The Chronicles of Narnia: The Island of Desparia

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"Mami! Mami!"

I smiled at my children's smiling faces.

Geoffrey and Cora.

Yes, Cora.

After my mother, it seemed appropriate. This little Cora could live the life my mother had never been able to. My baby, Cora, would be with her true love forever and she wouldn't leave him for anything. She would be loyal to him and I would love him with her.

Like my own son.

And Geoffrey, my little boy. I would love him and pray with Edmund that he'd make a good general for an army. Not that Narnia had battles but we still like training and gaining skills on all practices.

Even the more dangerous ones.

I brushed Geoffrey's brown hair out of his face, he smiled at me.

Cora tumbled around, her own curly brown hair getting in her face.

Unfortunately, they both looked like me.

Well, I was hoping Edmund and I would have another baby and maybe it could have Edmund's looks. I wouldn't mind another one of his faces' around here.

A knock came at the nursery door, "Come in." I called softly.

Edmund walked in.

"It's late." he chuckled, "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm playing with my kids." I replied, innocently.

"Why don't they go to bed and you play with me?" he asked, with a stupid look on his face.

I hit his shoulder.

"Your so gross." I spat, half laughing.

"Sorry. Sorry." he laughed.

"I'll see you later, alright?" he mumbled, kissing my cheek.

"Fine " I said not looking away from Geoffrey, who played in my lap.

As soon as he left I helped Cora to sit down and she looked at me with big green eyes.

"Oh Cora, isn't Daddy such a moron?"

Cora didn't understand me, she was only one.

But she giggled, then vomitted a little.

"Oh! Yucky!" I said turning away and putting Geoffrey on the floor before helping her wash up.

I got up to get a towel to clean her up when I looked back I saw them playing around with a rattle. I still couldn't believe they were mine. We were Narnian even if my silly husband didn't work out (kidding!).

"You two will be the most wonderful little prince and princess of Narnia...


Hey everyone!

This is the sequel to my first Narnia story: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Untold stories!!!

And I know this isn't much of a prologue, but the 1st chappie is super long!!!

Please comment and vote!!!!! :3

Also, I put up a picture of Geoffrey and Cora! I know that's not what Narnians would WEAR. But it was hard to find a good one. Hope you like it!

Thx! :D 



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