Sentenced but Still Loyal

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Hi Guys so sorry about taking it down I don't even know why i did that to begin with but it's back up now, so enjoy.


Azkaban was the highly most secured wizarding prison in the world you wouldn't be able to get in or out with all the Dementors stationed everywhere, nothing would ever go undetected or so it seemed.

Bellatrix Black Lestrange was one of the many Death Eater prisoners in Azkaban sentenced to life in prison for the torture and cause of insanity of Alice and Frank Longbottom, she was the most feared and skilled Death Eater of all which is why she didn't go down without a fight.

When Bellatrix stood trial at the court of the ministry of magic it was all any Witch or Wizard had been talking about, the infamous Bellatrix Black Lestrange, the most powerful and undeniably loyal follower of he who shall not be named, was finally getting her very much deserved and overdue sentence. It said in the papers that unlike all the over Death Eaters who stated that they had been put under the imperio curse, and were forced to do the Dark Lords bidding that instead Bellatrix proudly claimed that she shall always remain loyal to her Lord and Master, saying "The Dark Lord shall rise again Crouch and when he does I shall be rewarded above all my fellow Death Eaters because I alone remained faithful to him I alone was willing go to Azkaban awaiting his return."

It was said that she Sat in the chair she was chained to as though it was a throne and she the Queen, Bellatrix showed no fear nor remorse for what she had done in fact she couldn't be happier she knew she would have to wait for her Master to return but it would be worth it. After Bellatrix's hearing she was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to life in Azkaban, and was never to be released.

But before she was taken away to that God for saken prison she shouted to all who were in attendance of her hearing "I am the Mistress of all Death Eaters and shall by on the right hand side of the Dark Lord when he returns mark my words, no pain nor prison will make me loose my faith in my Lord Voldermorte," The use of his name shocked all the Witches and Wizards in the room, and Bellatrix was dragged away to her cell that was waiting for her in Azkaban.

Not knowing that her life would soon change forever and not because she was sentenced to life in the most feared place in all of the Wizarding World.

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