Reaping Day Part 1

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Finnick buttons up one of his best shirts,the color one of a pale green. The color of the shirt brings out the vibrancy of his eyes. He smells potatoes frying with herbs probably picked from the marsh close to his house. And then of course there's that seafood smell. They always are making use of the fish that teem the waters of District 4. Breakfast is here. Prepared same as it always is. He runs down the steps of their old rickety staircase and into the kitchen. " 'Bout time you upped from bed and joined us,sleepy head. " Finnick's mother,Marla teases as she whisks something out of a pan and eases it into another dish. Her flip flop platforms click as she walks towards him,planting a motherly kiss on the crown of his head. "Ugh,mom really? I just did my hair." He complains.
"You're such a whiner." His sister,Dora, says whilst feigning disgust. She then stabs her fork into another potato. "Whatever,stupid." Finnick says, halfheartedly being playful. They're a carefree family for the most part,the three of them.
If only the missing member could be. Loving father and husband he was. There's always an empty chair saved at the head of the table for him. His shoes still wait at the door where he last left them,his footprints still deeply imprinted in the souls. And Marla cooks Mr.Odair's favorite meal for every breakfast,as if he'll come strolling through the door whistling a merry tune. Like he always used to after fishing at dawn.
Everything about the Odair's routine suggests a lack of closure on the family's part over their loss of Mr.Odair. They never really knew why he even left,or if it was truly up to him. So in a way,they were still waiting for him to come back.

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XOXO - Summer

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