less give it a chance

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Y/h/c= your hair colour

Ted's pov

I look down at her blushing and let out a small chuckle as I look down at her y/h/c hair looking so soft and so beautiful in the golden sun. Every time I look at her I feel more and more traped in her beauty almost like a trance I never want to get out of. I hold her tighter and tap her on the back and say "come on I'll make pancakes". I hear her groan as she sits up with a 'annoyed' face obviously trying to make me feel bad. I smile as I kick my legs over the sofa so I'm sat next to her and stand up. I give her my hand to help her up. When she stands up I drag her to the kitchen "let's goo" I say trying to sound cheerful and energetic. I turn my head to see a smile creep on her face that fills my stomach with butterflies. I grab the ingredients and the equipment. After a few minutes we finally had a big plate of fluffy pancakes ready for everyone to enjoy.

Y/n's pov

I was so happy with our pancakes and I look over seeing the bowl we used for the batter and wipe my finger against the side gathering some on my finger. With my finger slightly hidden from ted view I see him go to grabs plates and forks. I wipe my finger with the batter on it on his nose and giggle while stepping back a little scared of the pay back that would be unleashed upon me. Ted turns around mouth wide open and revenge teasing the corners of his mouth. He puts the plates on the side and grabs the batter bowl and starts to chase me. I dash away running up stairs and entering a random room praying he wouldn't see me. I press my back against the door grinning and trying to be quiet. "What are you doing?" I hear a voice say from my left. I look over to see schlatt with a confused look on his face. "Oh um me and ted made pancakes and I wipe batter on his nose so he started chasing me". He rolls his eyes with no care in the world. " Ima steal your pancakes bye" he says will starting open the door moving me away with his other hand. As he opens the door ted was standing outside he wiped batter on schlatts face. His face went blank as I howled with laughter. Ted pegged it down stairs schlatt chasing him before eventually tackling him to the ground. I stood the laughing till my ribs hurt.

Time skip

We eat our pancakes that where delicious while people files out of rooms. Until I feel a tap on my shoulder. Ted asked me to speak in private. I nod and follow him in to the misfits merch room.

3rd person pov

Ted takes y/n by the hands and takes a deep breath. "Hey .. are you okay" y/n says. "Listen y/n I have thought about doing this for years now.. and I just need to get this of my chest....I....I like you y/n your cute hair your beautiful y/e/c eyes, your just perfect in every way I understand if you don't feel the same but this was eating away at m.." ted got cut of by y/n's lips pressed against his "oh thank God you said something I feel the same way ted" y/n said pushing away from the kiss. They hear clapping and a wave of cheers from the door . They look over and see everyone cheering and clapping for them.

"Hey I posted the pictures by the way" schlatt says like it was nothing.

The end

632 words.

Thank you so much for reading I will continue to write more books send me suggestions have an amazing day bye bye. Thank you<3

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