Flowers From 1970

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Allright i now my book it's all in spanish but this is gonna be an exception.

Yesterday finally end a Dnf fanfic.

I'm crying yeet.

SOOOO this is a fanart from the book "Flowers From 1970" from astr0nomika  in wattpad she probably not see this x'd soo meh i dont really care;) 

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SOOOO this is a fanart from the book "Flowers From 1970" from astr0nomika  in wattpad she probably not see this x'd soo meh i dont really care;) 

I hope you like it, and sorry for my bad english i just love the book and i want to draw about the book that's it.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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