one of my old friends before and ya know I'm not a whore so I don't date other friends' leftovers thats weird (giggle giggle) and yeah he got really awkward and creepy so that didn't end well and he kinda hates me now cuz he fliped out over the whole thing so yeah that was pretty weird and time consuming..
2. One of these guys that I used to know from like fifth grade who I haven't seen in like five years started texting me the other day and idk he got super weird too (like, telling me all about how he became bi and always has dreams about me and wants my snapchat and yeah..) and idk why a decent person cant ever like me ya know? Bleh gross people always fall for all this (giggle giggle) and idk why worthless guys tend to be drawn to me lol it's weird and I would appreciate it if the world could just stop
3. SCHOOL IS SO OVERWHELMING YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW but hey since I've been working so hard on homework lately, I managed to reach up into the buttcrack of a dinosaur and pull out ALL A'S AND A B+ GUYS YEET YEET YEET FOR ETERNITY OH GOD YASSSS THIS IS HISTORY RIGHT OVA HERE BRING OUT THE CONFETTI AND ICE CREAM I'M GONNA CHOKE AYEEEEE okay party's over I just had to get that out woot woot x3
4. I'm out of school for nine days now cuz of frickin spring break so I really wanna get crackin' on the good juicy twists and all that fluffy yummy stuff in Dollface, so nag me if I don't update as much as you want me to over the break ;)
5. Zayn leaving one direction left me heartbroken. I have tour tickets for this summer and everything and he was my second favorite and I bawled so hard I can't even tell you how I've been feeling lately.. I also wanted to get started on Hurt me, Heal me over spring break, but the Zayn news left me crushed, and I don't know if I ccould handle thinking about the boys yet, so I might need to wait awhile before getting started on that, but don't give up on it yet I also have a good storyline planned for that one too that I think you guys'll like I swear <3 (p.s.- for those of you who don't know from reading my mini poem thing "I Am Okay", then you'd know that I donated my hair to Pantene two years ago to make wigs for cancer patients, so my hair used to be light brown and past my elbows, like my profile picture, which was taken a really long time ago when I was like eleven, and now my hair is a darker brown and shorter than alot of guys' since it is shaved really short (almost buzzed) on one side and the other side is like two or three inches long and I honestly really like my hair so don't judge or call me a lesbian or anything I get that enough at school, but anyways, all I'm trying to tell y'all is that I've decided to put a blonde streak in the front of the longer part of my hair as a tribute to Zayn, and I'm gonna keep it in at least 'til I go to the concert in Seattle this July.. Leave comments and let me know what you think plz thanks
6. You guys are so supportive and sweet and I love you forever, bitches keep readin' (GO CHECKOUT MY FAVORITES LIBRARY I RECENTLY ADDED A STORY CALLED "WON'T GO HOME WITHOUT YOU" AND I HAVE AN OBSESSION)
xo, Ferry Jo
Dollface (A Dandy Mott Fanfiction)
RomanceDandy Mott. Sounds so innocent, and very appealing to the eye, but it's what's deep down that counts. Dandy has a sick obsession for gore, and what happens after he captures Laurel off the street won't be pretty. But could a new stranger in this boy...