Chapter 1

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I step back grimacing at my self in the mirror. I observe every detail from head to toe that I dislike about my self. My body has always consisted of

muscular thick legs, a tiny waist, and a curvy backside that I have been told every man loves and every woman envies. I don't exactly agree. Everyone I

know sees me as this strong, independent, beautiful woman who is fearless about life, but the image of this perfect person is a mask to the insecure

vulnerable woman no one but I can see.

I quickly dismiss my distressful thoughts and continue to get ready for my brothers Christmas party. I don't know why I agreed to go or why he even asked me to begin with. Who wants to bring their sibling anywhere as a plus one? I'm sure the only reason he asked is so I could be exposed to job opportunities since I've been looking for a while. I doubt ill get a job at Reed Enterprises but even if I did I don't really want to work with my brother; nonetheless, I'm grateful that he cares so much.

I have just finished my makeup, which is the same no matter what I wear or where I'm going: some blush on my cheeks with mascara and a light colored lipstick. I like simple. I start to do my hair into a simple updo when my brother barges in the bathroom.

"Katie we're going to be late if you don't hurry up."

"Austin you need to calm down, I'm almost done we'll be on time okay?"

Without responding Austin rolls his eyes and walks away. He's never this demanding or stressed. It must be his new job, he's been trying so hard to keep up appearances and do everything perfect to a tee. He doesn't even realize that he does all of that even when he doesn't try.

Putting a clip into my hair to hold it in its place I sigh dreading the night ahead of me. My brother works with high class, upscale, rich snobs that I can't stand but deal with when necessary. I know my brother is nothing like those people but he fits in with them perfectly. He's got the attire and chatty conversation down, and he's acquired a small wealth of his own. I smooth the length of my my red dress that fits me perfectly flattering my curves. I'm shocked at how good I look in it. I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room to stop my brother from having a heart attack.

"I'm ready" I say slightly annoyed. Picking up on my tone Austin snaps

" Well don't sound so excited, I'm only trying to help you get a job and the least you could do is be on time."

I ignore his comment and smile, turning to walk to the door i roll my eyes at him in secret. I don't know why he's complaining about my time taken to get ready he takes longer than I do, but I continue to say nothing knowing it will only agitate him further and I know he's stressing out about this party.

Austin opens the door for me and we walk out his apartment into the piercing cold weather of Downtown Seattle. I shiver putting on my coat as we walk to the car. For living in a place that never gets very warm for my entire life you'd think I would be used to the cold weather but I'm not.

I get into my brothers black ford truck and immediately turn on the heat and seat warmers hoping I will soon warm up. I hear my brothers quite snicker knowing exactly what

he's laughing at. He's always thought it was funny that I'm always freezing in the winter while everyone else is at ease with the weather. I ignore him.

"So, when we get there I will introduce you to a few co-workers and my boss of course. You should really mingle a little and talk business so you can get a

few ideas for a job." I smile at my brother and say teasingly "Don't worry I'll be your perfect little robot tonight." He laughs and rolls his eyes at me. "I'm

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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