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The walk to the field was awkward. Neither of the boys spoke a word. Yes, Harry felt safe around Louis, but he wasn't ready to share what was inside his head with him. He just met the boy.

 "Hey mate you okay?" 

 "Umm, yeah. I am fine."

They got to the field and Louis kicked the ball back and forth with Harry for a little while in complete silence.

"Can I ask you a question Harry, you don't have to answer, but I am just a little curious"

"I guess"

"What happened to you today? You know, when I saw you in the toilet."

"I umm, just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time."

"Does that happen to you a lot?"

Harry looked down and kicked the ball back to Louis. He really didn't want to answer the question.

"Tis ok, you don't have to answer."


Louis nodded. "So what do you do for fun?"

"Umm, I really don't do anything."

"Really? You don't do anything?"

"Well, umm, I guess I play piano and sing."

Louis nodded and kicked the ball back to Harry. Louis took in what Harry said. He let it sink into his head. He could tell that Harry was uncomfortable with the conversation, but he didn't know what else to talk about. He could talk about music because Louis loved music too. That's exactly what he would do.

"So who is your favorite artist?" Louis asked carefully.

"I love the Articmonkeys and The Script."

Louis's eyes went wide. "Really? I love The Script."

 "I went to one of their shows about two months ago. It was amazing."

Harry smiled. "I did too!"

Louis and Harry continued to talk about music for the next hour or so. Before they knew it, the sun was starting to set.

"We need to get off the field before the football players come and practice, they are kind of territorial over their field."

Harry nodded and followed Louis off the field.

"Oh, Look what we have here, the fag found himself a boyfriend and thought it would be ok to come to my field to have a little fun" a familiar voice bellowed from across the car park.

Harry looked down to avoid any eye contact. He just wanted to get out of his way. He knew if he stayed he would be about to face yet another beating.

"Styles! Look at me when I am talking to you."

"Zack, just leave me alone. I am off the field, go practice. I am not bothering you" Harry snapped back.

"Zack is it?" Louis asked snarkily.

"What is it to you mate?"

"Well you see, Harry is my friend now, and I don't let people mess with my friends. So, if you are done here, you can go to the field and mind your own business."

Zack laughs. "Styles, the fag has a friend? How much did he pay you?"

Louis grabs Harry by the arm and pushes past Zack. With a quick motion, Zack grabs Harry and punches him in the face. Harry fell back onto the ground. Louis snapped back around and punched Zack as hard as he could in the face, making him hit the ground opposite of Harry.

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