Unraveling Glyph

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Different form his primary expectation Zhang Qi Ling found himself together with Wu Xi in a tomb jet again. He had long gotten used to the boy tagging along, Wu Xi was surprisingly resilient to the stain of expeditions and tomb robbing. Sure, Zhang Qi Ling had enough experience to know that every expedition tries to get an intellectual into their group. But most of them are lacking the know how to survive a tomb on their own and had to be cared for every second.

But Wu Xi was different. Just how many times had Zhang Qi Ling lost sight of him in the heat of the moment only to find him later, totally fine- well maybe with a few scrapes. Time and time again he wondered just how the youth found his way so easily. This was quite some time ago, but Zhang Qi Ling still remembered.

The second time they went into a tomb Wu Xi had already caught his curiosity. It was then that he found out that Wu Xi hand never been on an expedition before they had meet. This information alone had astonished him. It had been all the more reason for Zhang Qi Ling to watch over Wu Xi, not only to keep the boy save but also to learn more about him.

It was the pure white porcelain that caught Wu Xis eyes, when Zhang Qi Ling had truly observed him for the first time. The chinaware was a bowl with a blue pattern. It was the first time Zhang Qi Ling had seen Wu Xis eyes glow with curiosity.

If he hadn't already decided to scoop out that coffin, they came across Zhang Qi Ling would have patiently waited for Wu Xi to finish. He certainly had been interested in the reason for Wu Xi to suddenly stop paying attention to anything else but the old porcelain. Why he was sitting on the ground caressing the precious chinaware one piece after another. It took Zhang Qi Ling a few seconds before he noticed that Wu Xi had started to study its pattern, not admiring it.

Fats had turned impatient and it was clear that Wu Xi would be, rather engaged by the porcelain for a while so Zhang Qi Ling had decided to help with the coffin and return to Wu Xi afterwards to ask him about the chinaware. He hadn't expected to be separated from the boy for a while because of this. That they later had found each other again was more coincidence that anything else. Zhang Qi Ling had been lieing exhausted and topless on the floor, for some reason disappointed that Wu Xi barely paid enough attention to him to find out that he was fine.

During their time together in the tomb Zhang Qi Ling found out that Wu Xi was more interested in information than in potential treasure. He was more patient and calmer than one would expect, which had also given him the illusion that Wu Xi was more experienced than he actually was. Additionally, he was more attentive, and jet he would always start to ignore the world one he had found something that interests him.

Wu Xis caring character was so different than what Zhang Qi Ling was accustomed to. He would always try to help, never leave anyone behind. He would always welcome Zhang Qi Ling with a brit smile as if he could make the world shine. He could feel his trust and it made Zhang feel that he never wants to lose this friend.

Loosing Wu Xi slowly became a nightmare so much that he Zhang never wanted to leave his side in a dangerous situation, he would always hurry back only to see that Wu Xi was still fine. He would stay by his side and observe him when Wu Xi forgot the world again and only concentrated on his interests.

Just like that he stayed around this youth, and still was there. He was alone again with Wu Xi, the others of the group had left to explore a bit more of their surroundings. The youth was standing there right in front of the glyphs translating the ancient story of the temple. Wu Xi should have a whole collection of long forgotten stories by now, but he still kept collecting more and more of them.

Zhang Qi Ling watched as Wu Xi finally finished removing all the dirt and moss from the glyphs, while he was leaning against pillar. He has gotten used to being near enough Wu Xi to be able to see his facial expression but still keep some distance.

Zhang just watched Wu Xis eyes brimming while he concentrated on the glyphs. Zhang knew that he had stopped paying attention to anything but what was in front of him. He probably wouldn't even react if Zhang were to call him.

Zhang was happy just watching Wu Xi. His shiny eyes staring at the glyphs, his mouth slightly ajar breathing relaxed. He would always start tracing the glyph with his fingers, stroking along the rims. Gasping from time to time, showing with a slight smile that he had found something interesting. Then he would go on, biting his bottom lip his fingers still tracing a glyph which seemed to puzzle him. He would stay there for a while until he had seen and felt every part of the stone unconsciously whispering what just came to his mind. His breath hitching from time to time.

Wu Xi never lost sight of the glyphs, and Zhang never lost sight of Wu Xi. He was completely captivated by the young man, who kept caressing the stone. Sometimes slightly slanting his head when he was deep in thought, only than his fingers would stop traveling the stone. Zhang was sure this scene had more impact on him than on Wu Xi. He knew he would remember it whenever he was closing his eyes.

Wu Xis actions would keep him company and Zhang knew that he wouldn't be able to forget. He would even remember weeks after the expedition ended. He would feel Wu Xis fingers caressing not the stone but him with such care. He would feel his fingers ghosting over his skin, stroking every rim of his tattoo. Not once he would loose his attention while Wu Xi would discover every spot on his skin.

Those brimming eyes would stare at him, scrutinize him. Wu Xi would only concentrate on him.

And then Zhang would open his eyes, only to find himself being alone in his bed. He would feel lonely and a tiny bit cold, his tattoo would disappear again. And he would feel worried about Wu Xi again, concerned that he had gone on an expedition without him. Worried that he couldn't see him again.

Already knowing the silent pain that would follow him, Zhang kept watching Wu Xi deciphering the glyphs. Remembering every movement of his fingers along the stone, every single twitch of his lips.

Zhang would stay at his chosen place on the pillar, fully surrendering himself to the bittersweet torture. Allowing his imagination to run wild, while he would stay still. The meaning of the glyphs long forgotten to him, only Wu Xi on his mind.

Wondering if he would relax in his arms. If he would allow him to caress him like he does. If he would kiss him and stay with him. Sharing his warmth when they would fall asleep in each other's arms.

Then Wu Xi suddenly turned around, eyes brimming, and his mouth turned into the most stunning smile he had ever seen. It was always situations like this that made Zhang tremble, he would have loved to cross the small distance between them and kiss Wu Xi.

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