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Yuki and shigure ended up ordering some onigiri and yakisoba. shigure was annoying the hell out of the silver haired boy so he decided to go back upstairs until the food got there.

Once he walked into the room he saw her. Y/n was sleeping on the floor, she was out cold.

"idiot." he would of moved her onto the bed but then he would of transformed. What if it woke her up.

So instead he grabbed a pillow and a blanket. The put the pillow under her head and draped the blanket over her figure.

When doing so he ended up accidentally touching her hand, it was freezing cold. He also noticed that she had bags under her eyes. That worried him abit.

' is she getting enough sleep?' he asked himself before walking out of the room. He closed the door and headed down stairs to eat.


The next morning it was around 4 a.m when y/n woke up. She was surprised to say the least. She was full of energy now. But she didn't know what to do with said energy.

She decided to continue working on the project. She knew the dead line was that day so she decided to just finish it. I mean she had a bunch of energy.

" L/n?" He asks sleepily

" Hm, oh you're awake." She said bluntly not even paying attention. She was too busy finishing the project.

" L/n we should start getting ready." Yuki says while getting up

" Okay " She got up and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

"she finished it?" he questioned to himself.


They went downstairs to see Shigure talking to someone about the zodiacs. Me and yuki went up to shigure and yuki dropped his bag on him.

"will you atleast try to control your basic urges." yuki dropped his book bag on shigures head.

" miss honda? hello, i hope yukis cousin didn't frighten you to badly." y/n said as she walked around the corner.

" Sohma and L/n? Why are you here? I mean goodmorning. " tohru was a bit taken aback. She didn't expect the two to be there. She bowed down.

"what do you have in there a dictonary or something?" shigure asked. He know had a headache due the book bag being dropped on his head.

"two dictionaries actually. Morning." he smiled softly at tohru.

"oh whats this? you guys know eachother?" shigure looked at yuki and y/n before turning back to honda. He didn't think yuki had any other friends besides y/n.

"we are all three in the same class." y/n explained, putting on her book bag

"im tohru honda, nice to meet you!" she exclaimed, while once again bowing.

" same here my names shigure sohma, yukis my little cousin." shigure was pointing as yuki, strangely.

"what brings you too our house this morning?" yuki asked. Y/n decided to sit down near the figurines. Shigure noticed her looking at the rat one but didn't say anything.

"uhm i- i live around here thats all." tohru was waving her hands in front of her face.

"around here? really."

"you do?"

Shigure and yuki were a bit confused and gave eachother a knowing look.

"well uh ill just be going!" Tohru started walking away from the three and towards school.

"miss honda?" yuki questions her.

"um yes?" she was a tad bit nervous.

"your heading to school? why don't we all walk together." y/n suggested getting up from her stop to go stand by tohru.

Then the three teenagers headed off to school.


That morning after tohru, yuki and y/n walked to school tohru went one way while the other two went the opposite way. Well thats what she thought.

While she was walking tohru was pulled near a window where a group of girls surrounded her. Tohru was crowded by the fan club of yuki and y/n.

"Honda what is the meaning of this?" the leader, Minagawa Motoko asked the brown haired girl.

"U..uh" Tohru was too freaked out to speak. She didn't even know who these girls were. They were cornering her, but what for.

" Allow me to introduce myself, I am prince yuki and princess y/n's second year representative. Mokoto minagawa"

" P-prince yuki and princess y-y/n?" tohru stutters. She hasn't heard about the whole prince and princess thing. Well she had but she only thought it was yuki, not y/n.

" Prince yuki and princess y/n corporals!" minagawa yells at the other fanclub members.

" Never steal the prince and princesses personal effects!" girl 1 says

" Never invade their homes!" Girl 2 says

" Never speak to the prince or princess unless someone is present!" Girl 3 says

" 'Prince yuki and princess y/n' is the club dedicated to worshiping, loving and protecting, The prince and princess who had graced our school with their presents" Minagawa states to tohru, getting all up in her face. "Honda, You have publicly signed your revolt against our well disciplined club! Now let's have a clear explanation of why!" Minagawa yells at tohru, who is scared out of her mind.

These fangirl and tohru didn't know that the two people the conversation was about were just right around the corner listening in.

Then Y/n and yuki walk away when they see tohru's 2 friends sticking up for her. 

It was nice seeing that someone stood up to their fangirls and boys. Most of the time they have no boundaries and got really annoying.

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