~Year 3~ Nothing special

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August 15 1993


"Would you like a strawberry love?" harry asked "You know you dont have to call me love right?" i laughed. "Yes i know i just love calling you 'love' your cheeks get a tad red when i call you that, did you know that?" he responded. I felt my cheeks turn red once he said that." What? no they dont you liar" i said trying to cover my cheeks with my hair. " Why did you cover your cheeks then?" harry smirked.

" Merilin i hate you" i joked. " Yeah sure hate me," harry said as he made me face him " but deep down inside of you," he made direct eye contact with me " you know you love me." he finished his sentence with his hand on my cheek caressing it. We stayed like that a bit more before he moved our faces closer together until we were inches apart from each other. I could feel his hot breath on my mouth at this point. Our noses lightly touching. We stayed like that for a while but it felt like years. He then moved an inch closer closing the small gap between us. Our lips finally conecting. It was magical almost felt like a dream.

I started hearing someone say my name. We separated and i looked around but no one wad there. Weird. The person started saying my name louder and louder. I turned back around and harry wasnt there anymore. What the fuck is happening?? I thought to my self- " Y/N WAKE UP THIS INSTANT OR I WILL THROW WATER AT YOU" screamed my brother. " wait wat?" i said awakening from my sleep.

" Oh my god Y/n, WE ARE GONNA BE LATE FOR THE TRAIN HURRY UP AND GET READY WE NEED TO LEAVE IN 30 MINUTES" he screamed again. " GOSH NOAH YOU COULD HAVE WOKEN ME UP EARLIER" i screamed back at him. "I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR THE PAST 2 HOURSSSS" "Ohhh okay well leave i need to get ready" i said to him pushing him away out of my room" Okay but hurry u-" " I knowwww" i cut him off. Wow he is so annoying in the mornings.

I got my clothes and ran to the shower, it was a quick shower but when i was in there i barley realized that i had a dream of harry... I had always had an innocent little crush on him but over the past summer i haven't been able to get him out of my head. I am so glad i will be able to see him today, and of course ron and hermione.

Hermione is the only one who knows about my crush on Harry. I mean so does my brother but he just teases me about it, pretty annoying if you ask me.

I hop out of the shower and put my clothing on. I start doing my hair, i put it in ( you choice of hairstyle ). It takes me a while to do my hair especially because it had a bunch of knots. I put my shoes on and as im putting them on i hear Ms. Bartley yelling my name. " YES?" i say "HURRY UP YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO MISS THE TRAIN" " OKAY OKAY IM GOING" "BE DOWN IN 10 MINUTES OKAY?" " OKAY I'LL BE DOWN IN A BIT". I rush to put on some light makeup, nothing to much just some mascara and blush.

I go downstairs to see Ms. Bartley and noah waiting for me. " Uh hi?" i say to them " Are you ready Y/n?" asked my brother " Yes noah, you see i didn't take that long to get ready" i respond "Yeah surprisingly" he mutters but i still heard him "Hey! it wasn't that long i had 30 minutes to get ready, and you could have tried harder to wake me up" i told my brother "Now now children we have to get to 9 3/4" said Ms. breaking up me and my brothers argument.

~( Time Lapse )~

We arrived at the train station and now walking through the border for 9 3/4. We entered and saw mutiple 1st years with their parents. All of them with their parents, some mothers were crying as they saw their children get on the train.

There was this one family looked like a father, mother, what looked like a 5th year girl and a 1st year little boy. The 5th looked pretty excited, meanwhile the 1st year looked a bit frightened. The mother saw that he was scared so she pulled him close to her and hugged him for quite a long time. She then whispered something in his ear wich made him smile. The 5th year was now hugging her dad. They all looked so happy.

Noah saw me watching them and nudged me and said "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah i'm fine" i replied with a forced smile. "You sure?" he asked once again. "Yes Noah, i'm fine trust me" i said "Okay fine."

"Alright you kids better get going on the train" Ms. Bartley said to me and Noah, "Goodbye Ms. Bartley" said Noah "Goodbye" i said. I never really liked Ma. Bartley, she liked Noah better than me so it wasnt that big of a deal. Both me and Noah left Ms. Bartley ans got in the train, he went with the Weasley Twinns and Lee while i went to find Ron, Mione, and Harry.

I went from compartment to compartment till i found one with 2 brunettes and a red head. Once i opened the compartment door Hermione ran to me and hugged me. "Y/n oh god how i missed you, i wish you could have stayed for the summer" she said " I know Mione i missed you too". We separated and Ron came to give me a hug, "Mum really wanted you to stay this summer you know?" he said. Ron had became family to me and so did all the other weasleys. We separated from the hug "God sorry ron, Ms. Bartley didn't let me do anything over the break, kinda of hate her" i said, he gave me a sympathetic smile.

I then turned to Harry and he looked a bit stunned for some reason. "Hi Y/n" he said "Hello Harry", he didn't hug me or anything just a simple "Hi". Nothing special, but being honest that kinda hurt. I then sat down next to Mione and saw what seemed like a man next to Harry.

"Who's that?" i asked them. "That's Professor Lupin" says hermione. "How do you know?" both me and ron asked her. "Cant you guys see, on his briefcase is says 'Professor Lupin'" she responds. "Ohhh yeah" i say. "Is he- dead? ask Ron. "No Ron he's not dead isn't it obvious, he's sleeping." hermione responds"Oh right" he sayd "Okay are you guys done talking wether hes dead or not i need to tell you something important" Harrg says Okay yeah sorry" Ron responds, "But you guys have to swear not to tell anyone" he says as he closes the door to the compartment. "We swear" Me, Ron, and Mione say at the same time.

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A/n well there goes the first chapter 🧍🏽‍♀️ if yall have any questions and/or constructive criticism TELL ME cause i want to make this book enjoyable for yall but hope you guys liked this chapter i will be releasing a new chapter every week probably on fridays tho but i'll update yall on that when i fully have it planned out anyways hope yall have a good day/night see yall next week <3 also sorry if there are any grammar mistakes i wrote this at 1:30 a.m and finished it at 2:42 a.m anyways

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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